
Chapter 117

Chapter 117

They stayed a few days at Malika City . When the weather finally improved, news came that the snow on the roads ahead had already melted . With the warmer temperatures, the path to Osgiliath had already been cleared by mobilised local soldiers .

The group immediately set off to leave Malika City for Osgiliath . This time, joining them were Alfred Carter and his Wolf Fang Warrior Group .

Alfred Carter was only an intermediate warrior in terms of capabilities . While it was not a low level, he could not be considered a true master either . But along his journey with Shaar, he gained a very special tool: experience!

Compared to most of the warriors at his level, Alfred Carter had rich experience in real battle . This was not group combat tactics learned in the military, but warrior-to-warrior combat techniques .

He had participated in several tournaments in Osgiliath after all, plus he made a living through fighting with his warrior group . He had too many battle opportunities to count and hence accumulated a lot of practical experience .

While Shaar was quite powerful, he had a pitiful amount of experience in terms of actual combat . Soldiers trained their courage and group battle tactics on the battlefield . However, a general was not the best at close combat between two warriors . He only stepped into the real world when his old man died, having little experience prior to that .

During their discussions along the way, Alfred Carter did not hold too much back . He spoke frankly with Shaar . Little did he know that this ‘master’ was actually secretly learning from him?!

On the second day they left Malika city, they had already arrived at the edge of the Armenian Military Region . Based on Alfred Carter’s descriptions, they only had to travel ahead through a patch of forest and past an ancient city wall ruin to leave the Armenian Military Region . They would be entering Osgiliath, the Imperial Administrative Zone . This was also known as the Central Zone by the Byzantine Empire .

The line of people and horses travelled along slowly . The Wolf Fang Warrior Group was definitely capable, they had a horse for each person . Within the Byzantine Empire, to be able to ride a horse for long-distance journeys was considered a luxury .

There was an old saying: scholars remain poor, warriors become rich . This warrior group looked very capable .

At noon, the group had just arrived at the forest by the border and were about to stop for rest when they heard a whistle from within the forest- then more than ten horses suddenly burst through the trees! The riders were clad in armour and wielded long swords, rushing to block the party right in the middle of the path!

Around them and from both sides, several groups of riders rushed out of the woods and they totalled to more than a hundred people! Shaar’s group was immediately surrounded!

More than ten warriors blocked their path in front . They were led by a middle-aged warrior clad in silver knight armour, he looked nonchalant with the silver-white sword on his hip . A pattern was carved on his chest armour, glowing faintly . It was a piece of armour enforced with rare magic!

Next to this warrior was an old man on a horse . He was in a hooded black cloak, his head hooded only to reveal his grey hair . He held a rope in both his hands and had different-coloured rings on all ten fingers . The gemstones were red, green, blue, etc and seemed to be shrouded by a thin black mist . His face was hidden in shadow but the silver sigil attached to his chest stated his identity:

A magician! And a powerful intermediate magician too!

The middle-aged warrior sat on the horse and stared at Shaar’s bunch with a smirk . His eyes lingered on Shaar and his men for a while, then fell on Alfred Carter when he yelled sternly, “Alfred Carter of Wolf Fang! Do you recognise me?!!”

Alfred Carter’s expression fell the moment this warrior appeared . These people were equipped with more sophisticated weapons than Wolf Fang . Every warrior on his horse wore decent-quality iron armour and not cheap leather armour, carried military-grade steel swords with shields . Most importantly, there were a few archers waiting quietly outside the circle too .

Magician, close-combat warriors, far-range archers... With such a complete setup, they were obviously much better equipped than Alfred Carter’s Wolf Fang Group .

Alfred Carter looked at the warrior and clenched his teeth . “Philip, you snake! You and your men are in our way! Is this an ambush?!”

