Cornered by the CEO

Chapter 99: Dont be Stupid While Taking Revenge

Chapter 99: Don't be Stupid While Taking Revenge

Mo Yize grimaced. "Don't you feel anything for him?"

Now, Qian Meng felt amused. "No, I have no feelings for inconsequential manwhores." Then she paused. "Do you want revenge, though?"

The idea came to her all of a sudden and laid out in her mind completely.

"You just said…" the other trailed off. "You're a psycho. Are you planning on killing him and then putting all the blame on me?"

Qian Meng blinked innocently. "There won't be any killing involved, unfortunately. But I can help you take out your anger. Lord knows I want to strangle a lot of people."

Her eyes twinkled with excitement.

"What do you want to do?" Mo Yize asked cautiously.

"For that, we will need to make a quick shopping trip." Qian Meng looked her over. "And you need to go wash your face. I don't want to be seen around a woman who looks like she escaped an asylum."

Mo Yize grunted and scampered off to the bathroom without the need for direction.

Well, it was her family's hotel, you couldn't expect anything else. She emerged a few minutes later, her face stripped of makeup.

"You caked that shit on, didn't you?" Qian Meng made a face of disgust.

"Don't be a judgmental prick," Yize grunted. "By the way, those products are great."

Qian Meng rolled her eyes. "Yes, I made them. Didn't you try them before?" she asked, feeling irritated.

"I intentionally avoid every product your company comes up with. I associate you with trash."

Ah, the joys of bickering. She didn't enjoy it as much as she had hoped. That pleasure was reserved for someone else.

"Good thing you think that way." Qian Meng's smile was nothing short of evil. She dragged Mo Yize along to the nearest Venus outlet. For one, she had ensured her outlets remained open until after midnight, and she was thankful for that.

"Are you going to torture me?" Yize moaned when she entered the outlet.

"No," Qian Meng chirped. She walked towards the sportswear section and pulled her phone out.

"You better have a good reason to call me," Li Jun said flatly.

"Sorry for encroaching on your private time but I need your legal council," she said with a jolly expression on her face.

"At this time in the night? Are you going to commit a crime?" he asked. He had not meant it literally.

"Yes. And I need to know the repercussions," she stated.

"Please don't do anything stupid. You just bought a new company and you have product launches coming up in the next few months. I don't need a criminal case on top of that!" He wanted to cry.

It was his personal time and Yun Qian Meng was ruining it for him.

"That's why I am calling you. I need to trash a car. How do I get away with it?"

There was silence on the other side.

"We are smashing a car?" Mo Yize squeaked.

"Yes. Do you know what car he has?" She nodded.

"It's a Lamborghini Venono with customization. It cost him a lot of money," she whispered. "God, the settlement on vandalizing that will be a lot!"

Qian Meng glared. "Do you want to let your anger out or not?" she challenged.

"I do!"

"Then don't be rational. Let me do the thinking, okay?"

Qian Meng put Li Jun on speaker. "You're on speaker. Tell me, how do I get away with it?"

"First of all, you shouldn't be talking about it in front of others," he groaned.

"I'm in my store, okay? No one is going to tell on me."

"Great. The next thing we need to consider is the model of the car. If it is a Lamborghini Venono with added customization, you are looking at a hefty fine and six months in jail."

"Jail!" Mo Yize exclaimed.

"Hush," Qian Meng interjected.

"Right, how do I get over that?"

"Whose car is it?" Li Jun asked, his tone bored.

"Bai Ye Qing." There was silence.

"Well, you have dirt on him and his family. Enough to get him in rehab and in trouble with the law. You could settle that lawsuit. But the problem is if it doesn't work."

"What does that mean?" Qian Meng asked. She picked up a pair of gloves and looked it over.

"Make sure Bai Ye Qing or any other human is nowhere close to the car when you are smashing it. If he is inside the car, he can sue you for attempted murder. If he is at a safe distance, he can say it was vandalizing his property. The difference between the two is, you can get away with the latter with a fine and your status in society."

"Perks of being a billionaire," Qian Meng sang. "So, I need evidence that he was nowhere near the car."

"He doesn't have insurance on it, either," Mo Yize supplied from the side.

"Does that affect the suit?" Qian Meng asked excitedly.

"Not really. If he did have insurance, he would have claimed it for the damage you caused. But without it, he won't be able to get money to repair the car."

Qian Meng grinned. "That sounds amazing." She turned to Mo Yize. "It might not get back the money you spent on buying that house, but it will be sweet revenge watching him scramble to get the money to repair a fancy car he can't afford. What say you?"

Mo Yize was silent for a second. "If anyone asks, you brainwashed me into doing it."

Qian Meng burst into laughter and nodded. "Li Jun, there you have it. I'll send you evidence and a written record once I am done. Talk to you soon!"

She hung up the phone and handed Mo Yize the gloves. "Pick your colors," she ordered.

"Why are we buying these things?" she asked.

"Cars have glass. When you break glass, it shatters and hurts you. Simple physics. So, you need to be covered and protected. Don't be stupid while taking revenge."


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