Congratulations on Your Successful Escape

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Accompanied by a harsh “squeak”, the dilapidated and twisted door of the house opened inward, and icy air came slowly from the dark door, mixing the smell of dust and rotting wood.

And…a faint, barely catchable smell of blood.

The few people walking in front paused, turned on the flashlights they carried, and then walked into the house.

The cold white beam of light could hardly penetrate the darkness of the room. The light circles swayed throughout the room, trembling with the shaking of a person’s wrist, from one corner of the room to another, but it was still impossible to get a full view.

Suddenly, at this moment, the whole room suddenly lit up!

Everyone was stunned.

In the four corners of the room were old, worn-out candlesticks with faint lights swaying and shaking slightly, illuminating the whole room.


Such a weird phenomenon made everyone feel a little bereft.

A senior walking ahead swallowed his saliva, moistened his sore throat, and said hoarsely, “Go, go.”

The group of people carefully and slowly walked onto the porch, and then entered, one by one, into the room.

Mo Yi was behind the crowd and walked inside with everyone.

Before entering the house, he subconsciously turned his head and looked behind him.

The three newcomers who chose not to come in were near each other, as if they were close enough to give the other strength, standing on the barren ground, behind them the boundless darkness, faintly squirming.

The countdown in the sky with luminous, blue shining in the sky seemed particularly ominous.

The Mist followed behind him, and a pair of light gray eyes looked at him unpredictably, the pale lips formed a slight arc, waiting quietly.

In the last instance, he needed a player to open the door to come inside. This time, perhaps in light of such an open platform, he could directly enter the instance.

Mo Yi frowned slightly, the expression in his dark eyes was a little complicated.

He didn’t know if this was a good or a bad thing.

Although the Mist hadn’t shown any negative tendencies concerning him for the time being, and even helped a lot, he can’t help but admit that such a spirit always following his side was still intimidating.

What’s more, his addition means more variables, and may even continue to increase the difficulty.

At this moment, a player walking beside him approached and followed Mo Yi’s gaze somewhat dubiously, but only saw a void, he couldn’t help but ask:

“What’s wrong? Did you find anything?”

Mo Yi shook his head, his eyes calm: “Nothing, let’s go.”

—The mystery in the Mist is as dangerous and uncertain as his body.

For example: Why does he follow him?

—He will even follow him into the real world. Why does he help him so often? What is his identity, and what is the reason for being so attached to himself?

His instincts told him: all these issues were extremely critical.

Mo Yi pursed his lips, turned and walked into the room, holding the half-open door with his hand, and deliberately staying for more than ten seconds, glancing at the Mist.

The cold and sharp facial lines of the Mist softened a bit, his light gray eyes like the light fog in the morning. His lips formed a slight, restrained smile and stepped forward, walking through the gap opened by Mo Yi.

As he passed by with a cold breath, he voiced lowly, “Thank you.”

The expression on Mo Yi’s face remained unchanged, but his eyebrows wrinkled unseen, as he followed in behind him.

The oddly shaped, dilapidated door slammed shut behind him, stirring up a cloud of dust that fluttered down in the dim light.

The space in the room was much larger than what it looked from the outside.

And what’s even weirder was that…not only the outside, but the inside of the room was also distorted.

The uneven floor was connected to the crooked walls. Above was the crooked ceiling, covered with moss and dust. All the furniture inside was crooked, and there was hardly any straight line inside the whole house.

Everything seemed to be a combination of distorted and weird.

Everyone looked at the room in silence, not hearing a sound.

The scene in front of him was like walking into a distorted dream, or falling into another strange world, almost making people doubt their eyes.

While Mo Yi’s expression was still light, his eyes narrowed slowly, and he subconsciously took a step forward.

Suddenly, he felt a strange sensation from under his feet, which was completely different from the texture of the wooden floor, as if something was protruding out, hardly touching the soles of his feet.

Mo Yi was taken aback, and moved his right foot away.

He saw a glittering thing stuck in the crack of the floor under his feet, flashing a faint silver shine under the dim light of the candlestick.

He squatted down, reaching out for the shiny object stuck in the crack of the twisted floor.

With a clever move, the originally stuck thing was forcefully buckled out by Mo Yi.

He placed it on the palm of his hand and straightened up.

Several players who saw him stand up also gathered around to look into his palms curiously.