The silver-armoured warrior laughed coldly, then glared at Alfred Carter with blatant hatred and venom . “In the last tournament, you cut my younger brother’s fingers right off! You should know that, for a warrior, no fingers mean never being able to wield a sword again! When you crippled him, did you ever expect me to avenge him one day?!”

“What a joke!” roared Alfred . “It was a tournament, survival of the fittest! If I did not give my best, would your younger brother have shown me mercy? It was a fair fight, the outcome is up to fate . How dare you ambush us like this for revenge? Aren’t you afraid of being laughed at?”

The silver-armoured warrior, Philip, merely smirked with cold eyes .

Alfred Carter sighed privately, knowing that the day would not end without violence . He looked at Shaar next to him . When he saw Shaar’s silent, calm expression, he felt a boost of confidence and yelled, “Fine! You want your revenge? Come get it then! These carriages belong to traders escorted by us but it doesn’t matter . I’ll stay behind with my men! Let these irrelevant people go first!”

“You’re not very bright, Alfred Carter . ” Philip guffawed . “I chose this place to set up my ambush, naturally I don’t want news getting out! As for those people, well, it’s just their unlucky day! Who told them to make friends with scum like you?”

This person grew more and more arrogant as he laughed . Tatara, who was hiding behind Shaar, couldn’t help but sigh . This idiot is dead .

Indeed, Alfred Carter was about to say something when Shaar stopped him, at the same time pressing down on the fat Gu Luo, who was about to speak . Alfred spoke up loudly, “Hey, I think we need to talk about you first! Ambushing a trading party, robbery and murder... Aren’t you afraid of getting in trouble with the law?”

Alfred Carter lowered his voice . “Lord Shaar, this person is called Philip, chief of the Silver Python Warrior Group, also known as Venom Fang . He is a venomous man who commits unspeakable crimes... I’m afraid... The Silver Pythons are known for their ruthlessness and violence because of huge financial backing . I crippled his brother once, I’m afraid he isn’t going to back down...”

Philip laughed heartily, within it was arrogance as he glared at Shaar . “And where are YOU from?! Hmmph, since you chose to travel with the Wolf Fangs, you’ve just got the worst luck! I hope you’ll make better friends in your next lifetime!”

As he spoke, Philip lowered his head slightly and whispered to the magician . “Master, please attack when I sound the cue . ”

The magician looked arrogant too . He only nodded slightly and gave a ‘hmmph’ without another word .

Philip was filled with confidence . Since the other side wasn’t speaking, he raised his silver sword in the air and yelled, “Archers! FIRE!”

On his cue, more than ten Silver Python warriors outside the circle fired their arrows . A rain of arrows now headed towards Shaar’s group .

The Lantis warriors had already protected Gu Luo and the other leaders in the middle with raised shields . With even more combat experience, the Wolf Fang warriors raised their shields and quickly dispersed, jerking their horses around to dodge the arrows .

Tatara leapt off his horse the first moment and slid under a horse carriage .

After the first round of arrows, about twenty arrows could be seen stabbed straight into wheels, carriages and shields . Only two or three warriors were shot . Philip shouted and the Silver Pythons let out a roar, charging ahead with their horses .

Silver Python warriors charged from all directions like floodwaters . On Shaar’s side, Alfred Carter let out a roar and led the Wolf Fangs straight ahead, ignoring the enemies from other directions, right at Philip’s men! Alfred Carter’s intentions were obvious- to do his best to incapacitate Philip . Once the ringleader was dead, victory would be theirs .

Philip charged on his horse and as he watched Alfred also charging towards him, he could not help but lick his lips excitedly . The magician chanted two incantations quickly and an acceleration spell fell on Philip, bursting into magical light . Silver light erupted as he roared! His Qi had already reached the level of a seventh level warrior!

Both sides collided hard into each other and the destruction was instant . Five or six frontliners fell off their horses upon the first impact and when they landed, they ignored their pains and leapt back up to thrust their weapons at the nearest enemy .

