Count’s Youngest Son is a Warlock

Chapter 189: Shh. It's a secret (2)

Chapter 189: Shh. It's a secret (2)

The magical item was unable to fully heal Lucion’s wounds, so he still required the assistance of a doctor. 

However, seeing Lucion’s strong heartbeat, Russell couldn’t help but feel relieved, causing tears to stream down his face.

[…My God.]

Bethel said in disbelief.

It seemed that the possession could be released now. 

Ratta opened her eyes and observed Russell’s expression quietly upon hearing Bethel’s words.

Despite Miella’s continuous efforts to infuse regenerative power, the item no longer responded and slid on the bed. 

“No, no. Don’t stop yet. React more…!” Miella pleaded desperately.

“It’s alright now, Miss Miella,” Kran said, releasing Miella’s hand. 

Miella seemed on the verge of bursting into tears.

“The wounds haven’t completely healed. Blood is still flowing, isn’t it? This can’t be happening. If 

this continues… If this continues, it’s a failure…”

“No, it’s all right now. He has overcome the critical phase. He’s entering the stabilization phase,” Kran reassured her.

“Really?” Miella’s eyes filled with tears.

“Yes. You saved Mr. Hamel’s life, Ms. Miella.”

Kran pointed towards the necklace.


Miella finally broke down, clutching the necklace and burying her face in her hands as tears poured out.

She was relieved. 

It was such a relief that Hamel hadn’t died. 

She didn’t realize how happy she was that her bright sun hadn’t disappeared.

Kran sat down, sighing before standing up again.

“The remaining treatment can be handled by calling a doctor. I’ll take care of that,” he said with a smile.

The wound next to Lucion’s large wound, where he had been stabbed by something, had disappeared completely without a scar.

It must have been the injury Rental had mentioned. 

It was deeply regrettable, weighing heavily on Kran’s heart.

“Thank you. Thank you, Ms. Miella and Mr. Kran,” Hume expressed, sobbing.

Warmth returned to Lucion’s cold hands. 

He was alive. 

Lucion had survived. 

Hume’s tears fell onto the back of Lucion’s hand.

―Hiks. Lucion.

Finally, Ratta allowed her tears to flow once more, feeling the warmth that had returned to Lucion. 

She leaned her head against him.

* * *

Drip. Drip.

Blood dripped onto the floor, staining it. 

It felt as though the blood was flowing from his head rather than from the pierced chest, inflicted by the man who claimed to be the King of Darkness.

Where had he been struck? 

By whom?

He couldn’t think clearly.


The sound of rain filled his ears. 

A smartphone, a credit card, and an identification card were scattered on the ground. 

His bag must have fallen over. 

The name “Lee Ha-ram” was written on the ID card.


That was his name when he was Lee Ha-ram. 

Someone’s footsteps approached. 

He couldn’t tell if the rain had stopped or if he had lost the ability to feel it drenching his body. 

Someone spoke, but he couldn’t hear them clearly. 

Was it due to the blow to his head?

“…So, you have to become the vessel.”


His head involuntarily lifted at the mention of the word.

“It was a pleasure meeting you. We’ll meet again soon. I’ll come find you,” he said with a sad smile, his eyes slightly tilted upwards, giving him a fierce appearance. 

His emerald green irises resembled leaves, and his thick gray hair was tied up in a high ponytail. 


Lucion didn’t recognize the unfamiliar tattoo on his face, but he knew exactly who he was—Russell Paul, his revered teacher.

* * *


Lucion’s eyes widened in surprise as he opened them.

[Calm down, Lucion.]

“It’s alright, young master. You’re in your room in the central region,” Hume quickly reassured Lucion, steadying his body.

Lucion’s gaze turned to Russell.

‘It was definitely Teacher.’

But why was Teacher there when he was known as Lee Ha-ram?

‘Was it a dream?’

Lucion broke out in a cold sweat and thought for a moment.

This is more like a fictional world in the novel called The Grasp of Darkness.

No, it couldn’t be possible for Russell to appear there when Lucion was Lee Ha-ram.

‘What a dream.’

Lucion let out a wry smile.

“Young Master, are you feeling better now?” Hume asked, switching on the lamp on the nearby table.

As the room filled with light, Lucion realized that it was still nighttime.

Gently, Lucion touched his abdomen.

[You’re still recovering. Don’t touch it.]

Russell swatted Lucion’s hand.

