Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World

Chapter 169 Invitation

The night had descended upon New York, and the city was alive with vibrant lights that illuminated the bustling streets and storefronts. Laughter spilled out of nearby cafes, and the sound of street performers filled the air with music.

The scent of freshly baked pretzels mixed with the cool evening breeze, and the neon lights flickered overhead, casting a rainbow of colors onto the pavement. Amidst the hustle and bustle, a man in a dark suit strode purposefully down the street, heading towards Delmonico's for a dinner appointment with Caroline.

Jonathan arrived at Delmonico's, a high-end restaurant for the city's wealthiest patrons. The exterior was adorned with ornate sculptures and intricate ironwork, and the towering entrance was flanked by doormen in crisp black uniforms.

As he stepped inside, the opulence of the restaurant took his breath away. The walls were adorned with gilded mirrors and sparkling chandeliers that cast a warm glow over the plush velvet seats and polished marble floors. The air was thick with the aroma of rich spices and the clinking of silverware on porcelain plates.

Jonathan was greeted by a maitre d' in a sharply tailored suit.

"Good evening, sir. Welcome to Delmonico's," said the maitre d', his voice smooth as silk. "Do you have a reservation?"

"Yes, under Axelsen," replied Jonathan, smiling.

"Ah, yes, Mr. Axelsen. Right this way, please," said the maitre d', gesturing towards the elegant dining room.

Jonathan followed the maitre d' through the opulent dining room, As they approached the table, Jonathan's heart quickened when he saw Caroline sitting there. She was dressed in a stunning black gown that showed off her delicate figure, with a matching feathered hat perched atop her upswept hair. Her expression was neutral, giving no hint of her thoughts or feelings. Despite this, Jonathan still felt a surge of admiration for her beauty.

The maitre d' pulled out a chair for him and said, "Please make yourself comfortable sir. If you are ready to order, please do not hesitate to call me."

"Thank you," Jonathan said before sitting down and gazing at Caroline for a moment, her expression still remained impassive, making him frown slightly.

"Is there something wrong?" Jonathan asked.

Caroline shook her head. "No, it's just that I noticed you first."

"What do you mean?" Jonathan tilted his head to the side.

"Well, I would want you to notice me first and then embrace me from behind and place a kiss on my cheek," Caroline smiled coyly.

Jonathan chuckled, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. "Ah, I thought it was something bad. How silly of you."

Caroline chuckled in response, feeling embarrassed that she brought that up.

"Well, I can still do it, you know?" Jonathan said, grinning mischievously. He got up from his seat and walked around the table, pulling Caroline's chair back slightly. He leaned in and wrapped his arms around her from behind, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek.

Caroline closed her eyes and leaned into his embrace, savoring the warmth of his body against hers. For a moment, the world outside of Delmonico's faded away, leaving only the two of them in their own private bubble of happiness.


A man coughed in front of them, snapping the two out of their embrace. They turned to see a man standing there wearing a lavish suit.

"Who might you be?" Jonathan asked as he stood straight and faced the man who just disturbed their moment.

"I'm Mr. Rockefeller's assistant, and I came here to extend an invitation."

Jonathan raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the mention of Mr. Rockefeller.

"An invitation? What kind of invitation?"

The man cleared his throat and handed Jonathan a small envelope.

"Mr. Rockefeller would like to invite you and your lady to his private party tomorrow evening. It's an exclusive event, and he would be honored if you could attend."

Jonathan took the envelope and opened it, finding an ornate invitation with gold lettering. He read it over and then looked back up at the man.

"What does an oil magnate like Mr. Rockefeller want with me and Caroline?" Jonathan asked.

The man smiled thinly. "I'm not at liberty to say, Mr. Axelsen. But I can assure you, it will be a simple business discussion."

"Business discussion?" Jonathan repeated.

"I think we should come, Jonathan," Caroline said, looking up at him. "It's Mr. Rockefeller, who knows what kind of opportunity awaits us at his doorsteps?"

Jonathan nodded, considering the invitation. He had heard of John D. Rockefeller before and knew he was one of the wealthiest men in Avalonia, making a connection with him would be worth it for their company.

"All right, we'll come," Jonathan said, tucking the invitation into his jacket pocket.

The man nodded. "Very good, Mr. Axelsen. The party begins at 8 pm sharp, and the dress code is formal. I will send a carriage to pick you up tomorrow evening."

With that, the man left, leaving Jonathan and Caroline alone once again. They exchanged a glance, both feeling a mix of excitement and uncertainty at the prospect of meeting such a powerful figure.

"Mr. Rockefeller approached us personally, I wonder what his purpose is," Caroline said.

"Well, it is certain that we have got his attention. Although I can't still guess what he wanted to discuss."

"For sure, we are going to find that out tomorrow," Jonathan said. "In the meantime, we should have our dinner first," Jonathan said and took the menu. And from there, they selected their orders and started to eat their food.

Three hours later, in the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Jonathan grabbed the telephone and dialed a number.

"There's only one person in this world that would call this office late at night, and I am sure it is you, Jonathan." Poul's words echoed from the other end of the line.

Jonathan chuckled. "You know me too well, Poul. How are things at the office?"

"Everything is running smoothly. How about your dinner with Caroline? Did you enjoy it?"

"Very much so. We got invited to a party tomorrow evening, and you won't believe who the host is."


"John D. Rockefeller."

Poul let out a low whistle. "Now that's quite an invitation. What do you think he wants?"

"That's what we're wondering. His assistant said it was a business discussion, but he wouldn't give us any more details."

"I see," Poul clicked his tongue. "Now speaking of Rockefeller, I think I might have a general idea about what your discussion is going to be."

"What is it?" Jonathan asked.


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