The Wolf Fangs were more ruthless but Philip’s men had the advantage of numbers . Very soon, the Wolf Fang warriors were forced to scatter . Since there were more Silver Pythons, they could easily scatter the Wolf Fangs by driving themselves between the Wolf Fangs on their horses . At this point, the Lantis warriors kept retreating, using a few carriages as cover . The people in front unsheathed their swords while the people behind retaliated with their own bows and arrows .

Alfred Carter was facing Philip head-on . After the moment both swords collided, it was obvious that Alfred was at a disadvantage . The Combat Qi from his sword was not as powerful as Philip’s and seemed to be slightly bent already . Alfred was not as strong in the first place and being on a horse rendered his advantage of being more agile useless . Philip seemed to be prepared because the moment the acceleration spell was cast, he became more nimble and fast, slashing his sword ruthlessly and repeatedly towards Alfred . Alfred was busy deflecting every hit and did not have the chance to get off his horse . Finally, with a shriek, Philip’s sword struck the black armoured warrior’s shoulder . Silver Combat Qi exploded and the piece of armour on his shoulder was pried off into the air together with a spray of blood . Alfred Carter flipped off his horse and landed, quickly dodging aside as he gritted his teeth in pain . Seeing this, Philip sneered and got off his horse in pursuit, silver Combat Qi brewing like a cloud in his hand, engulfing Alfred Carter within .

Philip was not naturally agile as Alfred Carter but with the help of the spell, he surpassed Alfred . The black-armoured warrior did his best to defend himself under immense pain, trying to shake off his opponent using speed but Shadow Sword Arts was simply not powerful without the advantage of speed . After another few clashes, Philip’s sword stabbed into Alfred’s thigh and this time, the Combat Qi within the sword blasted a piece of flesh off his leg . Alfred Carter screamed in pain and hopelessness flashed in his eyes . Before he collapsed, mustered up all his strength and the sword in his hand suddenly turned into a ray of light shot directly at Philip . The Silver Python warrior was initially delighted with himself but his chest tightened the moment he saw the flash of lightning . He did a backflip, blocking his sword in front of himself . A crack sounded, he cut the ray of light in half but at the same time, half his sword broke off and brushed passed his cheek!

Philip shrieked as a bloody slash appeared on his face, even his helmet had fallen off . He stumbled backwards, wiping his face . There was already a deep cut on his left cheek and a piece of skin had been sliced off . He was instantly drenched in cold sweat! If he did not dodge Alfred’s final strike, or had the help of the spell, his head would have been blasted off!

After the initial surprise faded, anger rose within . He unleashed a roar and chased after Alfred, raising his sword to bring it down towards Alfred’s head . The black-armoured warrior had lost his weapon and spent all his Combat Qi on the previous strike . Without a way to defend himself, he closed his eyes and awaited the arrival of death!

Philip was ecstatic as he brought his sword down, as if he could already see his enemy’s head sliced right off...

Suddenly, a ray of red light shot right at him and Philip felt a violent vibration in his hand . With a ‘shing’, he felt the sword lighten . It was instantly shorter!

Alfred Carter quickly rolled backwards, seeing as he had just dodged death .

“Hey! I said, murder is illegal!” A patronising voice sounded next to Philip, along with a huge force that kicked Philip into the air . Shaar stood with a pitchfork, violence flashed in his eyes as he struck it ruthlessly downwards!

As an advanced warrior, Philip naturally was no delicate man . However, Shaar unleashed his killing intent and was unrelentless with his sharp pitchfork! Philip parried with what was left of his sword three times . After three sharp clangs, he retreated backwards to find only a bald hilt left in his hand!

His heart skipped a beat as his courage disappeared instantly . Tossing the hilt hard towards Shaar, he turned to yell, “Master...”

Shaar was about to pursue him but Dora’s frantic voice sounded in his mind, “Idiot! Why are you so fixated on that warrior?! Kill the magician first!”

