Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 78

Chapter 78: 78

I facepalmed and the rest of my group had the same expression while Jay’s group were dumbstruck at what happened.

I checked Bing with drool flowing down his mouth and I surmised that he’s only unconscious. I grabbed the same bottle Oscar let Tatiana sniff when I kicked her and Bing immediately woke up after a few seconds. He spat out a tooth while he looked at it in bewilderment.

“What happened?” he asked as I facepalmed.

“Don’t get up yet. You got knocked the f.u.c.k out. Good thing your jaw is still intact.” I said.

“It still hurts though.” he said.

I almost rolled my eyes and said, “I did warn you though.”

“I thought you were kidding… I didn’t even see it happen. Ahhhhh~ my jaw hurts.” he said.

I gave him a hand to get up after a few minutes and we finally drove home. We passed by Mr. Chang’s residence again but no one is outside. You could only hear a few people having an argument and nothing else but the bodies outside are burned. Kenny decided to ride with me on the sidings of the truck since Bing was on the passenger seat with Hannah since his head is still wobbly.

“Hey!” he said.

“Yo!” I replied.

“You look really cool.” Kenny said.

“Well you look awesome with that helmet, where did you get it from?” I asked.

“Oh! Dad gave it to me earlier. It’s kinda big though…” he replied as his eyes are getting covered by the helmet.

“Aww, he’s so cute Sky! How old are you?” Kaley said.

“I’m 6 now, how about you? Are you 37 now? You look like one.” Kenny replied without an ounce of worry.


I smacked his helmet really hard while I feel the heat emanating from Kaley that almost burns my skin.

“Want us to die here kid?! This is a way to die!” I said to myself.

“What was that for?! It’s loud when you knocked on it!” Kenny shouted.

“I’m just testing if the helmet is really strong. It really is strong, I bet it could block a meteor!” I said a white lie to protect ourselves.

“Little shi- little kid, I’m still very young, okay?” Kaley replied with a scary smile while the rest gave amused expressions.

“She’s scary Sky, how old is she? Is she a witch?” Kenny said nonchalantly while Kaley stared at me menacingly.

“She’s very young, the same age as me. Also, you don’t ask them about their age, okay?” I said to Kenny.

“Oh~ Why do we not ask them their age then? She asked my age though… I think old people get mad at that, she’s pretty old then? Maybe 47? But you’re not 47, right?” he asked again innocently.

“You’re really trying to get us killed here, huh?” I said to myself.

“I’m 25! Happy?!” Kaley exclaimed as she huffs while I give a helpless smile.

“Cool.” Kenny replied innocently.

I was close to laughing from Kaley’s expression. It’s a mix of helplessness and frustration.

“Don’t argue with a kid yeah? You’ll never win.” I said.

“He’s looking a lot less cute now…” she replied weakly.

“I don’t look cute! I’m cool! See this helmet?! It block meteors!” he exclaimed.

The banter continued as we also passed by the Pineda residence after we drove through the elementary school.

“Right, I forgot about this one. It’s almost 4:00 PM though and I need to teach a class later. Bah! I’ll do it tomorrow; my head feels itchy damn it.” I said to myself.

We reached the compound and the group I brought was shocked.

“From this gate here up to the end, is a safe zone. Welcome guys.” I said.

“You cleared all this?!” Daisy exclaimed.

“Yeah, took us almost a week.” Jared replied.

I saw the tanker parked outside the gate and it’s facing the fence.

“Hey Sky! We finished on loading the containers with diesel and there’s still light from the sun, we could head to the gas station now for a quick refill. There could be leftover supplies in the small convenience store too.” Russel said.

Kaley and the rest guided the new people inside first.

“What about the broadcast though?” I said.

“It still replays right?” he said.

“That’s true, I remember Ken recording everything from the start, he got the first broadcast from the replays. I think we could watch it in the meeting. I guess I’ll just teach a class today at the gym and take a break from gun training. Let’s bring one more person with us yeah?” I said.

“I should’ve gone to the Pineda residence earlier but gas is more important for the group now.” I said to myself

I was about to ask my uncle to come with us but I remembered that he has just got his kids now, I’ll give him a break for today and ask somebody else.

“Hold this for a minute yeah?” I said to Russel as I handed him the guandao.

“This looks sick, I remember dad likes this sort of thing, I’ll show this to him in a bit.” he said as he tries to wave it around.

I called Tatiana over and we three drove the tanker back in the gas station that Russel works at. We cleared a few zombies with our melee weapons and Russel grabbed a pump and he started to load the tanker again.

“Why is there more coming from the right way than the left way?” Tatiana asked.

“The cities are from that way, to the left side is the Bulacan area, they are still a province and it has less population. I believe it also started from the cities too. How long will this take Russel?” I said.

“More than half an hour. We need to get the good stuff, not the bubbles.” he said.

“Bubbles?” Tatiana asked.

“You know, it’s a gas station trick. You could pump it to maximum speed to fill up a car the fastest way but there will be a lot of foam when you do that instead of the red liquid that the gas actually is. I do that when I have a prick as a customer.” he explained to Tatiana.

“Hmm, that’s good to know. I never knew that.” Tatiana said as she nodded pensively.

“Dude… what happened on your trip? I saw uncle with Kenny and Hannah, did the others… die?” Russel asked solemnly.

I then told him the story of what happened in Mr. Chang’s residence.

“I almost turned out like Cyrill, right? I was mad at you for beating me up that time but now I’m thankful for it.” he said.

“Hah! Good thing that beating you up worked. That guy is too far gone compared to you.” I replied.

I remembered another story from back then but it’s not important right now. What I’m looking in the horizon is something we need to be worried about.

“Another sprinter.” I said in my head.

I told the two and they tensed up.

“Don’t shoot the guns. We’re at the center of the gas station, not inside the store like last time. We could cause an explosion if we unloaded one here. Just keep the pump on going as is and get inside the tanker. We’ll deal with this with melee weapons.” I said.

“H-hold on! One of those things broke Oscar’s shotgun, right?! We could still move away!” Russel exclaimed.

“No time, we need to learn how to fight this thing up close and personal. Tatiana, don’t block yeah? Just dodge and slice. I’ll start the encounter and be the backup” I said.

We walked a bit forward from the truck and we saw the sprinter saw us and it changed direction from the highway towards the gas station we’re in. It’s running at an incredible speed but the turn it’s making is not smooth due to the speed that it’s running in. I walked a bit more forward than Tatiana so I could meet it as I drew my blade. Its head locked on to me and I saw it swing its hand towards my neck.


I took a step back but I swung my blade from the right to the left to match her swing.



I managed to chop her arm off then it fell on the side.

“NnnYYaRHHH” it screamed but due to its momentum, her charge is still pushing her forward so I dodged her body by diving on its right side and it’s now headed to Tatiana.



I saw Tatiana spinning downwards and making a sweep toward its feet. It made a spin in the air when it tripped and it fell facing down. It was still alive though, so she drew her knife and stabbed it in the back of the head and it stopped moving.


The blood from the knife is dark and sticky and it is almost curdling to form small bits. She wiped it off its clothes and she sheathed the knife.

We both nodded at each other and Russel went outside the tanker with an excited face.


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