Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 14 Level 3 of the system, and opening the second art store!

Chapter 14 Level 3 of the system, and opening the second art store!


[Ding! +1000 Exp!]

[The system has been upgraded!]

[Level 3 of the system: 0/5000]

[+8 Dimensional Art Store]

[Art stores available to use: 1/13]

[The compatibility feature has been added to the Art Store]

[From now on any living creature can harmonize with your store and its items, no matter how its size, a big giant or small dwarf, even a blind person can regain their sight in your store! The moment a giant or dwarf approaches the art store will become a normal human size, the items he buys in the store will be proportional to his size when he exits the art store as well. With the attribute of compatibility, even gods can transform into mere mortals in your store!]

"What an amazing feature!!"

"As I expected, the higher the level of the system, the more and more authoritarian the features of the art store became."

Even a blind man can temporarily restore his sight inside the art store under the influence of the compatibility attribute! This was simply too much.

Rob was satisfied with the new feature, that even giants and dwarves of this world could become his clients, the hell, even huge sea kings could enter his stores if they wanted to.

Rob was currently in a bar in downtown Baterilla and had already decided to set up his store nearby.

But before that he must first contact the mayor of this town and buy the plot of land legally, after all, he is not a pirate anymore, he can only take what doesn't belong to him without caring for anyone.

This will only damage his image as a seasoned investor, and will be of little use to him.

Regarding his first art store in Ohara, that public garden where he opened his art store originally belonged to the Great Library, but Professor Clover didn't even want to accept his money for that piece of land, in Clover's eyes as long as Rob was drawing more of 'One Piece' he wouldn't even care if he took another plot of land.

After obtaining information about the mayor's house from the female owner of the bar who was fascinated by his charm, Rob hastily left, unwilling to mingle with these people any longer.

Baterilla Island had a temperate tropical climate, it was really great to live in.

Along the way, Rob consulted the locals about the mayor's house and was soon led there.

Rob then makes a deal with the mayor who is a cheerful old man, after learning why Rob came looking for him, he was surprised at first but quickly became happy. He was welcoming a young investor like Rob after all.

As planned, Rob bought the plot of land from the mayor for 5 million berries in the contract the two parties signed.

And now, It's time for magic!

Under the gazes of a small crowd of townspeople, Rob waved his hand and the void began to shrink and expand rapidly until it turned into an art store identical to the one in Ohara by all accounts.


"What just happened!!"

"How did such a building appear out of thin air?!"

All the people who were on the street were deeply surprised by the change that occurred in their surroundings.

After all, it is not every day that they witness such a magical event.

Even the old man the mayor was dumbfounded.

"You boy, you are a user of the Devil Fruit ability, right?!"

Rob looked toward the mayor with a smile and only gave a nod of approval.

[Ding! Congratulations on opening your second art store!]

[Do you want to keep or modify the original design?!]

(No, I leave it as is.)

[Want to buy the same items that are in your first store? (food vending machines, coffee makers, alcoholic beverages, etc.)]


[Do you want to fill your store shelves with manga items or not?]

(Put 10,000 volumes on the shelves and leave the rest in inventory.)

Rob used the store window system for some simple settings, before turning around to the crowd of townspeople that was getting bigger and bigger, as the storefront beacon was like magic, it could attract anyone, under the new compatibility feature boost, even the blind people they would be attracted here this time...!

Like a moth to a flame!

"Hello everyone, I'm Rob, a new investor in Baterilla Town, don't worry you can consider me your new neighbor from now on, because I've already bought my own plot of land from Mr. Mayor..."

Rob entered the gentleman's mode and he started throwing the nonsense here and there, the main point being that his nonsense was like heavenly music in the ears of these simple people at this moment.

What is their fault if they are listening to a high-level marketer from the 21st century, and not only that but someone who had shares worth billions in big companies, under false names of course?

He was such a person, he would even shine among the rocks, not to mention ordinary humans in South Blue.

Rob talks about what he will sell them from now on, manga and various other items in such a highly marketable way that stars are literally forming in the eyes of these simple residents.

They were excited to come in and experience the kind of art this divine store sold.

They didn't at all doubt the veracity of what the owner had said, after all, the shape of the divine store was something they had never seen before!

His attraction was too great after all.



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