Creating Heavenly Laws

Chapter 217

Chapter 217

Help me buy a new computer :D /DavidLord


"Those privileges."

Lin Yuan carefully read the email sent from the Central Star Domain.

Every time a Lin Yuan citizen's rank advanced, he would receive blessings and introductions from the Central Star Domain.

Compared to sixth-level citizens, the additional privileges gained by seventh-level citizens were not many, but each one was significant.

Firstly, every seventh-level citizen would receive a seventh-rank evolution potion and a seventh-rank longevity potion gifted by the Central Star Domain.

The function of the seventh-rank evolution potion was similar to that of the sixth-rank evolution potion; after consumption, it could elevate one's physical body and soul to the seventh rank without any side effects.

Of course, this elevation was only at a basic level, as the abilities and insights gained by seventh-rank evolvers were not included.

The reason the Central Star Domain provided these potions was to consider that many seventh-level citizens might not have high evolutionary talents.

Throughout their lives, they might not be able to cultivate to the fifth or sixth rank.

The evolution potion served to compensate for this deficiency.

Although there was no insight into the rules, elevating to the seventh rank would at least extend one's lifespan to over a hundred thousand years.

Coupled with the seventh-rank longevity potion, every seventh-level citizen, even with poor evolutionary talents, could live for two to three hundred thousand years.

Human civilization valued every seventh-level citizen, hoping they would live longer.

It could also be considered as a reward for their contributions to human civilization, and perhaps, the longer they lived as seventh-level citizens, the more they could contribute to human civilization?

"A seventh-rank evolution potion."

Lin Yuan sighed softly. Such a potion that could elevate someone to the seventh rank without any drawbacks was something many powerful forces and families desired.

Not for themselves.

But for their loved ones or cherished descendants.

Unfortunately, so far, only the official human civilization could reliably provide such evolution potions.

As for other forces? The potions they provided to enhance one's strength mostly had some hidden dangers or risks.

"Automatically become a 'councilor' of the Star Alliance?"

Lin Yuan looked towards the second privilege of seventh-level citizens.

The Star Alliance was covering hundreds of surrounding star domains, including the Red Kun Star Domain.

Although the Star Alliance did not have absolute command over the Red Kun Star Lord, it had a relative degree of authority over its jurisdiction.

To become a 'councilor' of the Star Alliance was an achievement only for absolute figures, beings of the level of the Red Kun Star Lord, or the Golden Dragon Star Lord.

The star lords of ordinary star domains couldn't even gather two million merit points to elevate themselves to seventh-level citizen level.

Currently, there were fifty-six councilors in the Star Alliance, thirty-one of whom concealed their identities, while the other twenty-five were renowned figures in many star domains.

"Councilors of the alliance have the power of veto, which means they can veto any debate they find problematic, and wait for the next alliance assembly to reconvene."

"This veto power can be used up to three times on the same matter. After three times, it cannot be used anymore."

Lin Yuan glanced over the power of the alliance councilors.

This was mainly to prevent any councilor from causing trouble, but even so, it was quite extraordinary.

Of course, the reason why the Three Goddesses allowed the councilors of the alliance to have such power was because debates that occurred at alliance assemblies had little impact on the overall human civilization.

Or they didn't involve any bottom lines or red lines related to human civilization.

Regardless of who won or lost, the outcome was almost the same.

Apart from the aforementioned privileges, seventh-level citizens also had the right to reside permanently in the Central Star Domain, apply for the power to command a guard team with eighth-rank evolvers, the right to defend in the highest court, and so on.

Lin Yuan carefully browsed through them several times. With the status of a seventh-level citizen, if Lin Yuan were to apply for a position from the Goddess of Wisdom, he would at least become a governor on a main star in the Central Star Domain, with a high position and great authority.

Being a governor on a main star in the Central Star Domain was much higher in status than being a governor on the Canglan Star, and the two were simply not on the same level.

Even some eighth-rank evolvers were extremely eager to serve as governors on the main stars of the Central Star Domain. This was not only a matter of status but also a stable channel for acquiring merit points.

"Unfortunately, I'm not interested in management."

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly.

The position of governor required a great deal of time devoted to planetary management. Generally, only eighth-rank evolvers who had reached a bottleneck would be interested.

But Lin Yuan was currently in his golden age of cultivation. As long as he opened the eighth-level chapter of the martial path of evolution, it would be much better than taking any position as a governor.

"Respected seventh-level citizen Lin Yuan, do you wish to conceal your seventh-level citizen identity?"

The solemn and cold voice of the Goddess of Wisdom came through.

After becoming a seventh-level citizen, Lin Yuan's information would automatically appear on the list of councilors of the Star Alliance.

To protect the privacy of citizens, every seventh-level citizen could choose whether to conceal their identity.

Currently, among the fifty-six councilors of the Star Alliance, thirty-one had concealed their identities.


Lin Yuan nodded.

After concealing his citizen identity, the information displayed on the list of councilors would be the coded information Lin Yuan had set in advance.

