Creating Heavenly Laws

Chapter 242

Chapter 242

The matter of the Milky Way Star Lord hunting down special life forms and alien loners continued to ferment.

Even though it was speculated that the targets pursued by the Milky Way Star Lord were those causing serious damage to the environment within the star domain or those who liked to feed on the souls and bodies of living beings, it still caused panic among the remaining special life forms and alien loners.

"The Milky Way Star Lord is too domineering."

"The Red Kun Star Lord was the same, showing no mercy towards us special life forms."

"The Milky Way Star Lord is establishing his authority. Without such ruthless methods, how could he fully control this star domain in the future?"

Outside the Flower God Tribe, various special life forms and alien loners discussed.

These special life forms and alien loners did not have the 'virtual world' of human civilization, which allowed real-time communication without delay, but they did have their own means of communication. As long as they were within a star domain, basic communication was possible.

"So what should we do?"

"What else can we do? Surrender, of course. Are we going to go against human civilization?"

"Don't worry, everyone. The Milky Way Star Lord's cleansing methods indicate that he intends to fully control this star domain. We aliens can only choose to submit. But Lord Beifeng... will not surrender so easily."

A strong special life form spoke up.

"Lord Beifeng."

The other special life forms and alien loners quieted down.

As the former territory ruled by the Shadow Clan, the Milky Way Star Domain had many resident special life forms and alien loners. Among these, there was no shortage of eighth-rank powerhouses, and Lord Beifeng was undoubtedly the strongest.

He was an undisputed eighth-rank peak powerhouse.

Lord Beifeng came from the 'Golden Lion' clan, a powerful group in the universe. He traveled the universe and came to this star domain to prepare for breaking through to the ninth rank.

Eighth-rank powerhouses did not necessarily have to master some cosmic power to become invincible at the eighth rank to break through to the ninth rank. As long as they reached the pinnacle of the eighth rank, they had a chance to merge rules and break through to the ninth rank.

Lord Beifeng was at the pinnacle of the eighth rank.

However, at Lord Beifeng's level, external forces could hardly help him take that step. Therefore, he spent most of his time in seclusion, indifferent to external affairs. He belonged to the second category of special life forms and alien loners as classified by Lin Yuan.

"Lord Beifeng is very strong. The Milky Way Star Lord probably wouldn't dare to act recklessly against him, right?"

"Strong? Is he stronger than the Red Kun Star Lord? Is he stronger than human civilization?"

"Whatever the case, this is a matter between the Milky Way Star Lord and Lord Beifeng. We can only go with the flow."

The special life forms and alien loners discussed many things before dispersing. Regardless of the outcome of the 'negotiation' between the Milky Way Star Lord and Lord Beifeng, it had nothing to do with them. This star domain was destined to be ruled by the Milky Way Star Lord.

"I didn't expect to hide here and still can't quietly cultivate." A burly old man with golden hair sat cross-legged in the void, his aura merging with the starry sky, spreading out for millions of miles.

"A human peerless genius, entering the eighth rank before the age of a hundred, and now possessing eighth-rank peak combat power?"

This burly old man with golden hair was Lord Beifeng, at the pinnacle of the eighth rank.

"I can't afford to provoke, can't afford to provoke. Better find another place."

The burly old man with golden hair sighed, took a step, and disappeared millions of miles away with a ripple in space.

Although the Golden Lion clan did not belong to the human civilization alliance, they had no major hatred against human civilization. Lord Beifeng had no reason to have any conflict with the Milky Way Star Lord.

The fact that the strongest being in this star domain, Lord Beifeng, chose to leave voluntarily shocked the special life forms and alien loners. They had initially thought that with Lord Beifeng's strength, he would at least negotiate with the Milky Way Star Lord and leave only after gaining some benefits. But he left without a second thought.

Milky Way Main Star.

"The Golden Lion clan, Beifeng?"

Lin Yuan immediately learned of the news of an eighth-rank peak powerhouse leaving voluntarily.

"Quite cautious."

Lin Yuan smiled slightly. Although Lord Beifeng was strong, he was mostly in seclusion and had little influence on the outside world. Lin Yuan had not intended to act against him, but the fact that Beifeng cooperated so willingly pleased him.

