Creating Heavenly Laws

Chapter 235

Consciousness returned to reality.

In Lin Yuan's mind, scenes of his exchange with Xia Qin, the Strongest One, kept flashing.

"The Strongest One is too terrifying."

Lin Yuan exclaimed inwardly, realizing that even with just his consciousness incarnated in the virtual world, he could perceive the traces of his own spiritual will aging over the years.

"But the Gate of the Myriad Realms."

Lin Yuan was certain that Xia Qin, the Strongest One, hadn't sensed the Gate of the Myriad Realms at all.

Although he had only experienced seven transmigrations, Lin Yuan was clear about the immense value of the Gate of the Myriad Realms for human civilization.

If human civilization could control the Gate of the Myriad Realms, there would be no need for continuous warfare with other peak groups in the surrounding area.

Why did the Alliance of Human Civilization constantly incite wars? Resources.

It was all for resources.

In the vast expanse of the universe, resources were finite.

For human civilization to continue to develop, it had to continuously plunder resources.

And this inevitably led to conflicts with other peak groups, thereby sparking wars.

With the Gate of the Myriad Realms, however, human civilization could invade other dimensional worlds and obtain vast resources.

Lin Yuan was well aware of this, but he would never proactively disclose the existence of the Gate of the Myriad Realms to anyone.

Human hearts are inscrutable.

In the face of absolute interests, no one can guarantee what they might do.

Perhaps in the future, when Lin Yuan became the Strongest One or even surpassed the Strongest One, he would use the Gate of the Myriad Realms to open channels to other dimensional worlds, allowing the Evolvers of human civilization to expand their territories.

As for now, Lin Yuan would absolutely not reveal the existence of the Gate of the Myriad Realms to anyone.

This was Lin Yuan's biggest trump card.

The thirteenth Peak Master of the Red Kun Lineage advancing to the Eighth Rank was a sensational event in the Red Kun Star Domain and the Annan Star Alliance.

Especially since the Grand Peak Master had also reached the Eighth Rank before this, in a short period, the Red Kun Lineage had gained two additional Eighth Ranks, indicating a significant increase in its heritage.

As a result, the Red Kun Lineage decided to hold a grand ceremony to celebrate the birth of the two Eighth Ranks.

The celebration took place in the virtual world, and prominent forces or independent Evolvers with some reputation from the Annan Star Alliance and dozens of surrounding star alliances all rushed over, making it much grander than the ceremony held when Lin Yuan advanced to the Sixth Rank.

For the Red Kun Star Domain, the birth of another Peak Master was a big deal, but it didn't have much significance beyond the domain.

However, the birth of an Eighth Rank Evolver, especially one like Lin Yuan who was under a hundred years old, meant potential terror for the future of any force.

At this moment, not coming to congratulate meant missing the opportunity in the future.

"Is that the Red Maple Star Lord? Is that the Wan Yang Star Lord? Even the Golden Dragon Star Lord is here?"

"So many Eighth Rank Star Lords, even the Invincible Eighth Ranks have come, many of them."

"This scale is comparable to a Star Alliance-level celebration."

Guests whispered quietly. In their respective star domains, they were all prominent figures reigning over their own territories, but here, they were just ordinary.

At the celebration of the thirteenth Peak Master, only the Eighth Rank Star Lords could attract extra attention. As for Seventh and Sixth Rank Evolvers, there were too many to even notice.

"That should be the thirteenth Peak Master, so young."

"Yes, indeed. I wonder how he cultivated to reach the Eighth Rank at such a young age."

Countless guests were most interested in Lin Yuan. While the Grand Peak Master's advancement to the Eighth Rank was impressive, compared to the thirteenth Peak Master, it paled in comparison.

Lin Yuan sat with his family at one table, surrounded by other tables occupied by Star Lords.

"So many important figures."

Lin Yi glanced around. Thankfully, it was in the virtual world; the aura of high-level Evolvers was restrained. If it were in reality, as a low-level Evolver like her, she would probably feel uneasy with just a glance.

It was the oppression of the essence of life.

"Little Yuan, about this..."

Father Lin Shoucheng sighed. His son was indeed remarkable. He had thought that Lin Yuan becoming the thirteenth Peak Master of the Red Kun Lineage was already an extraordinary result. But now, Lin Yuan had reached the Eighth Rank, and he had done so before reaching a hundred years of age.

During this time, countless huge forces from other star domains, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, had contacted him.

Their purpose was to curry favor with Lin Yuan.

"Little Yuan, I heard that Eighth Rank Evolvers need to go to the border star domains to preside. Is it very dangerous?"

Mother Lin Qiong whispered, her tone revealing concern.

"It's a bit dangerous, but I can handle it."

Lin Yuan smiled.

The one going to the border star domains was Lin Yuan's original body. As for the Yin and Yang Spirits, one was in the Alien Battlefield, and the other was on the main star of the Red Kun Lineage.

