Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 27 Manga? This is a fishy story, but it's still very interesting!

Chapter 27 Manga? This is a fishy story, but it's still very interesting!


"Uncle Nako..."

"Who do you call Uncle, brat girl, call me Big Brother!"

A man in black glasses who appeared to be in his forties walked out of his house. he had a mustache and a small beard and dressed as a doctor, even his house looked like a clinic of some sort.

"Ah!… Yeah, yeah, big brother Nako, ahm… I need some money, can you lend me?!"

Teenage Bell-mère spoke with some embarrassment in her tone.

"What? Do you need money? Didn't I give you the weekly living quota that your father left for you, just two days ago!!"

Uncle Nako was the village doctor and a true friend of the late father of Bell-mère, so he was the one to take care of her for the time being until she came of age. She was a lonely girl after all.

"It's finished..."

"What?! It's finished!! It was 20,000 berries, did it all expire in two days? What did you do with the money, brat girl!"

Uncle Nako wasn't really angry, but he still needed to right the daughter of his late brother before she could become an adult.


"I finally got my money from that impudent old man."

She put 3000 Berry into the pocket of her navy coat and walked to her house that a little farther from the homes of the other villagers.

Bell-mère was very nervous these days, since the opening of the mysterious store two days before by that pedantic angel, everyone in her village and even other villages was different from the usual.

Even that lunatic mayor Genzo became addicted to the so-called manga book.

She even heard him tell the village guys that his favorite character is Nami!

Who the hell is this Nami?

They were talking all the time about terms like "Luffy did this and he did that...". "Zoro cut this and he cut that...". "Nami tied this and she stole from that...". "Ussop lied on this... and deceived that...".

Shanks... Makino... Foosha Village... Koby... Alvida... Clown Buggy... The Box Man... Kaya... Kolohador who later became Captain Kuro... Going Merry...

Bell-mère had almost gone mad at all this, everyone seemed to be having fun without her, as soon as they walked into that damned store they were completely different from the dear villagers she knew.

"Manga? That just sounds very suspicious to me."

"No, I won't allow that evil angel to pollute my people's minds anymore, I have to first find out what's in those manga volumes that look so interesting... Well, now it's time to investigate."

Returning to the house in front of which there was a small garden of haven't grown up yet tangerine trees, Bell-mère took a quick shower and changed into feminine clothes, and then used a piece of cloth and she put it on her head to hide the already visible features of her face.


Bell-mère looked in the mirror but she found no mistake, she was completely disguised as no one could recognize her.

Or at least that's what she thinks.

After leaving the house, Bell-mère crept into the art store, which was filled with people from all villages.

The people of Cocoyasi village in the art store looked at her with strange and pensive looks that soon turned into happy smiles.

Bell-mère was horrified the moment she entered the store, it seemed as if she had entered another world, how the hell could the inside of this store be so big unlike it looks from the outside...

Even if she had a bit of knowledge about Devil Fruits from her late father, it didn't mean that she could absorb such a thing, which wasn't even because of a Devil Fruit in the first place.

Had it not been for the omnipresent directional signs, Bell-mère would have been lost in this big department store.

Bell-mère went to the manga sales section, which has hundreds of tall shelves, and bought 3 volumes of one-piece manga, which has been the reason for everything that has happened to her people so far.

Before that, she had wanted to take the volumes without paying, but she couldn't withdraw them no matter how hard she tried, only when she left the money on the shelves with an unwilling expression that she was finally able to withdraw them.

(A/N: For those wondering where did Nami learn theft...)

Once she had bought what she wanted, she ran like a rabbit from the store and didn't stop until she got home.

After resting for some time, she took the first volume and embarked on the journey of addiction that will completely change her life.

Bell-mère didn't know or did not feel that at this moment the laws of fate around her shivered and began to vibrate, turning into nothingness.


"This... This..."

"Where's the next chapter?!"

"Who is the author of this?!"

"I have to sue him for making me yearn so badly..."

Bell-mère didn't know what to say after reading the manga volumes, she didn't even feel it, but she was smiling, laughing, crying, and reacting with all her emotions to the story the whole time while reading the three volumes , just like any teenager her age who read one piece manga for the first time.

Although her dream is to become a Navy just like Koby, this doesn't mean that she didn't like pirates like the Straw Hats, she loved them very much.

"But why do I have the feeling that this Nami looks so much like me?!"

Bell-mère was really confused, Nami was very similar not only in terms of looks but also in terms of behavior and nature. She wasn't the only one who noticed this but almost all the Cocoyasi villagers who had read the manga.

"...well, it's fishy but that's really fun, ah, I want more of this."

"Hmm, so you want more of my book, brat little girl."

"Ahhh!!! Who are you?!"

"It's you..."

Bell-mère's little heart almost stopped by fright because of Rob.

"You terrified me! What are you doing in my garden!! How do you know where my house is in the first place?"

Although Belle-mère no longer hates Rob as much as she did the first time, she is still wary of him.

He was a stranger with great powers, after all, her late father had instructed her to be wary of abnormal people in this world.

And Rob was one of those abnormal people her father had warned her about them.

"Why are you so wary of me, little girl?! You needn't to be so careful of me, I'm a married man and my woman is already one month pregnant, so I wouldn't covet a little girl like you. I don't want to be the FBI on my tail again after I finally managed to escape from them…"

Teenage Bell-mère looked at Rob in utter confusion because she didn't understand anything he said... What is the FBI?! And did he mean her in his words when he said she was a little girl?! Who is a little girl!! She's 16 already, her boobs have grown so much that she's secretly feel excited for herself... Fuck him.

"Well... Forget what I said earlier."

Rob's eyelashes twitched as he saw the weeping tsundere expression.

"This island is not the only one where I have an art store, I came here to work and to make people happy, that's all."

Rob's goal was to make this little girl consider him her older brother and remove all mistrust between them.

So he was really speaking from his heart, Rob had always liked the female characters of One Piece in his past life, especially the characters with tragic fates like Bell-mère. If he had the ability he would definitely save them all.

Bell-mère looked at Rob with a stern expression, but then her former expression vanished, Rob's words already affected her, she herself knew that she was just so suspicious. this man was only here to sell his books.

"I'm... Sorry! About insulting you earlier."

Bell-mère took all her courage to offer up this small apology, after all, her tsundere character doesn't allow her to apologize to anyone. If Rob wasn't the author-san he wouldn't have received such an unprecedented honor.

If the villagers saw this scene, their eyeballs would explode in shock.

They will wonder what in the world happened?!

"Hahaha, no need to apologize, I didn't think of that as an insult in the first place."

"So you're married and your wife is pregnant, hmmm, that's going to be exciting news for these one-piece fan club."


A/N: Hope you enjoy!


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