Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 340 Lyrian Versus Drake II; Battle Of The Beasts

Chapter 340 Lyrian Versus Drake II; Battle Of The Beasts

As the atmosphere calmed itself, Lyrian gave Jalern's limp body a kick.

The high noble was sent flying off the platform, as Lyrian turned to face the crowd once again.

However, at that moment, he suddenly felt a warm, familiar feeling within his body.

This slightly threw him off, as he couldn't exactly describe it.

'What this? It's almost as though... someone is thinking of me. Someone dear to me.'

He furrowed his brows, slightly confused. However, he quickly shrugged it off and moved on.

"Who is next?" He exclaimed to the crowd, finding himself looking at Silandra.

She was one of the four leaders of the four waiting room groups, after all. 

So, it was only befitting that she fought him next.

She was also the next strongest person in the room that Lyrian could see.

As soon as they made eye contact, Glis stepped forward.

"Don't think of me as some pawn that you can step over!" She yelled from afar with her arms crossed.

"Are you willing to challenge me?" Lyrian directly stated.

Another hush fell over the crowd as all eyes turned to the girl.

"I..." Glis paused, slightly feeling the pressure of the moment.

"I know I can beat you, but I'll spare you for today."

She quickly turned her head to the side and closed her eyes, "Hmph!"

Lyrian smiled slightly, "I guess not..." 

Although her words said the opposite, everyone knew why she didn't want to fight him.

Lyrian was proving more and more to be a beast. A monster. A damn devil even.

No one wanted to fight him at this point, and that's when someone who had been waiting for this moment stepped up to the plate.

Both Linus and Drake took a step forward toward the platform.

The heads of everyone in the crowd quickly turned toward them, in slight shock.

They were apart from each other but moved at the same time.

They also looked at each other in slight surprise, noticing that they decided to move at the same time.

"You go first," Drake said, taking a step back.

"No. I want the ants to be cleared before I slay the wasp." Linus calmly exclaimed, also taking a step back.

An impressed sound quietly reverberated through the crowd as he said this.

"Fine by me. I'll take down the wasp before anyone else can get a shot at him." Drake smirked, jumping onto the platform.

Linus didn't react whatsoever, simply staring at the arena where Lyrian and Drake were now facing each other.

This moment was quite exhilarating, and even a bit scary. 

As the two MVPs faced each other down, the aura in the room was completely different from when Lyrian fought Masvidal and all the others.

It was a different type of feeling now, a different atmosphere. A pretty damn scary one at that.

It was clear that both opponents understood and even somewhat respected each other's powers.

This was going to be a real fight... which made it even more exciting.

"According to Linus' words, If you agree I'm a wasp, then you are an ant. However powerful an ant may be, you still aren't beating a wasp."

Lyrian quipped with a smirk.

"Whatever I may be, I'll--"

Drake was suddenly cut off.

"I will be the one to beat your ass," Lyrian said, taking Drake's words right out of his mouth.

"Hah! Alright... let's see you try," Drake exclaimed, as he glanced at Lyrian's Jade pendant.

"Oh, are you worried about this?" Lyrian said, lifting the pendant.

"Don't worry about it. I won't use it here." He snapped the pendant off of his neck and stored it inside his ring."

Drake was slightly taken aback, 'I'd expect him to not use it, but at least keep it on as a precaution. Is he that confident that he will defeat me?' He mused in slight surprise.

To the crowd, this came across completely differently.

None of them knew that Lyrian had attempted to use his pendant when fighting Drake last time.

So, all that seemed to happen here was Lyrian being extra cocky.

It wasn't a good thing to be cocky, but here, as long as Lyrian didn't lose, whatever he did was good.

No one could question him, and no one could really go against him.

He had proven himself today. 

Still... going against Godfrey Drake was another story.

'No matter how strong he is with high nobles, an Imperial Royal is another story. They are of the strongest family in entire kingdoms, full of hundreds of millions of people. Each generation is stronger than the last nowadays, so Drake is no joke.'

A few kids began to think to themselves.

Most of the mental votes about the winner of this fight were still on Drake.