"Now the entire Milky Way Star Domain has basically been cleared. There's no need for me to intervene further."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

As the Milky Way Star Lord Star Domain, Lin Yuan's primary role was to act as a deterrent, sitting at the main star and intimidating all directions. Managing the development of the main star and the star domain was not the star lord's job; it could be delegated to subordinates.

The Red Kun Star Lord spent most of his time either in seclusion or sleeping, yet the Red Kun Star Domain was fine with the three goddesses overseeing it. There were no major issues.

The two eighth-rank aliens given to Lin Yuan by the Red Kun Star Lord were meant to manage the main star and the star domain.

"Continue to cultivate and comprehend the Tao."

Lin Yuan closed his eyes. Whether on the main star of the Red Kun or the current main star of the Milky Way, there was no significant difference. Most of his time was spent in cultivation.

In another palace.

Red Skin, Green Eyes, Chun Bo, and Jia Li gathered together.

"Those aliens are so obedient. They come over when called without making any demands?"

Jia Li looked at the responses from the aliens and couldn't help but express his amazement.

For the Milky Way Star Domain to develop, stable trade channels had to be established, especially on the main star, which required various 'merchants' to settle.

And the first choice for these 'merchants' was naturally the indigenous aliens of the star domain. These aliens generally had their own skills and methods, like the Flower God Tribe's 'Flower God Wine,' which was quite famous in the nearby star domains.

Originally, to invite these aliens to settle, some concessions, like 'rent-free' promises, had to be made. But before they could even make these offers, the aliens cooperated proactively without daring to ask for any conditions.

"Hmph, after the star lord's cleansing, how could those aliens dare to disobey?" Red Skin and Green Eyes didn't find it surprising.

The Red Kun Star Lord had been even more domineering than Lin Yuan. Those indigenous aliens had to obey to survive.

However, Red Skin and Green Eyes, the two eighth-rank aliens, exchanged glances, still showing a hint of shock in their eyes. They were not surprised by the obedience of the aliens but by Lin Yuan's strength.

To assist Lin Yuan in controlling the Milky Way Star Domain as much as possible, they had prepared dozens of plans before arriving, including wooing and offering great benefits to quickly grasp the Milky Way Star Domain.

But now, none of their plans were needed. Lin Yuan's absolute strength had scared the aliens into submission.

Even though they knew that Lin Yuan had an internal world spanning 700k miles, with combat power almost reaching the eighth-rank peak, having such combat power didn't mean he could wantonly slaughter eighth-rank aliens. Eighth-rank aliens were not fools. Knowing they couldn't win, would they stay and be killed?

Lin Yuan easily subdued those eighth-rank aliens not just by his combat power but by his nearly flawless overall strength.

Time passed.

Two months went by in a flash.

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged, slowly perfecting his martial evolution path.


Everyone on the main star of the Milky Way felt a wave of scorching heat, like a blazing sun.


Chun Bo and Jia Li's expressions changed slightly.

They looked towards the source of the wave, which was the palace where the Milky Way Star Lord cultivated.

The void was filled with light and heat as if a mini-sun had appeared, and the palace seemed to transform into a small star.

"It's the manifestation of a fire rule!"

Red Skin and Green Eyes were excited. They knew very well what this scene meant.

"A fire rule manifesting, has the star lord comprehended a fire rule?" Chun Bo and Jia Li's eyes widened.

Comprehending a rule, even an ordinary one, was the domain of eighth-rank peak powerhouses.

Lin Yuan had entered the eighth rank not long ago, and although his combat power was not weaker than the eighth-rank peak, combat power and realm were two different things.

Having eighth-rank peak combat power might be due to a powerful evolution path, mastering a killing secret technique, or having other opportunities. But comprehending a rule could only be done by oneself. The Milky Way Star Lord comprehending a fire rule meant he had thoroughly mastered that aspect of power.

"Star lord..."

Red Skin and Green Eyes remained silent. Having spent a long time in Lin Yuan's internal world, they knew that the Milky Way Star Lord had reached an extremely deep level of understanding of space rules. But now, he had silently comprehended a fire rule as well?

Could it be that there really were beings in the universe who could grow from a day to a century or a millennium?

In the depths of the palace.