The sound of a magician’s chanting had begun behind him . The magician was far from the centre of the battle on a horse with four Silver Pythons guarding closely around him .

He raised both his arms, his fingers covered fully with rings . A magical staff appeared in his right hand out of nowhere and after a sudden burst of magical light, several rays of black light shot directly at Shaar!

Shaar lowered his head to dodge, tumbling across the ground but after the few rays missed him, they automatically halted and did a U-turn towards his back once more . Shaar felt his scalp go numb as he sensed the cold aura radiating from the black lights . It was an eerie feeling! With a roar, he stomped both feet hard on the ground and shot out in a flash, hurling himself right before the magician!

The four Silver Pythons unsheathed their swords and surrounded him immediately while the magician turned and ran--- magicians were not great at close combat after all .

Shaar stabbed two Silver Python warriors quickly but the magician had already cast his second spell . A boom rang and two more black rays shot out at him!

This time, Shaar was unable to dodge all the black rays coming towards both his face and back . He grabbed a Silver Python with all his might and ignored the fact that his opponent thrust their sword right into his chest . He had Dragon Scales to protect his body after all . After bearing the brunt of the attack, he shifted his weight towards their torso, then snapped his opponent’s neck in a swift movement!

The black rays arrived and Shaar used the corpse to block them all . Immediately, he felt a surge of Black Qi and tossed the corpse away in panic, only to see the body ‘melt’ into nothing mid-air! Blood and flesh melted off like snow, turning the complete corpse into a skeleton!

Shaar was utterly stunned! Seeing two more black rays heading towards himself, he could only start sprinting towards the magician!

The magician was equally startled . After he chanted the third spell, a circular magical light shield materialised in front of him . When Shaar ran, he felt as if he had slammed into a wall! The black ray of light hit his back and he instantly felt like a bucket of cold water was dumped on his head! He shuddered twice from the chills .

In an instant, all Shaar’s clothes, which were luxurious robes, melted into bits and withered off . They broke off in crumbs and turned to dust mid-air! His shirts, both outer and inner, plus his soft armour, were all eroded too!

But in the end, the dragon scales he wore as his final layer saved his life! When the black rays reached the scales, Shaar’s Dragon Soul Seal was activated and a surge of warmth poured out of the dragon scales, driving the cold Qi out! However, Shaar’s Dragon Soul Seal was still weak and much weaker than an intermediate level magician .

Seeing as the dragon scales could barely block the attack and the chill was starting to penetrate the heat, Shaar tumbled and quickly ripped the dragon scales off his back and tossed it away...

Boom, and the spell had pierced through the scales mid-air! At the centre, a fist-sized hole had already been burned through!

(What a powerful spell!) Shaar was stunned! If the scales had not been durable enough to give him time to rip them off, if he were just a little slower, then the black light would have burned right through!

Having cast a few consecutive spells, the magician was a little tired too . Although he was still chanting, his voice had weakened .

Shaar’s clothes had eroded off completely, his upper body naked . All he had was his tattered underwear and this magician looked like he was about to cast another spell . Shaar could not afford to get hit again, could he?

If the magician cast another ray of black light, he did not have any more dragon scales left to protect himself .

Shaar unleashed a roar and charged ahead, slamming into the magical shield . In an instant, the light shield rippled . Shaar raised his pitchfork and slashed it down heavily . Glowing red with killing intent, the pitchfork cut through the magical light shield but could not cut any further!

But the magician was already utterly shocked by this . Distracted, his chanting stopped momentarily . This magical shield was powerful enough to stop Combat Qi from even an advanced-level warrior! How powerful was this enemy?! This guy almost cut it in half with just one strike?!

Was this guy at least a level eight warrior?!

Shaar had already made his decision . Taking a step back, he held his pitchfork with both hands and roared, “Dragon Thorn!!!”


