Creating Heavenly Laws

Chapter 245

Chapter 245

The size of the internal world.

It is influenced by two aspects.

One is internal.

The other is external.

The internal factors include the strength of the body, the degree of comprehension of space rules, and so on.

Normally, the deeper the comprehension of space rules, the more core space models one understands, and the larger the internal world becomes.

As for physical strength? Significantly increasing physical strength in a short time is difficult.

But gradually enhancing physical strength over a long period until reaching the limit is not a problem.


For human eighth-rank evolvers, there is generally no issue with the body.

The external factors are some rare treasures related to space.

For instance, the extremely precious 'World Fruit' can forcibly enlarge the internal world when it is being developed.

However, this enlargement is one-time. If a peak seventh-rank evolver uses the 'World Fruit' for the first time, they can develop an internal world with a radius of several thousand miles.

For this internal world to continue expanding, the evolver's comprehension of space rules must improve to a corresponding level.

That is, surpassing the level of an internal world with a radius of several thousand miles.

But now—

Lin Yuan's comprehension of space rules has not significantly improved.

Nor has he used such rare treasures as the 'World Fruit.'

Yet his internal world has doubled out of nowhere. This is simply astonishing.


Lin Yuan took a deep breath.

The internal world is the foundation of an eighth-rank evolver, even related to the ninth and tenth ranks.

When two eighth-rank evolvers fight, if one has an internal world of one hundred thousand miles and the other fifty thousand miles, if no other factors influence the battle, the outcome will be overwhelmingly one-sided.

The red liquid inside the gourd instantly doubled Lin Yuan's internal world, far more than just doubling his combat power.


Lin Yuan felt carefully for a while and discovered an even more shocking fact.

This enhancement is not just a simple increase but a fundamental one.

What is a fundamental increase?

A normal eighth-rank evolver's initial internal world is about one hundred miles in radius.

Then, they constantly comprehend space laws and enhance their physical strength. In theory, if they fully comprehend the space laws at the eighth rank, the internal world size will reach ten million miles in radius.

This is the theoretical limit for eighth-rank evolvers.

Few eighth-rank evolvers can expand their internal world to this extent. Fully comprehending space rules? Even some ninth-rank evolvers haven't done so, let alone eighth-rank ones. Lin Yuan's fundamental increase is not adding 700k miles on top of a ten million miles radius.

Instead, the theoretical limit for eighth-rank evolvers, in Lin Yuan's case, directly becomes twenty million miles in radius.

This effect will definitely not be limited to the eighth rank. When Lin Yuan reaches the ninth or even the tenth rank, he will gain a huge advantage over those of the same level.


"Truly incredible."

Lin Yuan's heart did not calm down for a long time.

Even he had never imagined that such a method to break racial shackles existed in the universe.

A ten million miles radius internal world is the shackle for human eighth-rank evolvers.

But for some special beings, the maximum size of their internal world exceeds ten million miles in radius.

For example, peak bloodline special beings like the Star Sea Kun. Such beings have a much higher upper limit for their internal world than humans.

But there's nothing that can be done about it.

Different species have different limits.

"This is only the first drop of the red liquid, and I haven't even fully absorbed it. There are six more levels of liquid. If I absorb them all, how large will my internal world's upper limit be? Tens of millions of miles? Or even billions?"

Lin Yuan's eyes shifted back to the grey-red gourd in front of him.

If the size of the internal world reaches tens of millions or even billions of miles.

Then even if Lin Yuan hasn't mastered any cosmic power, he could easily crush those invincible eighth-rank evolvers.

The so-called cosmic power merely greatly enhances an eighth-rank evolver's means, and a vast internal world does the same.

"This is an opportunity."

"This is an extremely precious opportunity. Even for the Strongest ones, it is very difficult to break racial shackles, let alone far exceed them."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

The Strongest ones are high above, transcending the universe, capable of causing permanent damage to the main world.

But that is for the Strongest themselves. If they were to break the limitations for other evolvers, it would definitely come at a huge cost.

"This gourd must not be disclosed." Lin Yuan made a decision in his heart.

