Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 850: Key Battle 10 Gale Strike Gundam, Storm Duel Gundam, and Hailburst Gundam

Nali drives the Gale Strike Gundam with both hands holding the "Wingsaw" ship-chopping knife, and uses the shoulder thrusters to give the body a powerful thrust in multiple directions.

Nali is very good at hitting short distances. She is equipped with two 75mm multi-barreled short-range defense weapon systems on her neck. She uses her shoulder thrusters to quickly avoid enemy attacks, and the multi-barrel short-range defense weapons fire beams to counterattack.

Then, quickly approach the enemy.

Nali locked on a Night Huntress.

The Night Huntress uses her shoulders to launch a beam cannon, attacking the Gale Strike Gundam.

Hayate Strike Gundam uses the shoulder thrusters to rush towards the Night Hunter with high maneuverability and kamikaze style of close-fitting light beams.

Gale Strike Gundam quickly approached, and Night Hunter immediately drew out two giant beam sabers and slashed at Gale Wind Strike Gundam.

Gale Strike Gundam made a dodge to avoid the attack of the two beam sabers.

The Wingsaw Slasher chops the Night Hunter's chest armor, and collects the Night Hunter's armor data at the moment of contact with the cut energy shield, and can change the frequency according to the material of the target, quickly generating the number of cycles of the Night Hunter's armor Vibration, so as to obtain excellent cutting ability, easily cut through the armor of the Night Huntress.

The Night Huntress driver did not expect that a solid big knife could easily cut through the armor and cause serious damage to the machine body.

The driver had no choice but to press the escape button, and the night hunter popped out an escape sphere, which could roll away from the scene like a ball if it was on the ground.

But Na Li didn't give the other party a chance to escape, and the wing-saw sword directly split the escape sphere in half, and the split sphere exploded into a cloud of fireworks.

Nali looked coldly at the cloud of smoke on the screen, let out a cold "hum", and then looked for the next target.

Ever since her husband was killed by the spies of the Dion Empire, Nali has only had a deep hatred for the Dion Empire, the motherland where she was born.

After entering the circle of Mars, Nali searched for her parents and her parents-in-law. After some searching, she found that her parents were embarrassed by the Dion Empire authorities because of her relationship, and other new humans also made things difficult for her father. (new human beings), and the mother is an ordinary human being, who also encountered a series of embarrassments, and the couple were also scolded by countless netizens on the Internet.

Because the parents couldn't bear a series of difficulties and pressure, the couple committed suicide.

After the father-in-law and the mother-in-law married a new human woman as their wife because of their son, they were arrested and sentenced to death by shooting because they could not find a son.

After Na Li got the news, she became more and more resentful towards the Dion Empire. As long as she had a chance, she would never show mercy to any Dion army.

Like the original Dion Emperor who she encountered in the same way, she was merciless to her former compatriots, killing each other with a knife.

The Rainstorm Duel Gundam is also driven by the former Dion Empire, the difference is that the driver is an ordinary male human.

The Rainstorm Duel Gundam held a 57mm high-energy beam rifle and fired continuously to destroy several Scorpion Tigers in the form of scorpions.

Then, with his left hand, he pulled out the beam saber mounted on his knee, and with a wave of his left hand, he cut a scorpion-shaped scorpion tiger that was charging towards him in half.

The high-energy beam rifle in the right hand is matched with a 175mm grenade launcher, firing upwards to shoot down a winged bird in bird form.

The Rainstorm Duel Gundam then switches the weapon with the left hand to the 115mm Shiva Magnetic Cannon.

Rainstorm Duel Gundam holds high-energy beam rifles and magnetic cannons in both hands and fires in different directions one after another, cross-firing and extreme-moving shooting.

Artillery fire and light beams must have penetrated or bombed the target, and many Ms were destroyed.

The Rainstorm Duel Gundam was originally a Ps armor, but Long Fei modified it into a VPS armor, which not only has excellent immunity to live ammunition weapons, but also has good resistance to some energy weapons.

Storm Duel Gundam and Gale Strike Gundam originally used ultra-compact energy batteries as their power source, but Long Fei modified it with a special third-generation Minovs super-energy thermonuclear reactor.

Let these Gundams fight for a long time, not only these two Gundams, but all Seed Gundams that are powered by batteries must be replaced with a special third-generation Minovs super-energy thermonuclear reactor.

Because the Minov particles of the Minovs super-energy thermonuclear reactor can be immune to neutron disruptors, Long Fei boldly used the Minovs super-energy thermonuclear reactor.

After solving a few Ms, Storm Duel Gundam found that Gale Strike Gundam was fighting with a special black and red holy machine.

Gundam Gundam duel in the rain to switch weapons, 350mm "Gun of Greed" rail rocket launcher, standard black and red special holy machine.

When it was separated from the Gale Strike Gundam, the Storm Duel Gundam fired a rail rocket.

The black and red specially made holy plane pilot fought for a long time, which made his spirit a little slack, and his reaction was delayed by half a beat when a sense of crisis came.

Although he dodged, the rail bazooka pierced his left side into pieces.

There was no damage to the cockpit, but countless electric sparks emanated from the damaged parts.

The black and red special holy machine also lost most of its mobility, and the Gale Strike Gundam Wingsaw Zhanjian immediately cut the opponent in two.

Nali took a look at Duel Duel Gundam, and went to the next location to find a new target.

When Storm Duel Gundam was also preparing to go to the next location, Hailstorm Storm Gundam suddenly appeared in front of him.

The driver of Hailburst Storm Gundam is also a former Dion Army, an ordinary human female.

Hailstorm Storm Gundam turned on the mirage system and disappeared.

The Rainstorm Duel Gundam pilot understands that the Stormstorm Gundam is ready for its next destination.

Hailstorm Storm Gundam came to a higher mountain forest area, and the blood red team, 5 kilometers away from itself, was fighting with the Mk3 team.

Hailstorm Gundam uses a 350mm launcher to notify its colleagues before conducting long-distance bombing.

The two teams that were fighting fiercely, the sudden bombardment caused the two teams to evade immediately.

After the Mk3 team received the communication notification from the Hailstorm Gundam, they understood that this was artillery support from their colleagues, and attacked the Blood Red team while evading.

Hailstorm Storm Gundam killed two Blood Reds under a round of artillery fire, and then used 220mm six-connected missile pods to launch high-explosive missiles.

After launching all the high-explosive missiles, Hailstorm Gundam turned on the mirage system again to move to the next position.

The blood red team was bombed one after another, and lost some airframes, leaving 6 blood red units.

Looking at the original Mk3 team with 6 blood reds, there are still 12 Mk3s without losing one.

The captain of the blood red team immediately ordered to retreat, and the Mk3 team immediately pursued after receiving the notification from Hailstorm Gundam.

The stealth Hailburst Gundam launched an attack immediately after the target entered the effective range of the 120mm triple-mounted anti-ship Vulcan gun and the 94mm high-energy converging fire rifle, intercepting the retreating blood red team.

Moreover, this round of bombing was a sneak attack, and a blood red was shot down in an instant.

The Mk3 team chasing after caught up to the target, and then teamed up with Hailburst Storm Gundam to kill the remaining 5 blood reds.

Hailstorm Storm Gundam turned on the mirage system again to go to the next location.


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