Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 856: Key Battle Sixteen Markarth Fortress Capture Inner Ghost and Tianyi Mercenaries

The two armies have been fighting for more than 200 hours, and Dion's army was forced to retreat another 200 kilometers, less than 400 kilometers away from the Markas Fortress.

The damage ratio of the two sides has expanded a lot, reaching 7:1.

The reinforcements from Dion's army gradually decreased, and some of the frontline Dion's troops had even begun to retreat, returning to Fortress Marcus.

Dion's army was left with the last Black Sword Royal Knights. This news began to spread to the Dion's army fighting on the front line, and the morale of the entire army had fallen to the bottom.

More than half of the bases around the Markas Fortress were occupied by the Mie Weng troops, which affected the supply of the Markas Fortress.

Yelisaud received a report from his subordinates, and basically knew who the traitors inside the fortress were, and the Tianyi mercenaries who had sneaked in had already grasped 90% of the whereabouts of the people.

At present, some of them have been secretly arrested.

Yelishod was in his office, sitting in his chair and looking at the documents.

In front of him are 10 guards, and between them kneels a blond man.

His name is Balzac, and he is Lieutenant General of Dion.

Salamander also knew Balzac, the younger brother of Barbaros.

"My eyes seem a little dazzled. I really didn't expect General Balzac, who has been with me for so many years, to be one of the traitors."

Balzac lowered his head and didn't say a word, he knew that it would be useless to say anything else. He had been with Elisaud for many years, and he knew what kind of person Elisaud was.

At that time, his elder brother followed the eldest prince, and he chose the second prince because he knew very well that the second prince was much better than the eldest prince, and the eldest prince was not capable except for the matrilineal family behind him.

After that, his stupid brother was fascinated by a subjugated princess, and finally escaped from the Martian circle in desperation. After that, he didn't feel sorry for his brother's fate, thinking that his brother was to blame.

Now he chooses to betray the second prince because he knows that the Dion Empire is coming to an end and he must make plans for himself.

"Balzac, I can give you a chance to tell all the information you have, and I can let you live."

Balzac knew that it was Yelisaud who gave him a way to survive, and it was because Yelisaud had followed him for many years.

Balzac told everything he knew in detail.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Careyd."

Balzac knew that the second prince had given him a new identity, allowing him to start a new life.

Kai Ruide left the second prince's office under the leadership of the guards.

One of the remaining guards came to Yelisaud and asked, "Second Prince, do you want this man to..." making a gesture of cutting his throat.

Elisaud raised his hand and said, "Forget it, let him live."

A series of actions took place at Fort Marcus at this moment, and those traitors were captured one by one.

Many of the Tianyi mercenaries who sneaked in had already been arrested. Some activated the bombs they had installed, but found that they could not be activated.

It turned out that it had been dismantled by the internal Dion Army special forces.

Some of the Tianyi mercenaries who were found to be under arrest immediately activated the bombs or opened the grenades on their bodies, and directly hugged the members of the special forces who were about to arrest him and died together.

Some undiscovered Tianyi mercenaries stood still and waited for observation.

The matter of the undiscovered Tianyi mercenaries has changed, and it is different from the plan. Immediately start another corresponding plan.

Some of the undiscovered Tianyi mercenaries activated the bombs they installed in order to divert their attention.

Parts of the Markas Fortress were damaged by bombs.

Inside the Marcus Fortress, the first level of internal security was immediately activated.

The undiscovered Tianyi mercenaries began to carry out plans b, c, and d according to their own judgment.

"Meilan, Doris, Hawke, and others have all been arrested. You implement plan b, and I implement plan c."

"Understood, Doshir, be careful."


Doshir is invisible in his Spartan Suit Type 2.

Currently hiding on the top floor of a tall building in Fortress Markarth.

The Marcus Fortress covers an area of ​​more than 13,000 square kilometers, which is much larger than the other important fortresses that the Mie Weng troops had laid down earlier.

At this moment, Doshir used the telescopic function of the covering helmet to check the movement of the target.

The target is Major General Batala, the commander of the Second Army of the First Army of the Fortress of Markas, and one of the important staff officers that Markas wants to be in.

Fortress Marcus was able to recapture the surrounding bases because of the command and transfer of the major general, and even the defeat in some parts of the battlefield was also due to the major general.

Doshir had previously eavesdropped on their communications and knew that Major General Batala was going to a location that happened to be on the route of his building.

Dohill rigged his long-range sniper gun and waited for a target to come within range of him.

Doshir knew very well that once he fired, no matter whether he failed or succeeded, he must flee the scene immediately.

At present, in addition to turning on the stealth function, the whole body is also covered with a camouflage cloak, including his sniper rifle, which is also covered with a camouflage canvas.

Because once the fire is fired, the heat generated will definitely attract the attention of the drones that are investigating or checking in the sky above.

Doshir was now making final adjustments to the sniper rifle.

The target's car has come within range, and the telescope cannot find the target in the car, because the target's car has undergone special treatment, and it is impossible to detect the target's location.

"Damn it, you can't use penetrating bullets, you must use high-explosive bullets." Doshir immediately replaced the penetrating bullets with high-explosive bullets.

Doshir made a series of calculations, immediately interacted with the trigger, and sniped the target with one shot.

The hit vehicle exploded violently, and the whole vehicle rolled over. The surrounding guards immediately got out of the vehicle, rushed to put out the fire, and rescued the general.

Doshir didn't take a closer look at all, but immediately put the sniper rifle in place, and hurriedly fled the scene, because the high temperature of the barrel of the sniper rifle had attracted the attention of the drones that were investigating in the sky above.

Doshir jumped directly from the top floor of the building. He used the long line hook in his left hand to glide several times in the sky.

At about the same time, explosions occurred in several locations, killing several defenders on patrol.

The moment Doshir landed, suddenly an ominous premonition came from behind, and he rolled over immediately.

A set of nets was drawn right where he was.

Doshir immediately turned his head to look back, and there were 3 Dion soldiers in white-covered armor looking at him.

Doshir was well aware of his cloaking in the anti-cloaking features of their covered helmets, seeing him clearly.

Doshir immediately activated the small propeller on his back to patrol in another direction, and then drew out his pistol to attack the enemy in an instant.

Three special forces covered in white armor immediately counterattacked with rifles.

Doshir immediately borrowed a nearby bunker to avoid enemy bullets.

Suddenly there was a gunshot, and a special soldier covered in white armor fell to the ground. It turned out that there was a sniper.

"Doshir, leave the scene quickly, I'm leaving too."

"Cui Jie, it's you."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!"


Another special soldier hurriedly dragged his injured colleague to hide in the bunker, and the last one opened the telescopic shield with his left arm to defend.

Another shot hit the retractable shield, but the bullet did not penetrate the retractable shield.

Soon drones and patrols arrived at the sniper site, but the sniper was long gone.


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