Cosmic Peak

Chapter 158 - On The Way

Chapter 158 – On The Way

Hearing the question, Jin and Konish coughed embarrassedly.

"Ahem…well, we don't know what the rewards are, but they are going to be awesome for sure since Mythical city lords hold these competitions to make the younger generation who dares to come to the Underworld stronger."

Jin nodded, "Of course, not everyone gets entry into the tournament because, before the entry, there will be entrance tests."

"You have to pass the tests before being able to participate in the tournament."

"Interesting…," Aren nodded before saying with determination, "as long as it helps me get stronger at fast speed, I am in. Let's go."

"Come on, hop on this chariot since it's better that way," Jin said with a grin.

Aren nodded as he dispersed the throne and flew into the chariot.

Konish controlled the chariot as they started flying in the north-east direction.

Aren was glad to have found this tournament opportunity and a ride to the location.

"How long until we reach our destination?" Aren asked.

"We will stop in the middle for affinity awakening and form both affinity's cores," Jin said, "Hmmm, taking that into account, we might reach our destination in 14 to 17 hours depending on how fast we finish with your matter."

"Thank you for the help," said Aren as he nodded with a smile.

"Hahaha, no problem. It's more fun this way, and making connections with people is one of the reasons why we are here. Here is the crest of the Kingdom we came from. We are from an Archduke family in the El Nochas Kingdom in Marion continent."

After saying that, Jin took out a token and gave it to Athan.

[El Nochas Crest]

-Guest token of El Nochas Kingdom.

-Authority: Archduke.

Aren nodded as he took the token and put it inside the inventory after reading its details, 'now I got two tokens.'

After two hours of continuously flying, they landed at a dark valley with concentrated demonic energy in the atmosphere.

"I assume this is where I will awaken my demonic affinity," Aren spoke while looking at the dark valley.

"Indeed," Konish spoke as he descended the chariot in the valley.

The three of them got down and started walking in the valley before stopping under a giant tree.

"Aren, now you have to spread your senses and feel the demonic power in the atmosphere. You have to make a resonance with it and understand a bit of it to awaken your dormant Demonic affinity," Jin said before he and Konish stood at both sides of Aren.

Aren nodded as he closed his eyes and started feeling demonic power in the sky and trying to comprehend its power.

"We are not too deep into the valley, so we are safe, but you have to awaken your demonic affinity as soon as possible," Konish said as he and Jin started looking around for the presence of any beasts.

However, right after he finished speaking, Aren opened his eyes with surprise and spoke, "done."

"What? You mean you awakened it?" Jin was surprised, "that was fast."

Konish had a thoughtful expression before saying with a nod, "I think I understand. I saw him using demonic skills, and he was constantly using that Demonic flame. I assume he had been using these skills for days already, which made it easier for him to awaken the demonic affinity."

"Oh yeah," Jin nodded before smiling, "well, that's good. But now, you have to create an affinity core for your demonic affinity and fire affinity core to further progress in demonic and fire elements."

"Yep. Once you make those affinity cores, you will create a mystical foundation for your elemental connection to your soul and body. After forming those cores, your comprehension and understanding of those elements will be infused in your affinity cores, making your elemental mastery stronger."

"For instance, I have 28% understanding of ice element," Konish said as he showed his palm to Aren and conjured ice flakes over his palm as they floated.

The ice flakes were mostly white with a faint blue hue to them.

"Currently, I am trying to comprehend a profound ice elemental power called Morphit Star ice," said Konish. He snapped his finger to create a transparent barrier with a blue hue before taking out an icy slab from his inventory. It floated on top of his palm.

It was a palm-sized icy slab with mystical deep blue and lapis blue patterns.


[Morphit Star Ice Elemental Slab]

-Rank: Legendary

-Type: Profound Elemental power

-Requirement: Ice Affinity

-Effect: One can infuse their soul sense into the slab, experience the Morphit Star Ice profound element, and try to comprehend it.


Aren was startled as he saw the first legendary rank item, and it was so close to him that he could literally take it with a snap of his finger.

Naturally, he was not going to do so.

Konish put it away after two seconds and dispersed the barrier he created to block the aura of the Icy slab since it was like a hot potato. Its aura was easily recognizable as something valuable, so it's better to block the aura from spreading out.

"Oh yeah, you said that you have fire affinity through a bloodline. If you achieved that affinity through bloodline, then it shouldn't be a normal flame profound power," Jin said as he remembered that Aren got fire affinity through a bloodline.

"Yea, the profound flame power I have called Outrious Aember Flame," Aren said with a smile, "but I can't produce it since I don't have affinity core."

"Outrious Aember Flame? I don't remember there being a profound flame power of that name in the records we have," Jin was surprised before he looked at Konish, "right?"

Konish nodded before he took out a book and pointed his finger at it before a light pink thread released from his finger and entered into the book.

He then closed his eyes for two seconds before opening them, "Nope, there is no bloodline that can grant a seed of profound flame power, Outrious Aember Flame. At least, not in our records."

"It's fine," Aren waved his hand and shook his head, "you probably won't find it since I got that profound flame power from a mutated bloodline. Anyway, I'll show you that flame power once I form my fire affinity core."

"Alright, since you are done here, then let's continue. The next stop is Gaar Underworld City, where you can form your affinity cores more quickly," Konish said as he summoned the chariot.

The three of them hopped onto the chariot as they flew away.

Aren then looked at the notifications regarding affinity and finally found the nature of demonic power.


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