Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 32

Chapter 32: 32

We’re kissing for a while and I rolled her over. Now I’m the one on top while our eyes are slowly adjusting in the dark. I broke free from her lips and I started kissing her neck, my hands glided to her ample b.r.e.a.s.t as she bites her lower lip. She lifts up her shirt as I saw the full view, those huge mounds that cannot even fit my hand. I lowered my kiss again to one of those peaks while I softly caress the other one. Her hands are above her head as I place my other hand close to her underarm, she starts to let out a soft m.o.a.n that increased the warmth I’m feeling inside.

I then switched to the other side as she continued to enjoy herself, her lower back is slowly rising and falling with each playful bite and squeeze I did with the pink tips. My hand decided to go lower to her left thigh as I caress gently, she started to unbutton her jeans and I pulled it off after. I looked at her and she’s just looking at me intensely while breathing heavily. I placed my hands on her inner thighs and on her calves as I glide my hands through them, she’s slowly moving her h.i.p.s and one of her hands begun to touch her b.r.e.a.s.ts and the other one much, much lower. Her hands went under the small clothing at her h.i.p.s as she began touching herself in front of me.

I slowly removed my shirt as I look at her, she looked at my body as her hands moved faster and her breathing more ragged. I removed the last article of clothing in her h.i.p.s where her hands were under and then she removes her hand from it and she spread her legs in front of my face. I felt it with my hands first and she pushed my head towards it. Her back arched once I bury my face deep in her and my tongue started to explore. She let out a m.o.a.n as I grunted while she squeezed my head with her thighs. I’m doing it rigorously as my hands are on her thighs and her hands are on her b.r.e.a.s.ts. Her h.i.p.s are moving up and down, seemingly pushing it more against me. A few moments passed and she starts to shake and twitch for a while. However, I decided to continue what I’m doing and I let my hands explore her too even though she’s squeezing my head real tight while her hands are pulling my hair. Her m.o.a.ns became louder and louder and then I finally stopped when she laid on the bed panting.

I kissed her again on the lips but she starts to bite my lip as she started smiling. She turned me over as she stood in the opposite direction. She unzipped my pants and she pulled it off while I also show her everything. She grabbed it with both hands and it disappeared from view when her face got close to it. I feel her tongue gliding across it and her hands tugging it as I grunted a few times, I was facing her lower body so I decided to do more. I grabbed what’s in front of me and I once again buried my face in her. Her body reacted and I feel her pushing it in my face even more. My tongue reached places while my hands is spreading it further. She felt it immediately and now she’s doing it much faster.

She is soaking wet and she decided to place my thumb in the other opening. It slides in a bit more raggedly but it immediately tightened when I started to move it around. I tried to grab her b.r.e.a.s.t from this position but I feel that I’m reaching my limit. She also felt it so she continued on doing it hard. I let it all out and I lost all the strength in my body. However, she never stopped and did the same thing I did to her. She continued on doing the same thing while I struggle on with the sensitivity. I steeled my mind and continued on to what I’m doing. A few minutes later, I’m already feeling it growing back, she stopped what she’s doing and she stood up in front of it while facing me. She slowly squatted down and I feel myself entering her, she let out a small gasp when she reached the base and we are face to face when she started to move her h.i.p.s.

Pleasurable sounds are what is left to be heard in the dark room that we are in, there was little to no sense of sight at the moment, only hearing and touch could be sensed. She’s moving her h.i.p.s while her huge chest is pressed against me while my hands are on her back. She tightened a few times while I continue to enjoy myself to what was happening between us. She finally lost strength while she twitches once more so I held her tight and I’m the one who moved my h.i.p.s under her.

“W-wait…” she said softly but I continued on. She’s turns to a mess for each thrust I did and I finally finished after a few more. I laid on the bed panting then she also laid next to me. We’re just looking at each other while we’re both out of breath from what we did. I was laying straight down while she’s leaning her body at me to the side, she’s using my right arm as a pillow and her face is next to my chest.

“Did we just…?” I said.

“Yeah…” she replied.





“I think the cake fell…”

“Pfft! Hahahaha!”

We talked for a few more minutes and we took a shower together. Nothing happened there and we’re just looking at each other while we wash ourselves while chatting.

We then went into each other’s room and we get dressed separately. I wore my usual clothes and equipped my two M9s to my holsters at my torso after reloading the magazines. I went to the rack and placed my wakizashi at my left hip. I looked at the rack where my katana and tanto is placed and I took the tanto from it. I waited for her outside the door and she came out dressed with the M9 I gave her on her hip.

“Catch.” I said.

I threw the tanto at her softly. She catches it by the handle then she looked at it.

“What’s this? Isn’t this your tanto?” she said.

I smiled and said, “It’s yours now. I want you to have it, you’re really good with a gun but I think you’ll be safer if you have this.” I replied.

She nodded and then I helped her fasten it in her belt.

“Oh right! Good news!” I said.

“Hmm?” her eyebrows raised.

“The cake is fine, it landed on the floor safely, the slice you half-eaten isn’t. I stepped on it after the shower so I had to go back. Don’t waste food yeah?” I said with a smile.

She laughed again while she punches me in the arm. She inspected the blade at my hip.

“Aya talked to me earlier and she said that you also have a katana, why aren’t you wearing the katana too? Is there a reason?” she said.

“Did you know that even if the katana is the most well-known blade in the Japanese culture, there are actually more wakizashis being used than katanas?” I explained.

“Oh really? Why though?” she asked.

“Only real samurais can wear them in the olden times, most people like merchants, civilians and the like can only wield wakizashis. That’s why there are more of them available.” I said.

“But why are you not wearing your katana? It’s yours, right? Is this some mental thing where you still think yourself unworthy or something?” she said.

“It’s a mental thing, but a different reason. I could wield them both, but I would like it if I could have either two wakizashis or two katanas in each hand, the asymmetry is making my head itch…” I explained.

She facepalmed as she chuckled. “But why did you choose that over the katana?” she said.

“Logically, the katana is more deadly because it is heavier and has longer reach than the wakizashi, but I prefer speed and maneuverability over reach and power.” I explained.

She nodded with a pensive expression and she asked me the time.

“It’s 5:47 PM, Let’s head down yeah?” I said as we went down the stairs. I saw the plate with the fork and knife on the sink and Zeus is sleeping on a corner. His head perks up as he saw me walk down but he yawned and continued sleeping after he tucks his tail in front of his nose.

The group saw us and my aunt asked me to eat since I still haven’t eaten lunch. I declined the offer and said that I’ll just eat more on dinner. She nodded as she prepares the food and they included the extra people that I came with earlier. The group I came with earlier is at the poolside chatting with the others and they seem to get along well, though Charlotte is still struggling on switching between her personas.

I then found out that Charlotte has a green thumb. Chris told me about her garden back at home and I immediately showed her the greenhouse. Her eyes lit up and she disappeared inside, Chris accompanied her as always and I left the two there. Susan is helping with my aunt cooking while James is playing with Aya and the rest of the kids inside. Jenny was with Allan, whose head is now shaved from the bet earlier, he’s playing with her gun and inspecting it throughout. I walked up to them and I called Ken to show them how to clean and maintain their weapons after each use.

“Sky, why do we always need to clean and inspect them?” Ken asked.

“Well, I’d rather spend time checking it every day than not checking it and it suddenly misfiring. Worst case is if it breaks after a shot and it either blow up your hand with it or a few shards flying straight in your eye.” I explained with a grim look.

“Oh, ahaha…let me check it again for good measure.” Ken said as he looks at his gun again.

We spent the time idling about, minding our own business until it’s finally time for dinner.


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