Collide Gamer

Chapter 643 – Gamer grinds again Interlewd 1 – Commands and Rewards [Erotic Content]

Chapter 643 – Gamer grinds again Interlewd 1 – Commands and Rewards [Erotic Content]


Gnome, Salamander, Undine and Sylph, the four of them were inside the bedroom with him now. Salamander and Undine were already naked, a simple difference for them, putting hiding flames out and forming private parts out of her slime, respectively. Why Sylph hadn’t stripped yet, even she probably didn’t know, but it was definitely not out of shame. Gnome, for her part, was only lightly flustered, glancing back and forth between her feet, her sisters and John, clearly wanting to get rid of her clothes, but too embarrassed to do so without reason.

They stood in a line, a wonderful line, each in a pose that brought out their personality. Gnome, slumped forwards, trying to make herself a little bit smaller than she was. Salamander, upright and with a hand stemmed into her hip, grinning widely. Undine, simply with her arms dangling and equally relaxed and straight, watching and waiting. Last but not least, Sylph, hovering, her mouth steadily moving as her hands ran over her curves.

“I want this so badly, you know?” she palavered about. “All tongues and fingers and scissoring make concubine a sad girl. Women are all soft and gentle and stuff, but I need Johnnie, I need Johnnie inside me, pounding me like the head concubine I am, yes, yes!” She nodded to herself as if she had just said the most obvious thing in the world that nobody could disagree with. “John, are you ready? Can we start?” A neediness of a level that he had never heard in Sylph’s voice surfaced. “I mean it, I really want you. I love you, I need you, I want to cuddle you and you to grab me and do naughty, naughty things to me!”

John grinned, himself sitting on the edge of the bed. He was naked, his short hair still a little wet from the shower he took just now. He didn’t want to be all sweaty from the Raid during sex. He would become plenty exhausted during it. “Yes, we’re going to start in a moment,” he responded, causing Sylph to first cry out enthusiastically, then moan when he got up and his erect cock bounced. A wet spot appeared in the fabric of her green leotard as the perverted thunderstorm elemental touched herself. “Get naked,” John commanded and watched their reactions closely.

This was as much the end of his short celibacy as it was a test of all those new Perks he had gotten. It was vital to know how exactly things worked. It was also one other thing, one that he kept from the girls for the moment. Undine and Salamander felt nothing at the command, for obvious reasons. Gnome and Sylph, however…

John had an eye on their bodies and minds and he could see how his suggestion did a little more to them than usual. It was more compelling than a simple demand. Not just a request they played along for the fun of it, but a mutual exchange. They traded obedience for pleasure. The very demand itself informed their subconscious about this.

If John hadn’t mentally informed them all about these Perks, that moment itself would have done it for him. Like all other trades in a civilized society, nothing forced them to take it. It was seductive, for sure, but if they had really wanted to resist, they could have done it without straining themselves. Seductive, not mind control.

Neither of them had any reason to take that out, however. Sylph’s clothes, from the leotard to the pendant she wore, unravelled into streaks of green and silver energy that separated from her skin and then dispersed into the air, leaving the tiny woman and her decently sized breasts and elegant curves plain to the view. Gnome followed suit, her yellow summer dress falling apart into grains of magic. Her body was more balanced, not quite as curvy but smoother in the way everything flowed together.

Sylph outright moaned once she was naked, while Gnome held back successfully, only whimpering a little as she bit her lower lip. Both of their skins were flushed with lust, however, marking the obvious effects obedience had on them. Especially, when contrasted to Undine and Salamander, who stood there still unmoving. They didn’t orgasm from that little bit, which was equally disappointing and proper. It would have been a bit difficult to have intercourse if every little command he gave them turned them into a twitching mess for a few seconds. It seemed that the Perk obeyed the same logic as everything during sex, which was that a climax was something that had to be worked towards in at least some capacity.

Regardless, it was quite potent, Gnome shifting around and now keeping her eyes on her naked summoner for much longer than she glanced away. She was turned on enough that her shame slowly began to subside. The arms that may have been moved to hide her breasts and cunt froze so close to their goal that they obscured nothing and, on the contrary, only framed those erotic areas of her body. She truly was a master-crafted statue come to life.

John wanted to have a bit more fun with that experimentation. “Move your arms away, let me see all of you,” he commanded, and after a bit of hesitation, Gnome obeyed. Not knowing what else to do with them, she folded her arms behind her hips. The motion caused her C-cups to stretch and be pushed out seductively, the increased rate of her breathing didn’t help with that. Her head hung to the side, shame flaring up again. “Look at me, Gnome,” he said, walking over.

She did but her lust didn’t increase further. Which was also good to know, since John also hadn’t intended to command her in this instance. Knowing that he could turn it off by simply not wanting it to be an order was valuable knowledge in and of itself. He was eye to eye with the hazel-eyed soil elemental now.

“I’ll tell you as often as you need to hear it,” his soft voice reached out to her as he slowly leaned in for a kiss. “You’re beautiful, never be ashamed of anything about the way you look.” Their lips met. They were so surprisingly soft and he could feel heat radiate from her face like from a dark stone that had bathed in the sun for a while. Lust, embarrassment and love all caused her to flush, most of all around the cheeks.

