Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World

Chapter 206 The Big Deal Part 1

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Morgan, Sherman, and Winston arrived at the main office of Axelsen & Nielsen, with Amelia leading the way. Winston, the man referred to by the New York Board of Transportation for the alternating system to be built in Washington D.C., was also with them. As they made their way through the office, Morgan noticed that Amelia's expression was unusually guarded, despite her neutral facade. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off - it was unlike her to be so distant.

As they made their way through the office, Morgan couldn't help but wonder what had happened. Had there been an accident? Had production come to a halt? He knew that the company relied heavily on its assembly lines, and any disruption could spell disaster.

Morgan decided to break the silence and asked Amelia directly, "Is everything okay?"

Amelia maintained her neutral expression and responded calmly, "Everything is fine, Mr. Morgan. I'm just feeling a bit tense because of this upcoming meeting. It's yet another huge opportunity for our company, and I want to make sure everything goes smoothly."

Morgan furrowed his brows, unconvinced. "Your company has been getting a lot of big contracts, Ms. Weiss. So I think landing another big deal should have no effect on you. Is there something else that's bothering you?"

Amelia gulped, Morgan was scary and that's for sure. He could see through her. No wonder why he is the biggest financier in the United States of Avalonia. Nevertheless, she persevered.

"Uhm, Mr. Morgan there are times when I look like this, please don't overthink it. There is really nothing wrong with our operation. Please simply follow me towards the boardroom, Mr. Axelsen and Mr. Nielsen are waiting for you."

Morgan relented. "Well, if you don't want to disclose it, then okay." 

"Mr. Morgan, I think you should stop nagging at Ms. Weiss here," Sherman chided him lightly.

"Yeah. I apologize for that, Mr. Sherman," Morgan apologized, though he couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to Amelia's guarded demeanor than she was letting on. He followed her and the rest of the group towards the boardroom, his mind still racing with possible scenarios.

As they entered the boardroom, Morgan's attention was drawn to the two men standing at the head of the long table. They were Mr. Axelsen and Mr. Nielsen.

"Welcome, gentlemen," Mr. Axelsen greeted them warmly. "We're honored to have you here today."

Morgan shook both men's hands, trying to put his unease aside.

"So Jonathan will be the one to discuss business with you and as for me, I will speak with Mr. Winston. Mr. Winston, we are going to another room." 

Morgan nodded and watched as Mr. Axelsen and Mr. Nielsen left the boardroom with Winston in tow. Once they were alone, Jonathan began his presentation, detailing the new product they are eager to present to the United States Army.

"As you can see from the paper we handed over to you, they are catalogs for rifles, shotguns, pistols, and machine guns. Since you are demanding the best weapons available that would outmatch the Germans and the British, we have designed these firearms to have superior accuracy, power, and durability. We have also incorporated advanced technology into these weapons, such as a new recoil reduction system and a more efficient magazine loading mechanism."

Morgan listened intently, impressed with the innovation and attention to detail that Axelsen & Nielsen had put into their new product. He knew that the military was always on the lookout for the best weapons available, and if these firearms lived up to their promise, they would undoubtedly be a game-changer which would translate to a military contract.

Meanwhile, Sherman glanced over the files, scanning the schematics of the guns and nodding in satisfaction.

"Have you already made a prototype for each type of this weapon?" Sherman asked.

"Unfortunately, we haven't had a prototype yet as we were focused on producing the AN-M1 rifles to meet up the global demand. As you all know, the United States Armed Forces are not our only customers, but the Germans, British, Russians, Japanese, French, and Austrians. So we can't really divert our resources into new kind without sacrificing the quality of our current products," Jonathan replied.

Morgan understood the dilemma but couldn't help but feel disappointed. He knew that the military would need tangible proof of the new weapons' capabilities before they could commit to a contract. But he also knew that Axelsen & Nielsen had a reputation for delivering quality products on time, and he had faith that they would find a way to make it work.

"I see your point, Jonathan. However, we need to provide the military with a working prototype before they can make a decision," Morgan said, trying to sound as diplomatic as possible.

Jonathan nodded in agreement. "Well, the good thing though is that we have a prototype of the pistol. Ms. Weiss, if you would be so kind as to hand over that briefcase over there." 

Jonathan pointed at the briefcase lying on one of the vacant chairs. Amelia grabbed the briefcase and handed it over to Jonathan, who opened it and revealed a sleek, black pistol.

"As we have mentioned earlier, we understand the importance of providing tangible proof of our product's capabilities. Therefore, we are pleased to present to you our prototype for the AN887 pistol," Jonathan stated and continued. "This pistol has undergone a series of rigorous tests to ensure its reliability, accuracy, and power. We are confident that it will meet and exceed your expectations.

"Additionally, this prototype is a testament to our commitment to incorporating the latest technology into our products. It boasts advanced features, such as enhanced grip texture for better control and accuracy, an improved trigger mechanism for faster firing, and an optimized barrel for increased power and precision."

As he handed the pistol over to Sherman for inspection, Jonathan added, "We believe that this prototype, along with the detailed schematics and specifications we have provided, will demonstrate the quality and innovation that Axelsen & Nielsen Arms Manufacturing Company stands for."

Sherman examined the pistol closely, admiring its design and craftsmanship. He then turned to Morgan and said. "So this is a pistol you say? I got to be honest with you, Mr. Axelsen, when you mentioned pistol, I thought you were referring to a revolver." 

Jonathan smiled. "Yes, Mr. Sherman, this is indeed a pistol. And we believe it is superior to any revolver currently on the market."

Morgan chimed in, "The military has been looking for a reliable, high-capacity pistol for some time now. And this prototype seems to fit the bill."

Sherman nodded, still inspecting the pistol. "I can see that. The grip texture is excellent, and the trigger feels smooth. The barrel looks like it has been optimized for accuracy. I would love to see a demonstration of it now, and by now, I mean as of this moment."

"Excuse me…General, are you suggesting that I fire the pistol right here in the meeting room?" Jonathan let out a forced chuckle.

"Yes, I'm sure you can shoot the floor right? I can't wait for another day or two to see its performance," Sherman said.

Morgan could see the hesitation in Jonathan's eyes, but he knew that the general had a point. Seeing the pistol in action would be the ultimate proof of its capabilities, and it would give the military representative, Sherman, a chance to evaluate its performance firsthand.

"Very well," Jonathan agreed. "Amelia, please cover your ears. This is going to be loud."

Amelia quickly covered her ears as Jonathan loaded a magazine into the pistol and aimed it at the floor. He took a deep breath, steadied his hand, and pulled the trigger. The sound of the gunshot echoed through the room, causing Morgan to flinch.

The three of them watched as the bullet hit the floor, leaving a small crater in its wake. Jonathan then proceeded to fire several more rounds, each one hitting its mark with pinpoint accuracy. The recoil was minimal, and the pistol's grip texture provided a secure hold.

Sherman was impressed. "Well, I'll be damned. This is quite the piece of machinery you've got here, Mr. Axelsen. I think the military would be very interested in acquiring this pistol for our troops."

"If you sign a contract right now, General, not only this pistol is going to the United States Armed Forces but the other designs that we have come up with."

"This is a good deal, General," Morgan added. "As you see, these duo of mine are always defying expectations. They are the genius of the United States of Avalonia, they are the ones who have come up with revolutionary designs not only in the military but in transportation as well." 

Sherman raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Yeah, the electric locomotive. I heard a lot of great things from this industrialist duo, and we would be honored to work with them." 

"Amelia, prepare the contract," Jonathan ordered. 

"Understood," Amelia quickly replied as she hurried to a nearby table to retrieve the contract.


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