Lin Yuan opened his eyes, showing a satisfied expression.

"The rule of the yang."

Lin Yuan slightly raised his head, and the endless light and heat converged towards him, forming a thumb-sized 'yang' mark that finally merged into his forehead and disappeared.

"Unexpectedly, I comprehended the rule of the yang without realizing it."

Lin Yuan was delighted.

He had never intentionally studied the rule of the yang. But while perfecting his martial evolution path, his understanding of the yang rule and the yin rule deepened.

Lin Yuan's martial evolution path used the yin and yang of Tai Chi as its framework. As he perfected this path, his understanding of the yang and yin rules improved.

"This early comprehension of the yang rule is also related to the Red Kun Lineage's collection of many fire evolution paths."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

As the thirteenth peak master of the Red Kun Lineage, Lin Yuan had long comprehended the evolution paths collected by his lineage.

The Red Kun Lineage was most adept at the paths of fire and space rules, as their star lord, the Red Kun Star Lord, followed these two paths.

Therefore, most of the evolution paths they collected focused on fire and space.

This led to Lin Yuan being much more advanced in the yang rule than in the yin rule, and now he had even comprehended the yang rule first.

The rule of the yang is an advanced fire rule, symbolizing endless light and heat.

The invincible eighth-rank Lord of the Wan Yang Star Domain from the Human Civilization Alliance built his invincible path on the rule of the yang.

His signature killing move, 'Wan Yang Together in the Sky,' was something Lin Yuan still remembered and had used to create a series of yang rule-based killing moves.

"Comprehending the rule of the yang greatly enhances my combat power and the perfection of my martial evolution path."

Lin Yuan was satisfied.

"And since my path involves merging the rules of the yang and the yin, now that I've comprehended the rule of the yang, I'm not far from comprehending the rule of the yin."

Lin Yuan thought silently.

The so-called Tao of Tai Chi is about the complementarity of yin and yang. A strong yang would compensate for yin, and a strong yin would compensate for the yang.

This compensation was not just in terms of power but also in rule comprehension.

"Unfortunately, even if I comprehend both the yang and yin rules, the complete comprehension of the space rule is still a long way off."

Lin Yuan turned to study the space rule again. He had comprehended just over two thousand core space models.

According to human civilization's interpretation, comprehending seven thousand seven hundred and eighty-two core space models would mean comprehending the space rule.

But comprehending seven thousand seven hundred and eighty-two core space models was incredibly difficult. As a pillar rule, it almost represented the essence of the universe.

Even the Red Kun Star Lord, as a Star Sea Kun, a favorite of the cosmic space source, had not fully comprehended the space rule.

"Take it slow."

"I'm still young and have plenty of time to comprehend."

Lin Yuan reined in his thoughts. With his Unrivaled Insight, he had hardly encountered any significant bottlenecks on the path of rule comprehension.

Even the vast space rule would eventually be comprehended, given time.

If not for his current low realm, Lin Yuan would even want to study the time rule.

"I wonder what will happen if I comprehend the yin rule and then merge it with the yang rule?" Lin Yuan frowned slightly.

Pillar rules like space, time, and life required merging with ordinary rules as a prerequisite for advancing from the eighth to the ninth rank.

But since the yin and yang rules were not pillar rules, their merger would create the Tao of Tai Chi? Tai Chi rule?

So far, Lin Yuan had never heard of the Tai Chi rule.

Tai Chi was just his definition of the fusion of the yin and yang rules.

To form the final Tai Chi, the yin and yang had to merge in a fixed proportion, with no room for deviation.

Before comprehending the complete yin and yang rules, their fusion was not thorough, and the rule contact was not comprehensive, so it appeared to have no effect.

"There's no point in thinking about this now. I'll understand it once I comprehend the yin rule."

Lin Yuan closed his eyes and continued his cultivation.

With the complete yang rule, Lin Yuan's understanding of the yin rule accelerated significantly.

While Lin Yuan was immersed in his cultivation and the Milky Way Star Domain was developing rapidly, two figures silently appeared in the cosmic void outside the Milky Way Main Star.

"The main star of the Milky Way Star Domain."

The two figures, a man and a woman, appeared side by side, looking down at the vast planet below.


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