Thin rays of red light shot out from the pitchfork as Shaar drove it deep into the magical light shield . With help from the red light, the initially unrelenting magical shield broke instantly!

Red light penetrated through the magical light, hitting the magician, whose mouth was agape with shock . The red light rays punctured his heart and blood poured out of his mouth instantly . The magician collapsed backwards and fell head-first off his horse .

After utilising the Dragon Thorn, Shaar immediately felt immense pain all over his body . He knew he was about to be engulfed by the backlash very soon . Bearing the intense pain, he took large strides forward as fresh blood squeezed out of the pores on his arm . His tearing muscles made him feel like he was about to blackout...

He forced himself to rush up to the magician’s body and raised his pitchfork, slicing the magician’s head off as he yelled, “I have killed the magician! Anyone who wishes to die can come forward now!!”

Philip had personally witnessed how this scary dude survived the magician’s attack and broke through the magician’s shield using brute force . Philip had spent a fortune hiring this magician but Shaar had just sliced his head right off .

After what he had just seen, Philip was already in utter shock . How could he still have any courage left?!

This guy killed the magician so effortlessly and he had just been defeated badly... After such a bad hit, would Philip still have the courage to bother them anymore?

When he saw Shaar’s murderous eyes directed at himself, he shivered and yelled, “Fall back! Fall back!!”

He quickly slashed his blade down on a Wolf Fang warrior next to him, then ran to hop on a horse, kicked the horse twice and ran for his life .

When the Silver Pythons saw their leader run off, they naturally did not stay either . In a hush, the troops scattered .

The Wolf Fangs had fewer numbers and did not have the ability to pursue the enemy . They merely watched as the troops escaped . They only had half their initial number left, everyone was bloody and they all collapsed with exhaustion .

The battlefield was in chaos . More than thirty bodies were strewn haphazardly- there were more than ten Wolf Fang deaths and less than ten of them remained . There were six or seven Lantis casualties and the rest of the deaths were Silver Pythons .

Gu Luo yelled when the enemy retreated so the Lantis warriors raised their bows to fire at the running soldiers . The rain of arrows shot a few Silver Pythons off their horses soon after . It was only when the Silver Pythons were far away when everyone finally put down their weapons, their faces contorted as they panted heavily .

Tatara had long run out of the carriage, sprinting to Shaar’s side to help him up . “Master, are you alright?!”

Shaar was hurting all over and could barely stand . He leaned heavily on Tatara, his breathing rugged . He tossed the magician’s head aside, guffawed three times, then his eyes rolled back and he slumped on Tatara’s back .

Soythe was slightly injured too . He was the bald man Kevin’s squire after all and knew a bit of combat . He fought alongside the Lantis warriors and was not too hurt so he tossed his sword and ran over to help carry Shaar with Tatara, bringing Shaar to sit down in a corner . When Shaar finally regained his breath, enduring severe pain, he looked around to ensure that the threat was gone and finally shook his head to curse .

“UGH! Magicians are indeed hard to deal with . I almost died right here... All magicians deserve to be killed!”

Although this was just Shaar venting his anger, Tatara could not help but shrink

A group of people started to help the wounded while the remaining Lantis and Wolf Fangs cleaned up the battlefield . The black-armoured Alfred Carter was severely wounded and was lying down after his wounds had been bandaged .

Tatara was a cunning man, his first reaction was to drag the dead magician’s body over and then slowly pull all the rings off the magician’s fingers .

He looked very excited as he stole the rings, whispering to Shaar, “Master, we’re rich! Rich! These are good stuff!”

Shaar looked up, “Good stuff?”

Tatara suppressed his excitement, “Of course they’re good stuff, Master! In your hands, they might not be worth much, maybe you could get them for a bit of cash but in MY hands... they can be very powerful treasures!”


Tatara gulped and whispered, “Master, the magician you killed just now was using an extremely rare spell called ‘Life Curse Technique’! This type of magic is extremely rare even in the world of magic!”


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