Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 1023: The blue spiritual current suppresses the purple spiritual current

The Sky Winged Army soon gave Yi the title Super Violet for the holy violet machine with a trial version of the spiritual booster.

A super violet holy machine, which is taking revenge from its colleagues, is dealing with a death knight.

Efficiency Mode With the combination of the trial version of the Spirit Amplifier, the performance of the entire body is improved by 100% in all directions.

Although the death knight turns on the EXAM system, it has a double blessing of greatly increasing the performance of the enemy and greatly improving the driver's mental ability.

The death knight is also unable to hit the extremely fast Violet Holy Machine even with the wired artillery.

The extremely fast speed of the super violet holy machine can still leave afterimages. The death knight's wired cannon, beam rifle or shield's mega particle cannon not only can't hit the violet holy machine, even the mobility of the floating cannon has been improved a lot few.

Super Violet Holy Machine pilot's mental control of 12 floating cannons. Under the driver's mental control, the floating cannons can move with high maneuverability, moving like falling leaves to avoid beam attacks, and even every beam attack passes by the floating cannons Can't hit.

The 12 floating cannons dance like elves, and can fire like ballet dances. The death knight can't hit the target at all.

Even all 6 wired control cannons were shot down, and the super violet holy class even dared to rush in front of the death knight to fight.

Wielding a giant beam saber on the extra robotic arm, the Super Violet Holy Machine flashed and left afterimages, and a pair of giant beam sabers just hit the afterimages.

The death knight driver immediately controls the stick, turns around and switches the beam saber with his right hand, and swings the sword at the opponent.

A wave of the beam saber just hit the afterimage.

An alarm sounded from the cockpit, and a pair of mechanical arms were cut off by the Super Violet Holy Machine.

The death knight wanted to retreat with all his strength, but the opponent was faster than him.

The propeller on the back was destroyed by the opponent's shot. The Super Violet Holy Machine grabbed the back of the death knight's head with one hand, twisted the head instantly, and the beam saber in the right hand pierced through the opponent's cockpit.

The pilot of the super violet holy plane suppressed most of the enemy planes in the trial version of the spiritual booster and booster mode, and even suppressed some Ms directly under the army.

The damage ratio reaches 1:3.

Generally, the Violet Holy Machine fought back and forth with most of the opponents. On the contrary, most of the Ms who dealt with Long Fei's direct troops were suppressed by the opponents.

In particular, the Tiehuatuan's Leaky Shadow, Lion Electric and other airframes can suppress the general Violet Holy Machine. It's not that the performance of these mechas is better than the Violet Holy Machine, but that the nano-layer armor makes the Violet Holy Machine difficult to start.

Because most of the weapons used by the Violet Holy Machine belong to the energy system, but the nano-layer armor has extremely high immunity to energy weapons.

This makes it very difficult to deal with the Violet Holy Machine, even the Super Violet Holy Machine is also difficult to deal with Tekkadan's body.

The physical weapons of the Violet Holy Machine are only a saber on the back waist and a wrist knife built into the arm.

Unless the weapons mounted on the Violet Holy Machine's mount point, shoulders and thighs are missiles or some real system weapons, they will basically be restrained by Tekkadan's body.

A Lion holds an ax in its right hand, a shield in its left hand to resist Violet's beam weapon, and the propeller behind it is fully activated to rush towards Violet.

Violet wanted to retreat, but was attacked by a diffuse particle cannon with mental power as high as MkⅡ, blocking its retreat.

Lion Electric is almost not afraid of its own beam weapon hitting it by mistake.

The lion charged in front of the target, and the ax in his right hand slashed down. The wrist knife built into Violet's right arm popped out to resist. The moment the two physical weapons collided, violent sparks burst out.

Shiden raised his right hand again and slashed down, Violet could only raise his arm to resist, Shiden raised his right arm again and slashed down with the axe, continuously raising and slashing.

Violet can only resist it all the time, and the mental power Gundam Mk2 behind it continues to block its escape route with diffuse particles, and flies out ten fingers from its arms to launch the ring cannon to cross-shoot it.

The 8 floating cannons are further divided into groups of 4, and the protective cover function is activated on the left and right sides of Violet to resist the ring cannons that come from the cross attack.

The protective cover resists the bombardment of the Ring Cannon, and each hit of the Ring Cannon creates waves of ripples on the protective cover.

The driver was uneasy, the protective cover of the continuous bombing would not be able to hold up, the lion electric ax in front of him continued to slam down, and the wrist knife on the right arm had been cracked under the display of the instrument.

When Lion Electric slashed the ax for the ninth time, the wrist knife shattered directly, and the ax directly slashed on Violet's chest, causing violent sparks and scars to appear on the chest.

Violet immediately opened the protective cover on the shield in her left hand to resist Shidian's tenth ax attack, but the energy protective cover could resist it.

The Violet Holy Machine immediately took out the physical saber from his waist, and stabbed Shi Dian in the chest.

The shield in Shidian's left hand blocked the chest of the machine, and when the physical saber pierced the shield, there was a spark.

The driver of the Violet Holy Machine was a little annoyed. There were no weapon devices mounted on the shoulders and sides of the thighs. The driver regretted why he didn't equip weapons, and now he was in a mess.

To make matters worse, another Leaky Shadow pounced on it, attacking it back and forth, two against one, making it too embarrassed to escape.

Now three against one, the driver has a premonition that the countdown to his death has begun.

The Niu Gundam HWS equipment type and the Zitiangang Holy Machine confront each other less than 5 kilometers apart.

The blue spiritual airflow suppresses the purple spiritual airflow, and the purple spiritual airflow emerging from the fuselage of the Purple Sky Gang Holy Machine can barely float around the body and behind.

The blue spiritual airflow is like an army attacking the city, gradually eroding the domain of the purple spiritual airflow.

Many war reporters live broadcasted the current state of the two.

Everyone could see that if there were no changes, Dikla would definitely not be able to defeat Long Fei, and it would only be a matter of time before he died at Long Fei's hands.

Dikla sensed Long Fei speaking to him.

"Dikla, originally I wouldn't make things difficult for you, since you are the few descendants left by Fadis, if you spend the rest of your life on the peaceful side like your aunt, I won't hurt you, in front of you In the face of Fardis, you have a chance to live, but you have to go all the way to death."

"Hey, Long Fei, you took away my country and killed my most beloved grandpa. You are so hypocritical and you will let me live. As the eldest grandson of Fardis, I have the obligation to take back Mars and restore the country .”

"Fadis, before he died, he asked me to entrust the whole Mars to me, because he knew very clearly that as long as I can stay on Mars, I can protect the people on Mars, especially the new humans, and what do you have? The ability to protect the new humans of Mars, even if I hand over Mars to you now, can you protect the new humans?"

"..." Dikla was speechless. He also knew that his ability could not protect the new humans of Mars at all. human safety.

However, Dikla was unconvinced in his heart, he could not accept Long Fei, an outsider, as the master of Mars.

"Long Fei, no matter what reason you say, no matter how high-sounding your words are, the Restorationists and I will not accept you. We just want to defeat you, overthrow you, kill you, and take Mars back. If we can't take it back, then we would rather destroy it." Mars, don’t take advantage of you either!”

"Okay, even if you said that, then I will help you, and I will send you to see your grandfather, and let Fardis teach you a stupid grandson."


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