Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: 43

We headed back to the compound before the broadcast.

It started for a few minutes when we got back but it’s just a few reports on reclaiming more territory but there was no news about the research even if Oscar told me that he told them about the sprinting zombie I caught on video.

The broadcast was much shorter today and the other videos are starting to get shorter as well.

Oscar gave me a look and I just looked back solemnly.

It still hasn’t sink in with everyone fully. It’s only a matter of time though and all we can do is keep the morale and order up. I don’t want a scene like Bert in the supermarket happening here. Though there are a few people here that is adapting in the right direction.

We turned the TV off and it’s free time this point on.

My uncle continued on working on the shack and they are placing the wood that’s still usable in the side of the wall.

I went up my room and I placed the extra guns back and I replaced the 10 rounds that I fired from my gun earlier. I contemplated for a moment and then I installed a few more attachments on the Glock. I added a suppressor, a red dot sight and a tactical flashlight at the bottom of the gun at the rail.

“Good thing we were far from the fence, it would have attracted a few if we practiced inside the compound. Besides this is a bad place to practice with.” I said to myself.

I heard a knock on the door and when I opened it, it was Aya holding a notebook.

“Sky! You know multiplication, right? Can you help me?” she asked.

“I can help you solve it but I won’t just give you the answer.” I said.

“B-but it’s hard! The lady who came here gave an assignment for us. They’re making us multiply 6758 by 891! That’s too many for my hands!” she said while adjusting her glasses.

She left the door open and Zeus also came to sit on the bed.

“So, what are you finding hard on that problem then?” I asked.

“It’s too many to count!” she said.

“Well if you look at it a different way, it could get easier.” I explained.

“You say that it’s a very big number, right? Why don’t we do what we could first? Instead of multiplying them all at once, why don’t we multiply 6758 by 1 first?” I guided her.

“Then it’s easy! It’s still 6758!” she answered.

“Then, multiply 6758 by 9 next.” I said.

“Why 9? Can’t we do it with 2 first?” she asked.

“Just try to do it that way, you’ll see later.” I said.

She counted in her head for a while and she wrote the answer on her paper in order, ‘60822’. She looked at me to check if it’s right first then I nodded.

“So, what’s next?” she asked.

I then told her to do it with the number 8 and her eyes showed realization. She immediately went on her own and she stacked the numbers before atop each other while she makes a small indent after each one. She now added the numbers and she wrote her final answer, ‘6,021,378’.

I smiled at her and then I ruffled her hair and I said, “Good! Now you get what I meant right? If it still overwhelms you, solve what you can first yeah?”

She nodded and she pulled something from her pocket. It’s a small zip bag that contains a few handfuls of Trailmix, she poured some of it on my hands as she smiled.

“What’s this, a quest reward?” I said to myself.

“Thanks! I’ll teach the others too!” she said. Then she immediately headed down.

Zeus looks at me and then the food on my hand and I immediately ate the handful.


“This has chocolates in it Zeus, you’ll die if I gave these to you.” I said.

He gave me a sideways glance and he just rubs his head on my body. I played with him for a bit as I was scratching his belly while we’re laying down in the bed. I hugged him lightly and he just enjoys the position that were in. He was mostly with Olivia since I was busy the past few days and I haven’t had much time to play with him. I didn’t notice that I slept for a few moments while hugging Zeus. I woke up and I still saw him sleeping beside me.

I suddenly picked up on a few people giggling outside my room. I walked outside and Zeus followed me while he gives a yawn. I saw the three huddled up and looking at Olivia’s borrowed camera.

“That’s the cutest photo I’ve seen all my life!”


“This makes me a bit mad though, I’ve been with Zeus all this time and I don’t have a picture like this!”

Olivia saw me walk up to them then she faced the camera screen on my direction. I saw a picture of me sleeping while hugging Zeus. I made a smile then I ruffled her head.

“Why do you always like to ruin everyone’s hair so much?!” she hissed when her hair got ruffled.

“That’s a good shot. Remember to bring that camera later at my room so I could copy it.” I said.

“Okay, though I have saved a backup for all of them in Kaley’s laptop.” she said.

I gave an approving look then they followed me below after we took a picture in the stairs. Zeus was in the middle of the photo while I was in the side holding the camera in front of us while the rest are huddled together.

When we went outside, I heard a call from the catwalk, “Sky! Someone’s here! He said he knows you from highschool!” Allan shouted.

Kaley looked at me and we both headed to the catwalk briskly.

We looked at the silhouette and we didn’t even need him to remove his helmet to know who he is.



We both called.

“What’s up Sky? Wait, Kaley?!” he was surprised.

We opened the fences for him and he let himself in with another passenger in his pickup truck. It’s a Raptor with bullbars installed in the front.

“Shit, man everything was crazy. We had to wait for things to die down before we head out. You look awesome in that get up, is that gun real?! That looks sick!” he exclaimed while giving both of us a hug.

“Let’s go inside first man, you’re the first one to get here by yourself who I sent emails to. I’ll introduce you to everyone. Who’s with you though?” I said.

“You’d be surprised, remember when I got into an accident and the nurse that I told you about that took care of me? Well, we were living together now before everything started… her name’s Carol by the way” He said. He trailed for a while and I felt that he has more to say.

“Why are you wearing a helmet though?” Kaley asked.

“We had to ram a few of those things on the way here, with my accident from before, I subconsciously wore it on the way here.” He explained.

I chuckled and then we went inside. I introduced him to everyone and my uncle who is in charge of home improvements.

“Hey, unc. Rap here’s an engineer, he could definitely help you in a few things here.” I introduced him.

“That would be great! I have a lot of ideas and I’m not really sure if it works or not.” he said.

They shook hands and I asked Rin to show them to their rooms to rest for a bit. They brought a few of their bags and I helped them with some of their gear. They’ve started on unpacking their clothes so we left them there for a bit.

“Who are they boss?” Rin said.

“Oh, he’s my friend from highschool. That woman is his partner.” I said to Rin.

She nodded and we headed back down.

“So, how are they doing so far?” Kaley asked when we reached them on the pool area.

“I haven’t asked yet. But I feel something is wrong.” I said.

“I was so surprised that he came here, wait a minute, who among our batch did you send emails to go here though? Did you even think of me?” she asked a very important question while her expression is turning sour.

Rin slowly backed away as she heard Kaley.

“Before I answer, do you want me to give you an honest one or…” I trailed off but then she cuts me.

“I’d rather you be honest with me.” She looked at me straight in the eye.

“Let’s talk in private. My room.” I said.

She followed me and I locked the door. She sat down on the opposite end of the bed and she looked at me.


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