“Uwuwuwuwu…” she made her cute little noise when she and John parted again. The Gamer licked his lips, still tasting her sweet, earthy aroma, like the air after autumn rain mixed with summer honey. He was getting an appetite for more than that, something more intense and more fun than kissing, in many ways.

“Sit down,” he got back into the leading role, gesturing at the bed. This time, he addressed all four of them. If there had been any doubt about the effectiveness of the Perk left, it was cleared up when they had all sat down and the previously unaffected half of them began to pant or shift as if John had been caressing their large breasts for two whole minutes. “Spread your legs,” he continued, feeling their horniness spike every time they did as they were told. “Start masturbating.”

John’s cock was rock hard, watching them all obey in their individual ways. Sylph rubbed her clit with one hand, while sucking on the fingers of the other. Her eyes were glued to his quivering cock and her moans left no doubt what she wanted to suck on instead. Not that she wasn’t messily blabbering about how much she wanted to suck him off anyway. Next to her, Undine was instead playing with her breasts, kneading them and caressing the nipples. Salamander preferred a mixed approach, groping her own left tit roughly, digging lines of shadow into the soft, overabundant meat, while plunging two fingers into her burning cunt. At the right-hand end of this line of sexy elementals, Gnome had both hands lowered to her groin, playing with both her pussy and asshole at the same time.

John took Undine’s chin. Although she was blind, they still managed to cross their gazes and exchange something there. At the very least, the way her golden eyes looked up to him was immensely satisfying. “Cum,” he commanded. The ocean elemental shivered in an anticipating way, but then slowly shook her head as nothing further happened. “Too soon, alright,” the Gamer mumbled to himself and let go. He had a pretty good idea about the way this worked now and it satisfied him quite a bit. Although the perverse, dominant side of him would have loved more power over them, he realized that these were reasonable boundaries.

He decided to continue with the actual program he had planned. After stepping one to the left, he kneeled down on the floor. Yes, his dick was hard enough to be used as an armour penetration weapon, between the increased Libido and his pent-up desires, but he could wait just a little while longer. He placed a number of kisses along the inside of Sylph’s thighs and took in her scent, a mellow breeze over a field of spring flowers.

When he arrived at her sex, her hand had already moved to the side. The pretty pink lips of her pussy were parted slightly already, swollen with lust and wet with her clear liquid. Kissing the clit on top now, hidden under a little hood, John coerced more moans from Sylph. Hers were the loudest, underlined by those of her fellow elementals. The Gamer’s tongue was simply more able than their own fingers.

John reached around under her legs, shouldered her thighs and grabbed her ass, pulling her as close to his face as was possible. “Yes, yes, yes,” Sylph chirped when his tongue prodded and invaded her folds. Little jolts of electricity made the muscle a little numb, but at the same time they awakened more of John to the perverted exercise. “Ah, you’re so warm and wiggly and your tongue is so nice and long.” Sylph didn’t particularly care about whether or not what she said was sexy or not, she just palavered on. Her high-pitched moans between words were all John needed to hear anyway. “Ahhh, yes, John… I love you, I want you deeper inside me, just a little more… oh, I have missed this, I needed this…. Ahhh, I am already so close… I am…”

Sylph pinched her hard nipples as her eyelids fluttered. A long sigh escaped her; a prolonged, audible exhale in which a slight relief lay, providing ease to a deeper, more ecstatic problem. John gladly lapped up the little gush of her honey, before parting from her. ‘That was quick,’ he grinned to himself. Being able to make her orgasm so quickly was an accomplishment. “Good girl,” he complimented her.

To his surprise, that caused Sylph to moan as if she had just followed a command. Evidently, compliments also fell into the boundaries of the Perk’s capability. Yet another thing that was very good to know.

“Keep masturbating,” he reminded her as he moved onto Undine. The thunderstorm elemental obeyed, her fingers hastily going back to their work. In a much more erratic fashion, as if to make up for the lack of John’s skills as a lover.

Undine awaited him eagerly. The moment he was positioned between her legs, she stopped pleasuring herself and leaned back, using both her arms as support. Her blue body darkened almost unnoticeably around her cunt. A sign that she was concentrating her pleasure cells (or the magical slime equivalent thereof) in that area.

John took the invitation gladly. Her crotch felt cool against his lips; she tasted a bit salty, but it mixed with a sweetness and created an altogether deeply pleasant flavour. For a while, Undine was strictly silent. All reactions to John’s movements were purely in the landscape of her mind, an endless sea shaking with pleasant ripples. Ripples that became stronger and higher, until they were large waves and the ocean elemental’s voice slipped out.

Her every moan was like a note in a little song that only John and the other harem members ever got to hear. It motivated the expert moves of his tongue further. He curved and prodded for the spots where Undine had created the greatest weak spots this time around. Conscious or subconscious, even in the generally dense concentration of pleasure nerves, there were little bundles to exploit.

