Conquering OtherWorld Starts With a Game

Chapter 84.2: Grim Reaper Outside The Window

Chapter 84.2: Grim Reaper Outside The Window

Militiaman A shook his head again, not expecting anything from this drunkard, and got up by himself.

The rhythmic rapping grew louder by the second, and Militiaman A found this sound rather familiar, just that he couldn't quite place it because he had been drinking too.

As Militiaman A tried to look around in his slightly inebriated state, his peripheral vision swept by the window and… his eyes suddenly narrowed.

The glass windows used by the militia headquarters were just standard flat glass that wasn't very smooth, with impurities and bubbles within that could cause slight visual distortion when looking through them.

But, even with distortions, Militiaman A could clearly see… a bone-chilling skeletal claw on the windowsill, tapping on the window over and over.

"Aaah!" Militiaman A shrieked and fell back onto the sofa.

This shriek seemed to be the signal for action. The bone claw that had been tapping against the window slammed heavily against the window frame. The owner of this bone claw, a dirt-covered skeleton in a militia uniform, also "floated" into frame.

"Aaah! Aaahhh!!" Militiaman A shot up from the sofa and went behind, grabbing Militiaman B by the shoulder and forcefully shaking him while pointing toward the window.

"What are you doing?" Militiaman B, who was sobered up by this vigorous shaking, shouted at Militiaman A, annoyed, and only then did he look in the direction of the window.

Outside the window stood a skeleton.

This skeleton was wearing their uniform, covered in dirt and grime, with one bone claw perched on the windowsill and the other repeatedly striking the window frame.


Militiaman B let out a scream more piercing than Militiaman A's, and his wine glass fell to the floor, shattering into pieces.

These two made such a commotion that all their fellow comrades in the same room, whether drunk or engrossed in their card games, stopped whatever they were doing and turned to look at them in annoyance and irritation.

In perfect unison, Militiamen A and B pointed in the direction of the window, their trembling lips unable to form a coherent sentence.

The men all turned toward the window while still cursing…

And then, the cursing stopped.

This bunch that had lost themselves in gambling and drinking stared blankly in the direction of the window, wide-eyed and mouths agape.

Before this bunch of militiamen, sluggish from alcohol and still up this late at night, could react, a second skeleton appeared outside the window, followed by a third, then a fourth…

In just a few seconds, over ten skeletons had appeared, covering the entire one-and-a-half-meter-wide window.

These dirt-covered skeletons, as if they had just crawled out of a grave, crowded against the window, staring at the people inside with their dark eye sockets while the many bone claws pounded rhythmically on the window frame.



"Lady Gold Coin! What in the world is this?!"

The militiamen were on the brink of going crazy, and some started to scream.

The skeletons outside seemed to become more enthusiastic. Their pounding turned to bashing, and the window frame shook continuously.

If the players suddenly broke in through the window, these militiamen, who were used to running rampant in town, might pick up weapons and fight back in the heat of the moment.

However, the players were merely outside, tapping and knocking on the window, inducing panic but with no imminent threat to life. Consequently, the militiamen in no room lost any courage to resist.

Not only was the courage to confront the situation head-on lacking, but some "smarter" ones even thought about escaping and letting others deal with it when they saw the window frame shaking precariously as if it were about to break.

Several men closest to the hallway took the lead in running away. This bunch of militiamen, who already had little fighting spirit to begin with, crumbled, and all of them rushed toward the hallway in whimpers.

The subsequent events that followed were no surprise. When it came to speed, players weren't inferior to professional-level combatants. They gleefully smashed the window and jumped into the room, sweeping through the entire building floor by floor and capturing their targets as if they were chickens.

It wasn't just the militiamen on night duty who were caught; even the resting militiamen in the dormitories upstairs couldn't escape. With the spread of panic, it was futile to think about mounting an effective resistance no matter how many people were there.

In less than half an hour, all 141 stationed militiamen at the militia headquarters were taken out.

Militia captain Kardo Gauld didn't return home on this night.

His wife stayed in Indahl to care for their two children studying in a private institution there, so there were only three elderly in Gauld's Weisshem place. Moreover, due to Gauld's status in town, no one ever inquired whether he was having an extramarital affair or staying out late.

As per usual, Captain Gauld, who knocked off in the middle of the night, went to a club called "Lover" to meet with his current lover and spend the rest of the night with an affectionate rendezvous.

Whether it was the streetwalkers in the alleys or male whores, very few willingly engaged in the flesh trade. However, since reality was such, people would often find reasons to deceive themselves in order to survive.

Gauld's lover, Madam Shirley, was one such person who deceived herself in order to live. She tried her hardest to make herself believe that the fleeting novelty of pleasure-seeking customers was also a form of love, and even the affection shown by the pleasure-seekers, however insincere, made her more valuable than others.

Under this self-deceptive brainwashing "to make the best out of a bad situation," Madam Shirley did everything she could to extend the "honeymoon period" of her clients. Whenever Captain Gauld spent the night with her, she was always ecstatic as if she were a legitimate wife welcoming her husband home.

Just that… one could not live a lie forever. Even in a meticulously constructed false world, the human soul, deep within, instinctively raised doubts and questions.