Mo Yi wiped off the dust on its surface with his fingertips, and after looking at the shining object carefully for a while, he slowly frowned, his eyes flickered, seeming a little worried.

The veteran who had been chatting with him before couldn’t help asking curiously, “What is this?”

The others did the same. Looking left and right, they couldn’t make out what it was. They looked at Mo Yi in confusion, waiting for him to explain.

Mo Yi was startled, hesitantly lowering his voice, he said uncertainty:

“It seems… to be a sixpence coin.”

However, unlike a normal sixpence, this coin was also twisted like the house. The irregular circular arc was surrounded by crooked English letters and numbers. The gully was filled with dust accumulated over the ages, extremely difficult to identify.

Mo Yi raised his head and glanced unintentionally over the first floor windows.

Through the blurry glass, one can see the slowly passing countdown in the deep darkness, and the figures of three newcomers standing not far away.

At this moment, Mo Yi saw that something seemed to be surging in the foggy darkness.

Something bleak and gray-white appeared in the darkness that swallowed all the light, and then slowly stretched into the platform.

It was a pale arm.

Someone also saw the situation outside the house. A tall player hurried to the door, trying to open it to let the newcomers in, but the old wooden door that was crooked and could not fit the door frame completely, was tightly shut at the moment. It was cast iron and he couldn’t shake it at all.

Seeing that the door could not be opened, Mo Yi strode to the window and slammed on it to warn them:


The newcomers outside the house saw the commotion inside, but could only hear some vague sounds from within.

One of the timid players asked shyly: “Did something happen inside?”

The other person beside him tried to appear calm, but his voice changed a little under the influence of fear:

“Just… I know that there is nothing good going into the house will do, they don’t listen…”

Before he could finish his words, a harsh “creaking” sound was heard behind him, like the sound of a cracked wooden branch or the sound of crushing bones.

The three looked back at the same time.

They saw a tall “man” emerge from the darkness outside the platform, first with slender pale arms, then lanky legs. His whole body seemed to be drawn with crooked lines.

An unbalanced body was revealed.

He was wearing a crooked tuxedo and a worn top hat, his long and twisted face was fuzzy and pale, they could not see its facial features, only a cracked mouth was humming something in a low, terrifying voice.

The three screamed in horror and turned to run.

The twisted man stretched out his distorted arm like a branch, and with a wave of his pale and deformed palm, he pulled back a person who hadn’t run too far, and tore at them hard–

The scorching blood splattered, and their head was ripped off!

He dropped the horrified, dead body in his hands, and took just a step forward, but his long and thin legs had already brought him far away, the ”man” with the top hat approached the next victim, his pale face showing a strange smile.

The humming had gotten louder.

He stretched out his palm, just like a toy, and caught the second person, despite their struggle and screaming, he pulled hard— The second head was torn off, and one could see white bones through the bloody fracture. Dazzling blood spurted out of their throat and splashed onto the “man’s” narrow and ill-fitting tuxedo.

The third person finally ran to the door of the house, desperately and helplessly shaking the doorknob.

Sweat and tears spread across her face twisted by fear. She screamed in horror: “Help! Help!!!”

The hoarse voice was like weeping blood, and the trembling was like withering leaves in the wind.

The door did not move.

The “man” took a big step forward again, the twisted palm struck, pulling the woman’s hair, then just a light movement of the fingers and her neck bone cracked, her body softly hanging down.

The outside was quiet for a moment.

Then the humming from the man became particularly clear in this strange silence:

“…Heboughtacrockedcat… whichcaughtacrockedmouse…”

He pulled the player’s fallen corpse, slender legs and twisted steps, collected all the body fragments and heads, hugged them in his slender and pale arms, and walked into the darkness again.

There was a dead silence in the room, with only soft, muffled breathing.

Fear seemed to be pervasive, digging into everyone’s heart and along every pore.

Mo Yi looked pale, holding onto the sixpence coin subconsciously, even his knuckles turned white with force–

He whispered:

“There was a crooked man

And he walked a crooked mile

He found crooked sixpence

And a crooked stile

He bought a crooked cat

Which caught a crooked mouse

And they all lived together

In a crooked little house”

TN: Hi! I’m silverblue, the new translator. I’m translating through MTL, so my translation will not be the most accurate, but I do try my best. I hope you have fun reading nonetheless.


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