He could inform human civilization about becoming a regular member of the Devil Jade Tower because it didn't affect him.

Whether it's one or ten members of the Devil Jade Tower, it makes no difference.

Moreover, it's impossible to comprehend three thousand three hundred and thirty-three evolution paths in a short time.

But Lin Yuan only has one gourd. If he tells the Goddess of Wisdom, and a Strongest one steps in to borrow it, should he agree or not?


Lin Yuan shook the grey-red gourd.

Then turned the mouth of the gourd downwards.


Another drop of red liquid gathered at the mouth of the gourd.

The previous drop of red liquid Lin Yuan consumed wasn't fully absorbed before his body turned to ashes.

To fully absorb the liquid, one must persist until the burning flame is extinguished.

Time passed.

In the blink of an eye, six months had passed.

On the main star of the Milky Way Star Domain, Lin Yuan sat cross-legged.

Inside him, faint red flames burned.

Terrifying power almost overflowed, capable of easily burning his blood, flesh, organs, and bones, forcing him to constantly use the 'rebirth from a drop of blood' divine ability. How could the power of that red flame be underestimated?

No one knew how much time had passed.

With a bang.

Lin Yuan's body turned to ashes.

In an instant, from the countless ashes, Lin Yuan's body quickly condensed, reborn.

"No wonder one must have the 'Blood Rebirth' ability to open the gourd. Without such an ability, daring to absorb the liquid from the gourd would cost countless lives."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Even with the rebirth from a drop of blood, Lin Yuan was now a bit tired. The ability is not infinitely usable; each use consumes some of his strength. Although it recovers quickly, frequent use is still taxing.


A smile appeared on Lin Yuan's face.

Over the past six months, most of his time had been spent absorbing the red liquid from the gourd. He didn't know how many times he had used Blood Rebirth.

But the effect was obvious.

Now, Lin Yuan's internal world had reached two million miles in radius.

It was three times the original 700k miles radius.

Normally, expanding the internal world to two million miles in radius would require comprehending three thousand core space models.

This is a necessary prerequisite.

But now, Lin Yuan had only comprehended just over two thousand core space models, corresponding to an internal world size of 700k miles in radius.

"I wonder how large my teacher's internal world is."

Lin Yuan thought silently. The Red Kun Star Lord's true form is the Star Sea Kun, and its internal world's upper limit should exceed tens of millions of miles.

But that's just the upper limit. Even for the Star Sea Kun, reaching the upper limit is rare.

Human evolvers need to fully comprehend space rules to touch the upper limit, and it's not much easier for the Star Sea Kun.

"Let's rest for a while."

Lin Yuan stopped cultivating, planning to go out for a walk.

At this moment.

The voice of the Goddess of Wisdom suddenly sounded.

"Respected Milky Way Star Lord, the Milky Way Star Domain has now stabilized. Shall we begin interstellar migration?"

"Interstellar migration?"

Lin Yuan was not surprised.

This star domain, the Milky Way Star Domain, was seized from the Shadow Clan by humans. Originally, it was the territory of the Shadow Clan.

Since it was the Shadow Clan's domain, naturally, it was populated by Shadow Clan beings, with no human citizens.

Lin Yuan came early to get familiar with the environment and resolve some unstable factors.

To fully transform this star domain into the territory of human civilization, a large-scale interstellar migration is necessary.

In the star domain, there are over 1.5 million habitable planets. Without a large human population residing on them, these planets hold little significance.

Resource planets also require many human citizens to manage, as frequent magnetic field fluctuations on some resource planets may cause issues with intelligent life forms.

Human presence is necessary to ensure no major problems arise.


Lin Yuan nodded.

The Milky Way Star Domain now desperately needed a large human population.

Red Kun Star Domain.

On an ordinary medium-level life planet.

A young man was bidding farewell to his parents.

"Son, our family can live peacefully here. Why must you migrate to such a distant star domain?"

The father looked helplessly at his youngest son.