They were quite safe.

The method of splitting into avatars required the original body to be present to resurrect the avatars.

If the original body fell, then all the avatars would fall as well.

But Lin Yuan's Martial Soul was not strictly a split.

There was no need for the original body to be present to condense the Yin and Yang Spirits.

Even if the original body fell, the Yin and Yang Spirits could recreate the physical body using the method of Tai Chi creating everything.

Of course, with the martial skill "Blood Rebirth," Lin Yuan didn't need to go through all that trouble.

"Disciple, come over here for a moment."

At that moment, the Red Kun Star Lord's voice rang in Lin Yuan's ears.

"I'll be back in a moment."

Lin Yuan got up and greeted his parents.

"These few are my good friends. I wanted to introduce you to them." The Red Kun Star Lord was chatting and laughing with several other Star Lords.

Upon seeing Lin Yuan approach, he immediately introduced them.

"This is your little disciple."

"Truly terrifying talent, an Eighth Rank under a hundred years old. Old Red Kun, you're really lucky, aren't you?"

A Star Lord spoke up.

When Lin Yuan first advanced to the Sixth Rank under a hundred years old, most of these Star Lords admired Old Red Kun's adeptness in guiding his disciples.

But now, with Lin Yuan advancing to the Eighth Rank under a hundred years old, the tone of all the Star Lords changed, believing that Old Red Kun was just lucky.

Several Star Lords even had envy in their eyes when they saw Lin Yuan, thinking that if they had such a disciple, they wouldn't be any worse off than Old Red Kun.

And indeed, it was true.

Old Red Kun knew his own business.

His guidance for Lin Yuan was really minimal.

Aside from material resources, Old Red Kun's guidance had not exceeded five times.

"Hahaha, what's wrong? Luck is also a kind of strength. Don't accept it? Then you find a disciple like this too."

Old Red Kun was in a good mood. Instead of refuting, he took pride in it.

The celebration lasted for several days.

Lin Yuan soon resumed his cultivation.

"The Eighth Rank Path of Martial Evolution focuses on the fusion of rules."

Lin Yuan thought quickly in his mind, with a large number of insights surging in his mind. The gains from comprehending that fragment of the body were now fully transformed into heritage, driving Lin Yuan to continuously open up the Eighth Rank Path of Martial Evolution.

"The fusion of rules must include a core rule. I will merge the Space Rule with the Yin-Yang Rule."

The foundation of Lin Yuan's martial arts cultivation was the Yin-Yang and Tai Chi principles.

Therefore, in the fusion of rules at the Eighth Rank, it was natural for him to merge the Yin-Yang with the Space Rule.

This was the path of martial evolution that had been set since the Second Rank and Third Rank.

Of course, other martial evolutionists didn't have to do the same. They could follow their own paths, not limited to Yin-Yang principles.

After finishing his cultivation for the day, Lin Yuan began to inventory the gifts given to him by other evolutionists.

Since the Red Kun Lineage was holding a celebration, most of the participating evolutionists would express their congratulations to some extent.

Especially for the thirteenth Peak Master, whose potential was limitless, why wouldn't they invest now? If they waited until the thirteenth Peak Master became invincible at the Eighth Rank or even at the Ninth Rank, would they still have the chance?

Although investing now was just icing on the cake, it was better than not investing at all.

"All the gifts together amount to about one hundred and fifty thousand universal crystals."

Lin Yuan was in a good mood. This was much more than the gifts he received when he advanced to a Level 7 Citizen.

When Lin Yuan advanced to a Level 7 Citizen, he concealed his true identity, and many evolutionists were unwilling to invest too much.

But now, advancing to an Eighth Rank Evolver under a hundred years old, which evolutionist would dare to underestimate this gimmick?

"With my current universal crystals, plus the income from several other things, it's close to two hundred thousand universal crystals."

A smile appeared on Lin Yuan's face.

Universal crystals were the universal currency , and they not only had monetary value but also practical value.

Two hundred thousand universal crystals exceeded the wealth of most ordinary Eighth Rank pinnacle evolutionists.

Of course, for most Eighth Rank evolutionists, their wealth was concentrated in weapons and treasures, and the quantity of universal crystals was not the main focus.


Lin Yuan looked up, gazing outside the hall.

"Thirteenth Peak Master."

Lin Yuan walked out of the hall and saw a thin man standing there.

"You are?"

Lin Yuan looked at the thin man, slightly surprised.

This man's appearance was extremely similar to the Vice Tower Master Nalan, who had recently destroyed a large area of the Black Abyss Secret Realm with a snap of his fingers.

Of course, Lin Yuan had determined through the video that the other party was at least a Ninth Rank Evolver, with a high probability of being even stronger.

