Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 48

Chapter 48: 48

I clenched my hand so hard, my nails started to pierce my skin. The blood flows through my hands and it dripped through the sheets. I feel my vision haze and I almost heard nothing.

After an unknown time, I just felt a hand trying to stop the bleeding from my hand. It was Kaley.

We both were just alone in the room and she is putting something in my hand. She proceeded to bandage it and she positioned my head to face her. She seems to be calling me but I could barely hear her.

“Sky? Sky! SKY!”


My expression returned to normal and I saw her looking very worried at me. I saw the bandage in my hand and I saw Rin and Olivia peeking from the door.

“Come here.” I said to them.

They flinched and Kaley looked at me.

When Olivia entered, she said, “Sky, I’m very so-”

“I’m sorry.” I said.

“Huh?” she replied.

“I’m sorry for scaring all of you. I just remembered something unpleasant.” I said.

“Are you ok Sky?” Kaley asked.

“Yeah, I’m good for now.” I replied

“No, I-I shouldn’t have said anything…” she said as she looks down about to cry.

“No, it’s ok. I really should be getting this out of me. Keeping it bottled would make it worse like Oscar said. Can you guys just listen to me for a while? It would help me a lot. I already told the story to some people and it eases the heaviness I feel here.” I said as I tap my temple with my index finger and middle finger.

They all nodded and sat in front of me and then I began to speak.

“It’s the day I lost both my parents…” I started.

All of them stared at me in surprise and Kaley’s giving me a look that a question from her mind got answered.

“Exactly 5 years, 2 months and 16 days. Remember the place where we burn the bodies in the corner? See on the other corner the 3-story house with a stainless gate? That’s where I used to live.”

“We had a lot of dogs before, 14 of them, none of them were trained though. Every time someone would come in the door or would just pass by, they would make a lot of noise. That day, I thought it was just a few bystanders talking really loud outside that’s why the dogs were so noisy, turns out, a f.u.c.k.i.n.g drug addict got too high on psychedelics and started making a ruckus outside.”

“He jumped towards our garage and he broke the door there to get in. He might’ve come to the kitchen first and grabbed my mom’s knife. All of our dogs were mutilated since most of them were Shih Tzus, we only had 2 big ones and even though they managed to take a bite off that guy’s shoulder, he still managed to kill them. We just found the pile of their bodies sprawled out on the first floor after everything was over.”

Olivia starts to cry while Rin has her hands on her mouth. Kaley went to my side and hugged me.

“My dad then went outside his room to check the place, wondering what’s the commotion is about. I just stayed inside the room minding my own business since I thought it would be the same as any other day the dogs made noise. I thought it was over when the barking stopped. I just heard the door slamming really hard and I heard my mom scream. I grabbed whatever is closest to me and I rushed outside.”

I paused for a minute and then I continued.

“A guy was on top of my dad, smiling maniacally and shouting, ‘I WOULD KILL ALL OF YOU F.U.C.K.I.N.G DEMONS!!!’ and all I hear was the knife getting stabbed over and over and my dad wincing every time it gets pulled out. My mom tried to shoot the guy with my dad’s gun but she doesn’t know how to even use it, it just clicks and nothing happened. The guy just smiled wildly and then he slashed the knife and it hit my mom’s neck. It must’ve hit an artery since the blood just flowed like a waterfall. Blood hits my eye and I just blacked out, my body just…moved.”

“I just came to my senses when my aunt is wiping my body with a towel. A lot of people are outside and I saw the light from a police car and an ambulance blaring. I was outside sitting on the stairs to my house with a few figures covered in sheets lying on the ground where blood seeps out in a few places. I saw a cop speaking to me but her words are inaudible. I just looked at her lips and what I deciphered was ‘Put the weapon down!'”

I looked at the rack where my tachi was supposed to be and then I looked back at them.

“I laid the tachi on the ground and I looked at my bleeding arm. My left eye was also seeing red since there was a cut on my eyebrow. It was on the news for a while but we said to never reveal our names. I even had no recollection what I did until I watched the CCTV footage until I remembered everything. I killed 6 people with my tachi.”

“What?” Kaley looked at me.

“Yeah, what happened was I drew my blade and I hesitated at the first strike. I managed to cut him but it’s too shallow. I made a diagonal slash from his shoulder to his abdomen but it was just the flesh getting sliced, not the bone. He managed to slice my arm a few times before I cut his arm off. I even tried to talk to the guy, asking him why did he do it, he just smiled and continued chanting his gibberish. He threw a vase at my face and he ran outside. I chased after him not even noticing that all our pets are dead. Some of his own family members that was looking for him saw his state and me chasing after him, so one of them smashed a bottle at my head by throwing it. The rest of them pulled out knives and rushed towards me, I held the tachi with both hands and I moved, one slash for each one. The five of them were bisected and the guy who broke into my house died of losing too much blood.”

They flinched when they heard what I did.

“People would just practice a gun or a sword or even martial arts for a hobby or just for protection as we always say, but that was the time I used what I learned for its intended purpose…to kill. It was all a blur; I never would have believed that I did it if I didn’t get to see myself doing it in front of the monitor. A few days after, I was acquitted by the supreme court and was let go. My uncles almost smacked the shit of the family members of the ones I’ve killed there that said I should be locked forever.”

“What?! That’s stupid!” Rin was the one who bellowed.

“Well, that family is a really f.u.c.k.i.e.d up one. They’re lucky that they didn’t all rushed at me at the time. I would’ve killed all of them on the spot. Using those substances must’ve have melted a few synapses on their brain.” I said.

“After everything was settled, I decided to take a break from everything. So, I left the country and tried to ease my mind. I met a lot of new people in my travels and I changed a lot and I learned a lot of things I didn’t before. A few years after that is when I met Oscar and we bought this place after.” I concluded.

I didn’t even notice that tears are slowly flowing from my eyes as I speak, theirs too. The three gave me a hug and we just laid in the side of the bed for a while.


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