The sky was still terrifyingly dark when Madam Shirley woke up from a nightmare.

She couldn't help but tremble uncontrollably in bed for a moment. After regaining her composure, she carefully shifted Captain Gauld's arm, got out of bed quietly, and walked to the window, barefoot.

Madam Shirley was no longer young, and she couldn't compete with young teenage girls. Her room was situated toward the back, so all she could see out of her window was a pitch-black alley and not the bright streetscape of years past.

Hugging herself and leaning against the window, she stared blankly at the darkness outside.

A person like her had long lost any hope for the future. Or… perhaps most of those on this street could only rely on repeatedly savoring the brief moments of happiness they had once experienced in the past as nourishment for their souls.

Such a life was exhausting.

Whenever Madam Shirley woke up from a nightmare like this, she would think about dying.

When would she finally be released from this life?

She couldn't wait any longer.

Madam Shirley, staring numbly through the window, suddenly saw the image of a reaper appear outside the glass.

The skeletal Grim Reaper, clad in a white robe and holding a steel knife, leaned on her windowsill, staring at her through the glass window.

Madam Shirley gazed silently at the Grim Reaper, and the Grim Reaper did the same.

After a few seconds, Madam Shirley was certain that the Grim Reaper outside her window wasn't an illusion… and tears welled up in her eyes.

"…You've finally come." The exhausted woman, with tears streaming down her face, smiled with a sense of relief. She opened the window as if afraid the Grim Reaper would change his mind and extended her hands toward it.

The Grim Reaper, outside the window, tilted his head slightly. Then… albeit somewhat hesitant, the Grim Reaper opened its bony claw and grabbed Madam Shirley's hand.

The trembling Madam Shirley bent forward, pressing her face against the Grim Reaper's icy bone claw and muttering, "Please take me with you. I'm begging you, please take me…"

Grim Reaper: "…"

The slightly bewildered player held the shoulders of this female NPC and gently pushed her to the side before adeptly jumping through the opened window.

Upon noticing the male NPC lying on the bed, the player's eyes lit up. Like a starving wolf, he charged over, lifting the blanket and swiftly securing nylon restraints around the NPC's wrists and ankles before expertly shoving the underwear lying by the bed into the NPC's mouth.

Before Madam Shirley could process what was happening after being pushed aside by the Grim Reaper, Captain Kardo Gauld had already been dealt with.

A second player crawled in through the window, glanced strangely at the bewildered civilian NPC standing nearby, and asked the first player, "What's up with this woman? Do we need to restrain her?"

"I don't know, but this NPC seems to be on our side. She opened the window for me," said the first player. "Come help me. This NPC is Level 2, and we have to get him under control first."


The two players worked together to lift Captain Gauld, who was now awake and struggling frantically, off the bed, wrapped him in bedsheets to further restrict his movements, then stuffed him under the bed.

Throughout this process, Madam Shirley remained rooted to her spot, completely dumbfounded.

After the two "Grim Reapers" had stuffed Captain Gauld under the bed, they began to divide up his personal belongings.

"Whoa, the sword used by this NPC is amazing! The physical attack is so high, it's on par with an Uncommon-grade weapon!"

"Oh my, this ring's return value is 50 copper coins?! We've made a fortune!"

"Hahaha! All our losses from earlier have been made up!"

After collecting any loot they could identify as valuable, the two Grim Reapers opened the room door and walked out, paying no heed to the startled or screaming hostesses who had woken up.

Still in a daze, Madam Shirley watched the Grim Reapers leave, then suddenly came to her senses and chased after them.

The two skeletons made a turn in the hallway and took the stairs to the ground floor, where they joined hands to open up the club's main entrance and allowed another six or seven skeletons to enter.

Madam Shirley, standing at the foot of the staircase, was dumbfounded once more.

Although these skeletons noticed Madam Shirley as they entered the club, they showed no interest in her (in the eyes of players, unarmed civilians without hostile intentions held no significance). They split into groups of two or three and systematically moved through various rooms. Whether it was overnight guests, enforcers taking a nap in the staff break room, or even the bosses sleeping in their offices, the players subdued them all, binding them and muffling their cries.

After sweeping through Lover Club, these skeletons departed without the slightest bit of sentimental attachment. They paid no attention to the frightened hostesses screaming and crying.

Madam Shirley had followed the skeletons throughout their operation, witnessing them sweep through the establishment and subdue the enforcers, but was still completely unable to comprehend what was happening.

When the skeletons left, she chased them to the door and saw the group of skeletons running to the adjacent strip club. One of the skeletons, whom she had previously mistaken for a Grim Reaper, draped itself in a white bedsheet and skillfully began scaling the wall.

In no time came screams from inside the strip club.

"Ghosts! Aaaaah!"

Madam Shirley: "…"

And she also saw… further down the street, another group of skeletons entering and leaving the main entrance of another establishment…

Madam Shirley silently returned to Lover Club.

Inside, the 20 or so frightened hostesses of the establishment had gathered in the lobby, not daring to go outside or return to their rooms. When they saw Shirley, who had the courage to follow the skeletons, return, they all looked toward her.

Madam Shirley took a deep breath…

"Don't just stand there! Look for any valuable items and hide them. W-we will take those things if the skeletons don't want them!"


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