Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 95

Chapter 95: 95

We made another trip and we filled the truck with the small 1-gallon containers. We got 128 pieces and we headed to the generator store from across the street.





I made my way quickly and the rest followed. The katana was definitely more deadly than the wakizashi since it’s longer and I wouldn’t have to adjust my position from each strike.

Kaley would still use the CZ and the wakizashi from time to time but she felt more comfortable with the AR-15.

“Trying to copy Sky’s style, correct?” Tatiana said.

Kaley smiled when Tatiana noticed what’s she’s doing.

“I try to do it too since it’s effective. However, I can’t switch between hands like he did. Sky, you’re ambidextrous correct?” she said.

“Uh, no. I just practiced on using my left hand a lot. My right arm is dominant against my left though you could say that I’m ambidextrous but not born to be one. However, I tend to use the katana with my right from habit but I could switch them up just fine.” I explained as I tried to open the two padlocks for the roll-up.

“You really had a lot of time on your hands.” Kaley said while helplessly smiling.

“Heh, guard the outside for now, unc. Come with me inside.” I said.

The rest took their stances and they waited for us scout the place first.

It’s mostly filled with gas-powered generators while there’s a few solar ones. On the wall beside the counter are a few car batteries that I took a mental note of it. The place was clear so I headed outside to guard for zombies as I let my uncle and the rest haul the items.

My katana is on my right while the Glock 19 is on my left. I left Kaley and Tatiana on the truck while I moved a bit forward to clear more zombies around.

“What are you doing?!” Kaley exclaimed.

“He’s clearing as much of them as possible. He did the same when we were getting gas. He said to kill as much as possible to reduce the risk of them.” Tatiana said.

“Kaley, watch my back yeah? Tatiana watch for the guys loading the truck from any blind spots, I’ll stretch my bones for a while.” I said.

“Catch.” I heard Kaley say as she threw my wakizashi over.

I caught it after quickly holstering my Glock.

“Smooth.” She said.

I fastened the sheath on my belt and I drew it with my left hand. I felt a nostalgic feeling but my head started to itch.

“Nope.” I said as I sheathed it back and threw it towards Kaley.

“Why?!” she exclaimed.

“It’s asymmetrical. My head itches if I hold them together.” I replied flatly.

“Pfft!” I heard her hold her laughter.

I drew the pistol once more and I started on moving in a semi-circle to clear a few that I encounter.

Quick flowing slash after quick flowing slash. Bodies are hitting the floor each time I swing my blade. Kaley would occasionally help by bringing down one or two that are in a clump. Jared started on aiming on the few that are 100-500 yards away to practice his shooting. The sound of the muffled M70 is always followed by his cheer when I notice from my peripheral vision that a figure from far away would fall down.

“Nice shooting.” Kaley praised.

“Thanks, I start to have trouble when it reaches 600+ yards.” Jared said.

“Why would you need to shoot that far though?” Kaley asked.

“Well, it’s awesome to do it. Sky can shoot much farther than me since he can read the wind properly.” he replied.

“How far is his record then?” Tatiana asked.

“1000 yards. We went to an outdoor range once. The guys there said he was just lucky so he unloaded the 4 bullets that are left in the M24 that Oscar gave him. Long story short, the guys there ate their words. They said after that the world record is 2707 yards and they started to downplay him.” he replied.

“What did he say then?” Kaley asked.

“Nothing, I thought he was gonna talk back but he just kept on smiling on a corner.” he replied.

I was still within earshot hearing their conversation and I just said to myself, “I already went past that record. Though it is still shorter than the top record by a lot, I could unload a whole clip and still hit accurately at that distance.”

The group is taking a bit of time now since the generators and the car batteries are much heavier than the plastic water tanks. They would lift it up over the truck while Jared slides it in place.

I never did use my pistol because of Kaley backing me up so I just holstered it and drew the scabbard. I would use it as a stick for deflecting hands while I use the katana for finishing them off. I kinda felt like Ikkaku when he first appeared in the show I was watching before.

After half an hour, I managed to kill a few dozen before they called me over. I flicked the katana to get rid of the blood invading the blade. I wiped the still remaining blood off by using a rag and noticed that the blood never reached the hand guard.

“Well, I wouldn’t need to clean it like last time. The reach definitely helped with that.” I said to myself.

“No sprinters today huh?” Jared said.

“Why, you want to see one that badly?” I asked.

“Well, it’s actually very easy to deal with these things now.” Jared said.

“It’s better that way doesn’t it?” I said.

“Well, I hope we could at least see one or two.” He replied.

“Then walk home.” I said with a frown.

“W-what? I just said that it got a bit easier.” He replied.

“Sky?” Kaley said.

“I thought you got it already, we’re fighting for our lives here don’t we? And here you are complaining that it’s easy? Look around will you? Tell that to those who are dead now.” I said while facing him.

“Whoa there now.” My uncle tried to diffuse the situation.

“…” Jared was silent.

“I know what you feel alright? You’re a great shot and this feels like restarting a game you’ve finished a thousand times. But get it in your head that this your life now. It would take probably a few years or even a few decades to get it back the way it was. Remember that your little sister won’t experience what we did before this happened. We’re all doing what we can to at least give them comfort while they are stranded on the confines of our walls. Don’t start on getting complacent on what we are doing here.” I said.

His eyes are slowly turning red while I heard him sniffle. Everyone else is silent while my uncle tried to guide him inside the truck.

“Sky, but more sprinters coming towards us means that there would be less the other people would face, correct?” Tatiana said.

“No, he’s right. I’m sorry. I never thought of it that way. Alright, I’ll take 60%” he said.

“60%? You sure? That would sting a lot. I’ll take 60% as well.” I said.

“Oh boy.” My uncle said and Dong and Mark were wearing amused expressions since they know what’s going on.

“W-wait, what’s happening?” Kaley was confused.

I removed the glove from my right hand and Jared lifted his shirt at the back where the vest won’t reach. I threw a huge slap at his lower back while he flinched.

“I’ll just give him 20%” I said to myself.


“Attiti… that was 60?! F.U.C.K!” he exclaimed while rubbing his back.

“What are you guys doing?” Kaley was still confused.

“I think some sort of punishment system? Like in the mafia where they cut off a finger when a subordinate makes a mistake, correct?” Tatiana guessed.

“Yeah, the kids made it so the awkwardness after a conflict is resolved immediately.” My uncle explained.

“Hah! It took too much time to resolve something and the awkward wait after it is too long. So we just did this. Your turn now.” I said as I lifted the shirt from my back.

“Why are you getting hit as well?” Kaley asked.

“Well, I’m wrong too. Tatiana’s right in saying that. We could at least handle ourselves but the people who can’t will surely die from those things. Rather have the sprinters go to those who can handle them than those who cannot.” I explained.

“You guys…” she facepalmed.


“Ouch! It stings! Your big hand gives you an extra surface area!” I protested.

“Hah! It’s still 60% though!” he retorted.

We both have red marks on our back while we drove home.

“Can we all do that with each other then?” Tatiana suggested.

“I think I wouldn’t want to…” Kaley trailed.

“C’mon, it’s only when we made mistakes, correct?” she replied.

“I’m down.” Mark said.

“Me as well.” Dong said.

“Nope, don’t drag an old man to that stupid game.” Zardon said.


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