“…Where did the wound go? Could this be a dream?” Lucion wondered aloud.

[Pinch me?]

Curious, Lucion looked down and felt a twitching sensation under his armpits and around his waist.

It was Ratta.

She was sprawled out, sound asleep, her stomach exposed.

Overwhelmed with relief, Lucion closed his eyes, tears welling up suddenly.

‘…Ha. I’m safe.’

He hadn’t died.

That man.

He had escaped safely from the one who called himself the King of Darkness.

“Um, are you in pain? Would you like some painkillers?” Hume asked, his voice trembling.

The reality of what had happened finally sank in.

Living with such a severe wound was only possible in one way.

Miella’s creation.

“Did you use that item Miella was working on me?” Lucion inquired.

“You’re correct. The item made by Miella saved your life, young master,” Hume replied, his eyes slightly reddened as he remembered that time.

“Ha…” Lucion took a deep breath.

He had truly been given a second chance at life.

“And what about Bethel?”

[She is standing guard around the mansion.] Russell answered.

“Has anything… happened?”

[Nothing aside from you. Bethel is simply frustrated, so it’s best to leave her be for now.]

She must have felt helpless as she couldn’t fulfill her duty of protecting her lord as a knight.

No one could ease that feeling.

“Teacher, did Ratta tell you anything about what happened?” Lucion inquired, taking a sip of the water handed to him by Hume.

[I heard bits and pieces, but it was difficult to comprehend.]

“That man appeared,” Lucion stated, glancing at Ratta.

He called himself the King of Darkness.

Could he be the one who couldn’t be mentioned by Troy or Darkness?

[Ratta mentioned that everyone else froze except for you and her. She also said that after seeing your stomach pierced by that man, you lost consciousness.]

‘Was that Ratta’s own will?’

Lucion was impressed not only by Ratta’s skillful relay of crucial information but also by the fact that her actions after his loss of consciousness were not of his own accord.

Russell spoke up.

[Lucion, there’s something you need to know first.]

“Is my brother here, by any chance?”

[Yes. He arrived yesterday, caused a commotion, and departed for the East today.]

“Has the organization been affected?”

[Indeed, it has, but only partially.]


[You… were exposed.]


[You’ve been caught.]

Lucion let out an awkward laugh.

When he turned to look, Hume’s head was bowed low.

Another forced smile appeared on Lucion’s lips.

“So… I’ve been revealed as a Hamel, is that what you’re saying?”



Lucion alternated his gaze between Hume, who had a solemn expression while keeping his head lowered, and Russell, who attentively observed the situation.

“Really? I’ve truly been exposed.”

Lucion wiped his face and let out a deep sigh.

He had indeed been exposed.

“Was it Miella, Kran? Or both?” Lucion immediately mentioned the names that came to mind.

“Both,” Hume replied softly, raising his head slightly.

“It’s alright, Hume. Lift your head. I can’t do anything about being exposed. I’ll have to find them separately and have a conversation.”

Lucion felt devastated, but he decided to accept the reality.

It was something that would have happened eventually; the timing was just a bit earlier than expected.

“Are you… angry?” Hume asked.

Lucion chuckled in response to Hume’s question.

“No, not really. I was anticipating something like this. I’m just relieved that neither Brother 

Carson nor Brother Heint found out.”

Dealing with the organization members could be managed with his own power, but those two were different.

If they discovered the truth, the situation would become far too complicated.

“Oh, by the way, why did my brother go to the Eastern region?” 

Lucion was greatly concerned about Carson going to the East.

[I believe he discovered information regarding the creation of the undying soldiers.]

Carson had followed a trail of information that led him there without relying on Cronia’s resources. 

His skills in gathering information were truly exceptional.

“Hume, have you obtained the data yet?”

“No, I couldn’t leave my post.”

Given his current situation, it was understandable that Hume couldn’t leave his post.

Ratta, too, couldn’t stray too far from Lucion as they were connected.

“How much time has passed?”

“It’s been two days.”

Upon hearing that it had been two days, Lucion furrowed his brow.

[Heint was keeping Twilo occupied, and Carson further pressured him yesterday, so don’t worry too much.] 

Russell reassured Lucion.

He quickly spoke up again, addressing Hume.

“What time is it, Hume?”

“It’s 3 in the morning. You should get more rest.”

“Pass me a communication device.”

[It’s 3 a.m.? Do you not realize the time?]

Russell’s voice suddenly rose in volume.

