Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 85

Chapter 85: 85

I opened the gate and I drew my katana. With a simple flick of the wrist, I started to dispose of them one by one. When it’s the last zombie, I had a thought. I removed the cover and I placed it in the middle of the street.

“Hey, what are you doing with it?” Nicole asked.

“Just had an idea. Jared, cover me yeah?” I said as I let it face the truck and it’s now looking at them.

“Weird.” Lois said.

“Good naming them sentries. It’s like the statues on the main quest of what you’re playing before.” Jared said.

“Unc, can you stand about 15 feet in front of it? Keep the shield up though.” I said as I went the other way.

“What are we doing?” my uncle said.

“Wait a moment, I’ll attract a few.” I said.

I came back after a few moments with five of them. I started going diagonally and I avoided the sentries’ line of sight but I’m far closer than it than my uncle. When the zombies got a few feet near the sentry, it happened.

“Woah.” my uncle said.

I was 8-10 feet from the sentry but the zombies avoided me and then they started on straddling towards my uncle. I slowly sidestepped to get to the line of sight of the sentry and then its eyes split up between me and my uncle and the zombies coming from the back are now splitting between us. When I went back to its blind spot, its eyes went back to my uncle but the zombies that split up still went after me while the last zombie I attracted went to my uncle.

“This is vital information. Should definitely tell this to everyone.” I said to myself.

I then brandished my katana and got rid of the ones I attracted while my group did the same. The group is just looking at me and then I sliced the head off of the sentry cleanly.



The head fell to the ground but its eyes are still staring at me. I wrapped the head in cloth and I placed it in the truck.

“We’re taking that?!” Nicole exclaimed.

“Yeah, this is something we might have a use in the compound. We might need to find an aquarium or a jar. Too bad I’ve killed the other six. This is something really vital, let’s get everything from this place first and we check a few of the houses near here before we go back. We took a lot of time here since the house is too big.” I said.

They then started on hauling the stuff inside while I went back to the 3rd floor to get the revolver and the box of .357 rounds. I then went to the other room where they came from and I inspected the place. This seems to be the master bedroom and it’s similar to the rooms on the second floor but bigger. I checked for any hidden doors but I found nothing. There’s a few fancy clothes and jewelry here but there’s not much gear we could use for zombies.

“She must’ve taken the important ones. Where did she go then?” I said to myself.

Aside from the essentials, I took the electronic gadgets from the rooms and I found a bag of Marijuana on the nightstand on the master bedroom with an empty medicine container.

“This does not look prescribed by a doctor. Wait, this bottle for sleeping pills, overdosed?” I said to myself.

I remembered the 7 figures earlier and one of them don’t have any bitemarks.

“Did the last one overdosed on this? Why is Karen the only one left alive?” I asked myself.

I just placed the bag of Marijuana on my bag and figured I might have use for them later on for trading or any medical issue. There’s also a wine cabinet here with more bottles than in the kitchen and they are much more expensive. I also checked each bathroom for any pills or any other things I might find. On one of the cabinets on the bathrooms, I found a very… phallic object. I left it alone and I shook my head.

“That thing could be used as a bludgeoning weapon. It’s like a Barbarian with Brutal Critical if it hits you. Well, if that makes you happy… I’m not gonna bring that home though.” I said to myself.

We finished loading the truck and the head was placed carefully in a corner. Half of the truck was full so we went inside a few more houses near it. Surprisingly, one of them has a few solar panels installed and we unhooked them with the inverters and the battery for our compound. We grabbed a few containers for the gas at home and 20 empty ones filled the rest of the truck along with a few essentials that we found.

There are still more zombies past the gas station since it’s in the highway. In this place, we encounter 7-9 zombies every time we make a stop and we are not using firearms as long as we could. It’s possible as long as you make a proper formation with your group and they follow you properly.

We headed back and I found out that there are a few people inside the fence and a few of them are familiar faces. A guy there smiled and waved at me though I disregarded him.

“Where’s Kaley and the rest?” I asked Allan on top of the catwalk.

“Oh, they’re making one more trip before they take a rest. Oscar told the people below to stay at the fence here first and wait for you. They might be back in a few minutes though.” he said.

“Sky! Sky! Remember me?” one of them said. It’s a guy wearing ragged clothing but has an expensive watch on his wrist. He has gold teeth and has an air of arrogance.

“The f.u.c.k is this guy doing here? Out of all the people that would stay at their homes, this guy actually survived?” I said to myself.

“Hey man! Hey!” the guy shouted.

“SHUT THE F.U.C.K UP!!!” I bellowed.

The man stops calling me and the few are taken aback.

“You know that guy Sky? He keeps on saying that you were bros, he never stopped talking since he got here.” Allan said with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

“I know this guy but we’re not close.” I said.

“C’mon man! We’ve known each other for years I-” he looked at the fence and he stopped.

Kaley and the group came back and her eyes brightened when she saw us back. I waved at her and she waved back at me. I jumped down the truck and opened the first fence for them.

*roll* *roll* *roll* *roll* *roll*

I checked her body for any signs of scars or wounds. I even checked the magazine of the AR and the CZ if it was used.

“Hey, it’s embarrassing, stop doing that here! We never fired a shot; we just used our melee weapons and I killed a few using your wakizashi.” She said with a proud look.

We then walked towards the group again and I looked at each one of them. There is 7 of them all in all. They are looking at me with wary expressions though that guy has the same bullshit expression as always.

“Hey! Hey! Hey! C’mon man! Talk to me! I-” he tries to get my attention.

“You checked them for weapons?” I asked.

“Yeah, we did. I found 2 pistols from the woman there with a cap, her name is Aubrey and she complied in surrendering them to us. The others have nothing on them and we let them all in after Kaley made a brief talk with them.” Tatiana reported.

“That’s good. Good to see your family here Anthony.” I turned to a guy with a large forehead carrying his daughter with his wife by his side.

“Huh? You know me?” he replied.

I laughed and said, “Anthony Del Mundo, we’re classmates in the elementary school here. We used to play online games every afternoon after school. Remember Gunbound X?”

“Hold on, wait he doesn’t look like you at all. Are you Sky?” he said with a confused expression.

His eyebrows were scrunched at first then it shot up in realization.

“What’s up man?” I said as he gave her daughter to his wife then he gave me a handshake.

“Holy shit man. It’s really you? Didn’t even recognize you!” he exclaimed.

“Well, it’s been 2 decades more or less and I haven’t been attending our reunions. Is this all of you?” I said.

“Yeah, we decided to hole up in my house. This is my wife Laura, my daughter Bailey, my cousin Benjie and my dad Roy.” He introduced some of the group.

I looked at the other two and they introduced themselves as well. The other female was Aubrey, she was the person with the pistols earlier, she works as security guard at a bank. The last one… the last one was an asshole; his name is Diego.


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