After all, the Black Abyss Clan also had five or six Ninth Rank powerhouses, but in front of Vice Tower Master Nalan, those five or six Ninth Rank powerhouses didn't even dare to leave the secret realm. They could only watch as Vice Tower Master Nalan shattered a large area of the secret realm's edge.

Until the insect race powerhouse came to support, Vice Tower Master Nalan stopped and left.

"The Tower Master asked me to give this to you."

Vice Tower Master Nalan smiled slightly and handed a metal box to Lin Yuan.


Lin Yuan's expression was solemn as he took the metal box.

"The Tower Master values you greatly. I haven't seen the Tower Master treat a junior like this in a long time." Vice Tower Master Nalan smiled faintly and then disappeared directly.

"Vice Tower Master Nalan."

Lin Yuan's thoughts turned. Vice Tower Master Nalan should be the Vice Tower Master of the Evolution Tower where Xia Qin, the Strongest One, was stationed.

"The Evolution Tower where Xia Qin is stationed is thousands of light-years away from the Red Kun Star Domain. Even if continuous wormhole were used, it would take hundreds or thousands of years to arrive. Vice Tower Master Nalan arrived in less than half a month."

Lin Yuan was somewhat astonished.

"It is said that after comprehending the complete model of the Space Rule, one will master extensive teleportation abilities. With one teleportation, hundreds or thousands of light-years are just a step away, but that is an ability that only Ninth Rank Evolvers can master."

Lin Yuan thought silently.

At the edge of human civilization territory.

Several formidable wills penetrated.

"Who exactly was it that noticed the talent of the thirteenth Peak Master of the Red Kun Lineage but didn't report it to the Insect Race Alliance in time?"

The strongest of these wills suppressed their anger.

If they had known that the thirteenth Peak Master could reach the Eighth Rank under a hundred years old, they would have paid any price to kill him before he reached the Sixth Rank.

If they killed him before the Sixth Rank, even the Strongest One wouldn't be able to resurrect him.

"Those few who didn't report it in time are the sinners of the Insect Race Alliance!" This strongest will questioned the other wills.

"I'm not sure either. General Panyong was responsible for the Red Kun Star Domain at the time, but he disappeared some time ago, and we couldn't find him no matter how hard we looked."

One of the wills immediately spoke up.

"Yes, us too. He just disappeared suddenly, and now we can't know why he didn't report it back then."

"Disappeared? How convenient," the strongest will clearly didn't believe it.

As long as the person involved couldn't be found, evidence couldn't be formed, and the Insect Race couldn't punish the corresponding tribe.

"I speculate that those few people were probably bought off by human civilization a long time ago, which is also a blow to us."

The third will spoke up immediately.

"Bought off?" The strongest will had no expression on its face.

"I will continue to report this matter. You few tribes, wait and see." The strongest will said, then dissipated directly.

Red Kun Main Star.

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged.

"This is the Divine Sealing Bead?"

"The treasure that can withstand the instantaneous attack of a powerhouse?"

Lin Yuan opened the metal box, and a colorless transparent bead slowly floated up.

It emitted an extremely gentle power, making Lin Yuan's soul feel as if it were soaking in a hot spring.

"Much more precious than the Eighth Rank soul defense treasure. Even the original Essence Gold given by my teacher can't compare to it."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

The original Essence Gold was indeed precious, with growth properties, but to grow to the level of a powerhouse, who knows how many resources would be needed.

And this Divine Sealing Bead should be a treasure at the level of a powerhouse. Otherwise, it wouldn't be able to withstand the instantaneous attack of a powerhouse.

It's worth noting that a powerhouse who masters the complete Time Rule can kill an Eighth Rank evolver without the other party even reacting. But this Divine Sealing Bead can forcibly seize a moment of time.

With that moment of time, Lin Yuan could choose to explode himself.

As long as he didn't receive the memory pollution from the powerhouse, so-called death, under the resurrection means of the powerhouse, was just a nap.

"With the Sun Spirit on the Red Kun Main Star, even if I encounter a powerhouse, I can directly end myself, and I don't need the powerhouse to resurrect."

Lin Yuan thought silently.

Anyway, if you can avoid death, why not?

After successfully refining the Divine Sealing Bead.

Lin Yuan began to consider what he would face next.

That is, to choose an edge star domain, and then go to guard it for five hundred years.

"Most Eighth Rank evolvers guard for far more than five hundred years. For example, the Red Kun Star Lord, who has been guarding the Red Kun Star Domain since he first reached the Eighth Rank and hasn't left until now."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

People have emotions, and evolvers are no exception.

"Let me see, which star domain should I choose."

Lin Yuan opened the map of the human alliance territory and carefully examined it.

The edge area where Eighth Rank evolvers are stationed will have the power to name it. The Red Kun Star Domain wasn't called the Red Kun Star Domain at first.

After the Red Kun Star Lord took over, it became the Red Kun Star Domain.

"Right here."

Lin Yuan's heart moved as he looked at a certain position on the map.


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