It was 'Thirteen.'

Choosing the code 'Thirteen' was just a random decision by Lin Yuan. As for whether it would reveal his true identity, he had no such worries at all.

The Star Alliance encompassed hundreds of star domains and over tens of millions of life-bearing planets. There were countless things related to 'Thirteen.'

Even the most top-notch diviners, without a 'god's-eye view,' would not associate 'Thirteen' with Lin Yuan.

The two were simply not in the same league. One was a genius evolver, and the other was the founder of the path of evolution, specializing in completely different fields.

The official website of the Star Alliance.

A new name quietly appeared as the fifty-seventh councilor on the list.


This change immediately drew the attention of numerous evolvers and high-ranking citizens.

"What? The Star Alliance has gained another councilor?"

"An unidentified seventh-level citizen from some star domain."

"Of course it's from our star domain."

"Can your star domain even produce seventh-level citizens?"

Many evolvers discussed with curiosity.

Under the long history of the Star Alliance, only fifty-six councilors had been accumulated, so the sudden addition naturally aroused much curiosity.

However, most evolvers merely speculated for a while.

After all, councilors were too distant from them, figures towering over dozens of star domains, far beyond their reach.


Shi Feng, with a red nose, had just taken a sip of wine when he received a link from a friend. After clicking on it, he almost spat out the wine in his mouth.

"Oh my, could this be a coincidence?"

Shi Feng couldn't believe it. Didn't he have a friend named Thirteen?

"No way."

Shi Feng hurriedly contacted Lin Yuan.

In his personal space, Lin Yuan sat leisurely in a chair, listening to the sound of the nearby stream.

"Thirteen, I saw an additional name on the councilor list just now." Shi Feng asked nervously.

This matter was too incredible. Although it was highly probable that it was a case of having the same name, confirmation was still needed.

"Yeah, it should be me."

Lin Yuan said casually. Once becoming a councilor of the Star Alliance, there was no need to conceal one's virtual identity as long as it wasn't the true identity. After all, there were many benefits that the Star Alliance would actively provide. (People doesn't know that the online citizen "Thirteen" is Lin Yuan, not even Shi Feng, so he can casually say that he is a councilor using the online name)

Unless Lin Yuan intended to give up these benefits, he would ultimately have to interact with the outside world under the identity of "Thirteen."

"Is it really you, Lord Thirteen Thirteen?"

Shi Feng was dumbfounded. Even though he had already had such a guess before coming, he still found it incredible.

He, Shi Feng, had actually treated a high-ranking councilor as an equal?

"Let's talk about it."

Lin Yuan waved his hand.

"Yes." However, Shi Feng didn't relax at all.

If Lin Yuan were only a sixth-level citizen, he would dare to speak and laugh freely. But as a seventh-level citizen, it was a completely different social stratum.

Ninety-nine point nine nine percent of sixth-level citizens would never become seventh-level citizens in their lifetimes.

This included those eighth-rank evolvers.

"Lord Thirteen." Shi Feng was about to speak when suddenly his expression changed. After a few breaths, he paused for a moment and said cautiously:

"Someone from the Moonwatch Star Domain found me, asking if Lord Thirteen, is the same as the newly added councilor."

The official website of the Star Alliance was open to all citizens, and changes in councilors were definitely major events for the upper echelons of the star domains, which would affect the future layout of the alliance.

Naturally, people from the Moonwatch Star Domain were always paying attention, especially when a new councilor appeared with the same name as Lin Yuan's code, they immediately came to find Shi Feng for confirmation.

"Tell them."

Lin Yuan said casually.


Shi Feng respectfully responded.

"Lord Thirteen, someone from the Moonwatch Star Domain wants to see you," Shi Feng tentatively said.

"Let them in."

Lin Yuan nodded.

After a moment, a middle-aged man with a cold demeanor walked in.

It was the Star Lord of the Moonwatch Star Domain.

The Moonwatch Star Domain was not a very powerful star domain, and its Star Lord was just an ordinary eighth-rank evolver.

"Lord Thirteen."

The Star Lord of the Moonwatch Star Domain showed a slightly respectful attitude.

Regardless of Lin Yuan's strength, since he could become a seventh-level citizen, his status could be compared to those peak eighth-rank evolvers, so calling him "Lord" posed no problem.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Yuan looked towards the Star Lord of the Moonwatch Star Domain.

"Previously, my Moonwatch Star Domain cooperated with you, Lord, as long as you voted for my Moonwatch Star Domain, you would receive rewards. Now it seems that my Moonwatch Star Domain has been negligent, and the rewards given were too little."

The Star Lord of the Moonwatch Star Domain immediately said.


"Too little?"

Lin Yuan smiled mockingly.

The Star Lord of the Moonwatch Star Domain was more aware of the situation. The conditions he had given were aimed at Lin Yuan when he was a sixth-level citizen.

Now that Lin Yuan was a seventh-level citizen, if the Moonwatch Star Domain pretended to be ignorant, Lin Yuan would only vote one time, and he wouldn't do anything else.