“I’m feeling better now. It’s just that I lack energy.”

[Lucion… !]

“Shh. Ratta will wake up.”

As Ratta twitched, Lucion petted Ratta and said.

[Lucion, I can’t possibly understand what you went through, so I won’t say anything.]

Lucion attempted to raise his upper body, but Russell quickly intervened.

[Lie down.]

Russell pressed Lucion’s forehead, urging him to lie back down.

“Teacher, why don’t I remember? That man pierced my stomach, and I was on the brink of death. If it weren’t for Troy’s blessing and the holy relics, I might not have survived.”

Lucion strained to think desperately, hoping to grasp his passing consciousness.

He realized the light was working on that man, too.

[This, this crazy bastard!]

Russell’s voice immediately grew louder, and he glanced at Ratta.

[You used a relic? A relic? Not just an object infused with light? No wonder your condition worsened! Lucion, you truly are reckless!]

Russell appeared as if he wanted to curse, but he managed to restrain himself.

Lucion felt embarrassed for digging his own grave but quickly responded.

“This wasn’t the first time I encountered him.”

[What? When?]

Russell asked, startled, and then flinched as if he had realized something.

[…Did you see him at that mansion destroyed by Luminos on the day of the festival celebrating your sainthood?]

Something was strange that day.

Lucion hadn’t been directly attacked, yet he had suddenly vomited blood.

And it felt familiar.

“Yes, that’s the day.”

[Why didn’t you tell me?]

“I didn’t realize it was him.”

[Even if it wasn’t him, you should have told me. Why didn’t you?]

“I thought you wouldn’t… believe me.”

The corners of Lucion’s eyes turned downward.

[I told you clearly, I’d believe you even if you pointed to a rock and said it was sand.]

“Yes, you did say that.”

[Don’t blame yourself, Lucion. Honestly, all I can do is listen and believe. What can I do when I don’t even have a physical body?]

Russell humbled himself, trying to alleviate the burden on Lucion’s heart.

Though their time together was short, it was enough for Russell to understand Lucion.

Lucion fidgeted with his fingers, wanting to reveal everything to Russell right now.

About being a mid-boss in a novel, about knowing how and why he died, about trying to avoid that fate.

But he couldn’t bring himself to say it.

Russell would undoubtedly believe him, but Lucion worried about the consequences if the threads of fate, the cursed destiny, entangled not only Russell but also Hume and Bethel.

How many lives had already been lost because of his existence within the novel?

He didn’t want to repeat the same fate, even if it wasn’t his own.

“Teacher, Hume.”

Lucion closed his eyes and then opened them again.

“I appreciate your concern, but I can’t stop.”

[I’m not asking you to stop. I’m simply suggesting that you take a short break before continuing.]

“If… if I had a sword at my throat, would you believe me?”

At that moment, Lucion felt his throat being choked.

[Okay, I understand that you’re afraid of him, I really do, because I’m scared too. But that doesn’t mean you have to be the first one to fall.]

Russell misunderstood Lucion’s words.

He believed Lucion was afraid of him, the king of darkness.

And it was a relief.

“That sword isn’t just pointed at me. I have to move forward.”

[You don’t have to move forward alone. Let’s find a way together. Let’s put our heads together and think.]

“But still, I must move forward. That won’t change. So, Teacher, if I’m too exhausted to get up, please help me then. For now, I’d prefer if you allowed me to follow my own path.”

He didn’t want to run because he was being forced to.

Lucion swallowed his words.

“Young master, I am your guide.”

Hume spoke softly.

“Asha taught me that a guide is someone who leads the way, who stands beside the greatest and noblest person, and serves as their shield.”

A strong determination glimmered in Hume’s eyes.

‘Am I truly the greatest and noblest person?’

Goosebumps rose on Lucion’s skin instantly.

It sounded like the most absurd thing he had ever heard.

He was far from being such a person.

“Among Ravien, my power to inherit Ravien’s power was created only for you, young master.”

Lucion listened intently to Hume’s resolute words.

“You may have taken me in, but you told me to use this life and existence for my own sake. This is the path I have chosen. I am simply following you for my own sake, so please don’t stop me.”

“Where did you learn to be so stubborn?”

Lucion chuckled.

“I learned it from you, young master.”

Hume’s voice, eyes, and smile radiated with pride.

Author's Thoughts

What a good brother for Lucion you are, Russell. 💕


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