Deep in the tunnel she had made inside herself, John found it. His tongue was just long enough to reach it. With the tip, tensed into a sharp form, he circled that spot. “Aaaah,” Undine gasped lustfully, and John could hear the whisper of bedsheets that were clawed into, saw the quivering of her large breasts and tasted increased flow of her pussy juices. Watery as they were, an overabundance of them dripped down his cheeks. He slurped and drank greedily, not wanting to waste any of his girls’ precious fluids to the floor. Something that became downright impossible the greater the turmoil of ecstasy inside Undine became. More and more the pussy juice spilled, then a sudden gush exploded from her lower lips.

The slime of her pussy constricted tightly around his tongue and Undine screamed out his name. John himself groaned, incredibly turned on as he was. Still, he forced himself to continue this strategy. Undine, like Sylph, immediately plunged two fingers into her cunt upon his withdrawal.

“Fucking finally,” Salamander greeted him with a depraved look in her unequal eyes. Rather than wait for him, she took his head with both hands and pulled him towards her cunt. Her thighs squished into the sides of his head, forcing him into a prison of heat and lust. All around him was like sitting next to a campfire, but in front of his mouth was the fire itself.

‘If she wants it that bad…’ he thought, amused by her aggressiveness and turned on by the softness of her thighs. Immediately unleashing the full might of his perverted knowledge, he teased her clit and penetrated her folds in rapid intervals. His confinement only heated up further, the legs around him trembled, sometimes backing up enough from his ears that he could hear again. His cock was dripping precum upon hearing them all.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” Salamander rapidly cursed, her fingers digging deeper into her summoner’s skull. Sylph and Undine had grown much louder, the first orgasm having raised their desires rather than relieving them completely. There was no getting around it, they were all addicted to sex in at least a minor way, and getting that first fix only worsened their cravings.

With Salamander, he didn’t have to search for her weak spots. The inferno of lust inside her cunt behaved differently with a tongue inside than a cock, so John could easily find her g-spot and mercilessly assault it. Soon her somewhat oily, smoky juices filled John’s mouth in a large wave, the orgasm silencing the endflame elemental, save for the occasional choked groan or curse.

Hesitantly, and with a bit of force from John’s side required, she opened her legs. “Keep going,” John told her as well, and Salamander, without as much as the illusion of defiance, followed the trend of her sisters. He was grinning ear to ear as he moved onto the last girl waiting for his attention. Not only did he get to have fun with his new favourite toy, things would also line up perfectly, it seemed.

The reason why he had started this little orgy off with this pussy eating session was that the Skill of the same name was about to max out. Once it did, all three of his sexual Skills would be topped off. He would have eaten them all out regardless of when that happened, but now it was guaranteed to line up with his caring for Gnome.

The soil elemental had a very clear reaction to John being between her legs. Being that she didn’t even notice until he grabbed her like Sylph earlier. Her eyes had been mostly closed and even now that they flew open, they were glazed over. She had worked herself into quite the state already. Her pussy was moist, not as overtly wet as the previous three. Not for a lack of horniness, but because of her own rather unique physique.

Regardless, her pussy was slippery. She didn’t need much in the way of lubrication because she herself was so smooth and wonderful. “J-john,” she stuttered and gasped; if she wanted to say anything else, it was lost in her sudden, unashamed pleasure. She moaned loudly, almost shouted, sounds that could have been words of compliments and embarrassment, as John ate her out.

He approached her a bit more tenderly, only slowly ramping up the speed and intensity of his movements. At some point, she could no longer sit upright, her upper body falling down onto the bed. It occurred to him that this was the same bed, or at least a copy of the same bed, that he had first had sex with three of the four present elementals, Salamander having been taken elsewhere.

Now that she was lying, John had a nice view down her flat stomach, to her shapely breasts and the face peeking up between them. She had a blank look of debauchery on her face, mouth slightly open to let the sighs and moans escape, eyes closed about halfway, the colour of her face almost feverish. John couldn’t resist anymore; he ramped his assault up the rest of the way, and her head flew back when he sucked on her clit, circled it with his tongue and generally did perverted things to her tight pussy.

Her spine arched most pleasingly to John’s eyes, and he flew the Mandala Sphere around to keep sight of her face regardless. She didn’t go fully cross-eyed just yet, but what he was doing to Gnome definitely had her close to it. Her teeth were now clenched, then forcefully relaxed with a snapping for air. They clenched again, then opened in a long shout, John feeling the tremble all over her body just as he tasted her earthy aroma in his mouth, a more intense version of her kisses.

He couldn’t help but sent out a mental command as Gnome was pushed over the edge. ‘Cum!’ The forceful thought reached everyone in the room. There was just a second of hesitation as the word reverberated inside their minds, was understood, and there was a chance for resistance. One that nobody took, and then the room exploded into a symphony of orgasmic cries.

Gnome remained the loudest amongst them, her shout turning scream as her orgasm intensified, physical and mental climax layering on top of each other. Undine’s sing-song voice almost reached her, while Sylph and Salamander provided a bottom layer that was no less beautiful. With deep satisfaction. John backed off and stood up.

He licked their remaining juices off his lips.

He wasn’t going to stop there.


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