After all, even though Lyrian had proven himself here today, Drake had been proving himself since he was born.

He was always on the world stage, unlike Lyrian, who only got a small taste of it now.

"Well then, shall we begin?" Lyrian exclaimed with a smirk.

Drake answered back with a grin, "Hell yeah."

The arena crackled with tension as Lyrian and Drake faced each other, two titans ready for an epic clash.

Their eyes locked, a silent agreement that words couldn't convey—the anticipation was palpable.

Lyrian unsheathed his obsidian blade, a glint of anticipation in his eyes. 

A whisper of surprise rippled through the crowd as he did. 

For the first time, they saw the blade that he was refusing to unsheath.

Drake equipped his dragon claw and empowered it with mana, "Art Of The Emerald Dragon: True Claws."

He flexed it, each movement a testament to the formidable strength he wielded.

"Art Of The Emerald Dragon: True Eyes."

As he said this, his eyes flew open with a powerful green aura now outlining them.

The initial exchanges were a blur, a dance of blades and claws, a symphony of metal meeting dragon power.

Sparks flew as they tested each other's limits, a delicate balance hanging in the air.

"You're more skilled than before," Drake remarked, a smirk playing on his lips.

Lyrian retorted. "Let's see if you can keep up."

The dance continued, neither giving an inch. Each strike and parry was met with a counter, a relentless exchange that kept the crowd on the edge of their seats.

Then, Drake's eyes glowed with an intense dragon fire.

His dragon claw ignited, flames dancing along its edges, amplifying the power within.

"This is where it gets interesting," Drake declared, lunging at Lyrian with newfound vigor.

Lyrian, feeling the surge of power, met Drake's assault head-on.

The clash resonated through the arena, a display of raw strength and skill.

But as the battle unfolded, it became apparent that Drake had pushed Lyrian to the limit--at least, to the eyes of the crowd.

"Emerald Dragon; Reensroth, bestow upon me your divine strength, so that I may prosper,"

Godfrey closed his eyes for a split second, as they suddenly flew open.

In a moment of revelation, Drake unleashed a devastating move, a culmination of his dragon eye and claw powers.

"Dra-tal first formation!"

In an instant, vines of green aura grew out from his True Dragon Eyes and True Dragon Claws, making their way to his back. 

Suddenly, a pair of large and powerful green wings sprouted from his back. With this, his power increased by leaps and bounds.

He swiped his claw, sending three powerful blades of fire toward Lyrian.

Lyrian blocked the attack with his blade. The sheer force threatened to overwhelm Lyrian, pushing him to the edge.

With lightning reflexes, Lyrian retreated, dodging the brunt of the attack.

But the shockwaves reverberated through the arena, leaving an indelible mark on the spectators.

As the dust settled, Lyrian stood firm, his obsidian blade gleaming in the aftermath.

A defiant smile played on his lips, a silent declaration that he was far from defeated.

"You're not the only one with tricks, Royal," Lyrian declared, a glint of determination in his eyes.

In a surge of energy, Lyrian exclaimed, "Panda Kung-Fu Third Form: Monkey."

The arena trembled as his power reached new heights, a fusion of martial prowess and mystical energy.

Lyrian's aura now completely shifted from before.

The clash resumed, but this time, it was Lyrian who took the lead. His movements were a blur, his obsidian blade a streak of darkness in the air.

Drake, caught off guard by Lyrian's newfound strength, slightly struggled to keep pace.

'So this is what he thinks I'm worth? Third form?' Drake mused in surprise, disappointed.

The crowd watched in disbelief as Lyrian overwhelmed the Royal, a peasant proving to be an unstoppable force.

The shockwaves of this battle echoed far beyond the arena, reaching the corners of the entire graveyard.

"If you think that the third form of your technique is what I'm worth, try defeating this!

As soon as he shouted this, his arms and body grew even more. His wings stretched out, expanding in size.

Starting from his palms, scales began to cover his hands all the way up to his shoulder, and then his chest.

Two small horns grew from his head, as his canines stuck out and his pupils formed into slits.

"Dra-tal! Second formation!"


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