Councilors also had the right to vote, and compared to sixth-level citizens, councilors had ten votes.


"Compared to Lord Thirteen's identity, it is indeed too little."

The Star Lord of the Moonwatch Star Domain said, "Lord Thirteen should know about the conflict between my Moonwatch Star Domain and the Golden Dragon Star Domain."

"I know a bit." Lin Yuan nodded.

The issue between the Moonwatch Star Domain and the Golden Dragon Star Domain stemmed from a resource planet. The border area between the Moonwatch and Golden Dragon domains was a place where only many dead stars drifted.

What are dead stars? They are neither suitable for human habitation nor do they contain any resources. Stars devoid of value are called dead stars. In the vast expanse of the universe, dead stars are the most common.

Whether dead or living, stars are not stationary but slowly shift position due to the gravitational forces of the cosmos. Among them, there was a dead star that drifted from the border area between the Golden Dragon and Moonwatch domains into the Moonwatch domain.

Afterward, people from the Moonwatch domain investigated and astonishingly discovered that this dead star contained precious resources. The value of fully exploiting it was equivalent to at least ten thousand universal crystals.

This attracted the attention of the Golden Dragon domain. Evolvers from the Golden Dragon lineage argued that since this dead star was once located in the border area between the two domains, it should be jointly managed, with the Golden Dragon domain receiving eighty percent of the stuff.

Naturally, the Moonwatch domain disagreed, asserting that since the dead star had drifted into their domain, it naturally belonged to them. Thus, the two parties began to dispute.

"The Star Lord of the Golden Dragon domain, taking advantage of his wide network, has proactively brought this matter to the Alliance Assembly. My Moonwatch domain can only keep inviting other sixth-level citizens," the Star Lord of the Moonwatch domain said softly.

"My Moonwatch domain is willing to pay two thousand universal crystals to invite Lord Thirteen to veto this matter and delay it as much as possible," the Star Lord stated his purpose.

The reason for the delay was that the resources on the resource star could be collected. The longer it was dragged out, the more resources the evolvers of the Moonwatch domain could gather. As long as they delayed past this Alliance Assembly, the Moonwatch domain was confident of collecting seventy percent of the resources before the next assembly arrived.

"Two thousand universal crystals," Lin Yuan remained unchanged. This reward was already acceptable; the legacy left by the eighth-rank evolver Ouyin contained only one thousand universal crystals.

"If Lord Thirteen feels it's too low, then three thousand universal crystals," the Star Lord of the Moonwatch domain gritted his teeth.

Even if they successfully collected seventy percent of the resources, it would probably only be worth seven thousand universal crystals. Considering various costs, the Moonwatch domain would at most receive six thousand universal crystals. Giving Lin Yuan three thousand universal crystals was already quite sincere.

"No problem," Lin Yuan nodded.

"Thank you, Lord Thirteen," the Star Lord of the Moonwatch domain breathed a sigh of relief.

The Star Alliance had a total of fifty-six councilors. Excluding those who were not often seen, there were only about a dozen who regularly participated in the Alliance Assembly.

Among these, the Star Lord of the Moonwatch domain couldn't invite a single one, either because they were unwilling to offend the Star Lord of the Golden Dragon domain or for other reasons.

Golden Dragon Star Domain.

Main Star of the Golden Dragon.

The Star Lord of the Golden Dragon sat on the golden throne, his consciousness connected to the virtual world.


"The Star Alliance has gained an additional councilor? Codenamed 'Thirteen'?"

"This Thirteen, why does it sound so familiar?"

The presence of the Golden Dragon Star Lord was extraordinary. Upon a closer thought, he confirmed that 'Thirteen' was the same as the mysterious sixth-level citizen who had offended him, as Jin Tianzhao had confessed to him.

"A coincidence?"

The Golden Dragon Star Lord pondered for a moment and immediately began to inquire.

"Not a coincidence, this new councilor is indeed the same as that 'Thirteen'."

The Golden Dragon Star Lord immediately felt trouble. If Lin Yuan were only a sixth-level citizen, he could dismiss him, but how many seventh-level citizens were there in the entire Star Alliance?

When the Golden Dragon Star Lord ignored Lin Yuan initially, he thought that even if Lin Yuan had the potential to become a seventh-level citizen, it would take many years. Who knew it would happen so quickly?

"Jin Tianzhao always causes trouble for me. With just one offense, he has offended a seventh-level citizen?"

The Golden Dragon Star Lord frowned and immediately summoned Jin Tianzhao.

"My teacher called me?"

Jin Tianzhao, who had just emerged from seclusion, received the summons from the Golden Dragon Star Lord.

"What's the matter exactly?"

"My teacher's tone doesn't sound good?"

Jin Tianzhao was somewhat nervous as he entered the hall where the Golden Dragon Star Lord was located.

"Jin Tianzhao."

The Golden Dragon Star Lord looked down at Jin Tianzhao.

"What exactly have you done?"


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