For ordinary citizens, they might never leave their star system in a lifetime, let alone a star domain. The son's voluntary migration to the frontier star domain meant they might never see each other again in their lifetimes.

Ordinary citizens do not enjoy virtual world privileges.

"Dad, Mom, the universe is vast, and I don't want to be stuck on this planet forever."

"The star domain I'm migrating to is the Milky Way Star Domain, governed by our Thirteenth Peak Master."

"As a first-batch immigrant, I will have more opportunities, and maybe I can become an evolver."

"Then, I will definitely come back to see you."

The young man's eyes sparkled, not noticing his parents' sadness.

"Alright, alright, the boy has grown up. If he has his own ideas, let him go." The mother sighed.

"Remember to video call us when you get there."

The mother touched the young man's head and reminded him.

"I know, I know."

"The migration ship is coming."

"I have to go. Take care of yourselves."

The young man checked the time, turned around, and walked away quickly.

The two parents stood still for a long time, only looking away when the young man was completely out of sight.

Human civilization's territory expands every moment, so immigration is very common.

Migrating to a newly developed star domain has its pros and cons.

The downside is the living and planetary environment is not as stable and safe as in the rear star domains.

Some new star domains even face threats from alien beings.

But the benefits are clear.

The upward mobility channels are fully open.

In mature and stable rear star domains, human citizens can live well even without working, thanks to abundant social welfare.

But social classes are almost fixed. Unless one becomes an evolver or high-level citizen, crossing classes is difficult.

But is becoming an evolver easy? Not to mention a high-level citizen.

But these are relatively easier to achieve in newly developed star domains.

Various evolutionary paths to become an evolver and merit points for upgrading citizen levels will be made available to immigrants to encourage them.

Although not much, at least there's a way to obtain them.

Therefore, many ambitious human citizens are not opposed to immigration.

Red Kun Main Star.

Lin Yuan glanced at the immigration situation.

"Many citizens from the Red Kun Star Domain have moved over?"

Lin Yuan nodded slightly.

The Milky Way Star Domain is under the jurisdiction of the Thirteenth Peak Master of the Red Kun Star Domain. If they must migrate, it's better to move to the Milky Way Star Domain than to an unknown one.

Not to mention the possible care from the Thirteenth Peak Master, at least they wouldn't be mistreated.

"Human civilization's foundation in the universe lies in its vast population."

Lin Yuan thought silently.

Peak species like the Insect have very few true members. Most are Insect warriors produced by the Insect mother nests.

In battles between humans and the Insect, it's often one Insect mother nest against countless human evolvers.

The most terrifying aspect of the Insect mother nest is its ability to continuously produce Insect warriors, though it consumes a lot of energy and has no clear limits.

Even so.

In the wars between humans and the Insect, leaving out the top-level combat power of the Strongest ones, humans are merely suppressed by the Insect, far from being defeated.

What supports this? It's the large number of human evolvers.

And where do these human evolvers come from?

From an even larger population base.

Designation B520 Alien Battlefield.

The Yin primordial spirit disguised as an ordinary human eighth-rank evolver entered the human-controlled area of the battlefield.

On a medium-sized alien battlefield, eighth-rank powerhouses are very common. Even among eighth-rank powerhouses, there are significant differences between early, mid, late, and extreme stages.

Not to mention the near-invincible eighth-rank.

An invincible eighth-rank can dominate a medium-sized alien battlefield. Even if they are unlucky enough to encounter a ninth-rank powerhouse, they have a chance to survive.

"The permanent space crack on this battlefield reaches ten thousand meters, caused by the aftermath of a Strongest one's action 1.5 million years ago."

Lin Yuan's Yin primordial spirit eagerly followed the other human evolvers to the permanent space crack.


Lin Yuan saw the permanent space crack emitting terrifying spatial fluctuations.

"Let's see how much the breaking boundary source power can I accumulate."

Lin Yuan immediately focused his mind, carefully sensing the magnificent, towering Gate of Myriad Realms in his mind.

The space cracks on the previous small alien battlefields were between ten to dozens of meters.

After a while.

Lin Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, a look of joy on his face.


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