Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 823: psychological tactics

Media reporters from various countries filmed how the Tianyi mercenary group dealt with the Dion army preparing to fight with them outside different urban areas.

Numerous drones were dispatched, and the drones did not have any weapons attached to them, but projection cameras and broadcasters.

Moreover, the screen projected by the drone is the residents of those villages and towns and the prisoners of the detention center.

"Mom, come back, Dad is back."

"Honey, stop fighting, surrender, our family can be reunited."

"Daughter, come back quickly. Your family is waiting for you. Your husband has already returned."

"Grandpa, come back quickly, father and mother are back."

"Son, stop beating, everyone is waiting for you to come back."

Originally planning to fight the women's army in the streets (and a few male soldiers), most of them lost their fighting spirit after hearing the shouts from their family members.

Because, hearing the shouts of family members, this hits her (him) the softest part of their hearts. They are ordinary people, and in the end they were forced to join the war to protect the country. They are more afraid of death than anyone else. Every day, I worry about the enemy calling and miss my family every day.

This battle plan was proposed by Salamanda. Salamanda, including many generals, knew that these ordinary people who were forcibly conscripted had no combat capabilities at all, and were just pure cannon fodder.

They are not opponents of the Tianyi Mercenary Group with rich combat experience. If the Tianyi Mercenary Group really makes a move, basically these people are just giving away their heads.

However, Salamanda, including Long Fei, also did not want the Tianyi mercenary group to have unnecessary killings.

Therefore, the proposal from Salamanda was approved by Long Fei and most of the generals. These ordinary people with weak will to fight could let them lay down their weapons and surrender when they heard the call from their family members.

In addition to reducing the killing of the Tianyi Mercenary Group, it can also reduce hatred.

There are many militant and bloodthirsty members in the Tianyi Mercenary Group, but thinking of those ordinary people who have been forcibly recruited and have no combat capabilities, they also lose the desire to fight and kill, because killing those who have no fighting will can even To be said to be a defenseless person, to many Tianyi mercenaries, is not an honor at all, but a shame.

Then, the drone broadcaster sent an explanation from the Tianyi mercenary commander: "If you don't want to fight, you can go out of the city and hand over your weapons to us. If you have relatives in the places we occupy, we can arrange to send You go back to your hometown and let your family reunite, if not, we can arrange for you to go to a prisoner camp."

At the beginning, many Dion troops in the city were very hesitant. Many Dion troops wanted to go outside the city to lay down their weapons and family members.

However, the superior had issued an order not to surrender, anyone who dared to escape from the city and surrender to the Tianyi mercenary group would be shot immediately if found.

But countless drones have been broadcasting the voices of their loved ones, as well as photos and videos, watching their tearful family members begging them to come back.

The softest part of many people's hearts made many people unable to bear the desire to put down their weapons and rush to the city to surrender to the Tianyi mercenaries.

But no one dared to rush out of the city and surrender alone. Some secretly discussed with their colleagues whether they should rush out together.

Although the commander ordered to shoot down those drones, the drones like a swarm of bees couldn't shoot down all of them. There were even many huge broadcast speakers outside the city that played the voices of those family members in an infinite loop.

Four hours later, a military vehicle quickly broke through the checkpoint and rushed to the location of the Tianyi mercenaries.

The Dion army at the checkpoint took the rocket launcher and aimed at the military vehicle and fired. The moment the rocket launcher was about to hit the military vehicle, a mercenary wearing external armor [war armor] Tianyi mercenary descended from the sky and directly blocked the rocket launcher with an energy shield.

Many drones in the city just played that scene.

Many Dion soldiers in the city watched the live projection screen played by the drone.

When the Dion army sent some mobile suits and drones to hunt them down, the Tianyi mercenaries also sent mobile suits, fighter planes, and drones to intercept them.

In the end, the Dion military vehicle that rushed out of the city safely arrived at the location of the Tianyi mercenary unit, and four women got off the military vehicle.

Tianyi mercenaries immediately asked the names of the four women and their hometowns, and immediately arranged for the four women to return to their hometowns.

And it was live and filmed throughout the whole process. Many Dion soldiers in the city hid in bunkers and watched the projection screen of the drone.

When the four women returned home in their respective helicopters, they were escorted by Ms and even a mass-produced Gundam Delta Plus.

When the first woman's helicopter landed in her hometown, her parents, husband and two children welcomed her back, and the family embraced and cried.

Then, there were Tianyi mercenaries presenting food to the woman and her family, congratulating them on their family reunion.

Then the second, third, and fourth women also returned to their hometown one after another, all in the same situation, reuniting with their families.

This directly broke the defenses of many of the city's forced conscripts from Dion's army.

Many even stopped attacking drones, and more put down their weapons, shouting to go home.

At the scene, although the commander and other soldiers fired into the sky, they were warned not to surrender.

Although some locations deter these Dion troops who want to go home and reunite with their families.

But there were more places where the Dion army was forcibly recruited, directly attacked the commanders and their colleagues who stopped them, and then fled the scene immediately.

There are even some checkpoints where the Dion army gave up their posts and escaped from the city to surrender to the Mie Weng army, hoping to be reunited with their families.

There are still some levels where the Dion army is allowed to surrender to the Weng troops along with the fleeing colleagues.

When many war reporters from all over the world used remote-controlled drones to shoot from above, in addition to many Dion troops rushing out of the city to surrender to the Weng troops.

However, there are also some Dion forces driving Ms and mobile fortresses to fire warnings and deterrence.

The Exterminating Weng troops outside the city did not take other actions, but accepted the Dion troops who surrendered, and then arranged for them to go home. Of course, some of them simply surrendered and sent to the prisoner camp.

The Dion army in the city who was unwilling to surrender used force to deter other colleagues who wanted to surrender, but it was only effective for a short time.

At night, many Dion troops sneaked out of the city at night and surrendered to the Mie Weng troops.

When we went to the soldiers early the next morning, we found that the number of soldiers was small.

Another day later, when the counting of soldiers continued, the number of soldiers was even smaller.

The commanders of the cities also understand that if this continues, the Mie Weng troops will lose most of their soldiers without launching an attack or paying a single soldier.

At that time, the remaining colleagues who are unwilling to surrender will basically be unable to resist the attack of Mie Weng's troops.

The Weng Destroyer troops won the city with the least cost.

The commander could only abandon the city he was guarding and retreat to the rear. Some city commanders even conducted an investigation on the remaining subordinates.

As long as those soldiers who were occupied by the Tianyi mercenary group in the villages and towns, the commander would give them the choice to disarm and surrender out of the city, or follow them to retreat to the rear.


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