Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 258

Chapter 258: 258

I first threw to the side the sleeves made from the figure’s legs and it made a flapping sound as it hit the pavement. The skin is really loose but I’m now more inclined to check on the lump of flesh protruding just below its hip.

I tried to rip off the rest of its clothes from its lower body first so I could examine it more clearly. However, I stopped myself since if I just casually pull it off, the rest of the rotting flesh still intact might follow with it making another slab in the process. Doing that might cause whatever is inside of it to have a reaction of some sort if what I’m thinking of what it is, is what’s inside.

I went for a quick run to the truck to get a pair of scissors.

“Found something again bro? I’d stay here for now, last time was a bit too much for me. I could see it fine but the smell kills me.” Jared said from the truck.

“Really? I thought you’re still here trying to protect your record. Hah! At least make it a close fight. We two are gonna stay here then?” Alexei chimed.

“That’s fine, I’m gonna do something to it so my focus will be solely on it. Just be my pair of eyes outside, yeah?” I replied.

“What are you doing with scissors though?” Kaley asked.

“Just checking in on something though I’m not really sure on what it is. Come with me. Jared and Alexei is here with unc so it’s relatively safe.” I replied.

She jumped down from the roof of the truck and we walked back to where the corpse was. I borrowed my uncle’s shield for the moment just in case.

I started to carefully cut the shorts the corpse was wearing and I made sure to cut around the lump in case I might rupture it. The shorts he’s wearing are relatively tight fitting and that made it easier for me to spot it earlier.

I finally removed its clothing and the corpse’s body is now in full view.

To explain it simply, it looks like another buttcheek. However, at the central part of that lump, it seems that all of the skin is stretched at that part and something inside is trying to get out. Everyone near me was tense as I slowly placed the flat side of it in order to feel it up first. I’m doing it very slowly and everyone’s faces are full of expectation. I’m lightly tapping it a few times but it then it happened.

“BOOM!” I shouted at the top of my lungs.

Everyone around me was f.u.c.k.i.n.g surprised and everyone lost their balance. Nikolas almost slipped from the ‘sleeves’ while Mikhail was already several steps behind everyone. Vera ran to Tatiana’s back while Mark and Dong were having expressions like, ‘first time?’

“SKY!” Kaley shouted as she elbowed me.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!!! *choke* *choke* *wheezing* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!!! YOU SHOULD’VE SEEN YOUR FACES~!!!” I started dying laughing.

“I can’t believe everyone here follows you…” Nikolas trailed in disbelief.

“You got me. That was good! Hah!” Mikhail added with an accent.

“Is he really what you say he is?!” Vera exclaimed to Tatiana.

“But it was funny, correct?” Tatiana mentioned.

“Funny my ass! I told you th-” then I kissed her to make her stop talking.

Everyone got surprised again and Kaley was blushing through her neck.

“Smooth.” Mikhail commented.

“Hey! Stop cutting me off wh-” then I cut her off again.

“You’re all too close. Step back a bit, we never know what’s inside here. If it suddenly exploded, we’re all done for if the bits came into our eyes or something. That’s why I got the shield here, yeah?” I said as I waved them off.

They understood my point and I was left alone but they were on the side still watching me in a safe distance. As I was about to make an incision. I heard a small commotion and I saw Kaley carrying Mark’s shield. Mark was flabbergasted but Kaley was now next to me while raising the shield on her hands. I was looking at her face and she is hiding a small smirk.

“What? I want to see it up close.” she said.

“Sure… it feels like we’re frying milkfish in hot oil. The shields are the lid of the pan while that lump is the milkfish.” I commented and she chuckled.

“Go on, do it!” I suddenly heard Tatiana from my other side.

“Wha-” Kaley and I were shocked.

“I took the other one from Dong. Continue.” she replied nonchalantly.

I shook my head in amus.e.m.e.nt as I reached my hand out while holding the knife. I first felt how supple it was with the knife and it feels as though there’s something about a few inches inside it that is hard. I placed the flat side of the knife in the center of the lump and I started to press against it. When I would angle it, the thing in the middle seems to not be moving alongside it.

“I thought it was gonna explode?” Kaley asked.

“I sure hope not. Well, if it was, it should’ve already exploded when Tatiana was near it if we’re basing it on the ones in zombie games.” I replied.

I was planning to make a cut on the side first but I decided to slice in the middle. The huge lump is a bit oval shaped so I started to the part where it curves then to the other side. I bet I could make the same cut with a blunt weapon since its skin is like cutting butter with a hot knife.

The knife I’m holding onto was just at the halfway point but large amounts of pus and darkened blood started to pour out from the wound I made. The amount is staggering and it started to spill to the pavement quickly even though it is quite viscous. The lump started to deflate at an alarming rate and I finished the incision I made earlier. The wound is still spilling out copious amounts of pus so I decided to push with the flat side of the blade to make it go faster.

It started to spill out small clumps of blood now but I started to feel with my knife the hard part I was feeling earlier. I started to make a cut around the lump when I felt it so I could clearly see what it is.

“Water. Get me some water. Dong, can you get me some?” I raised my head up.

He ran back to the truck while everyone around me is looking at what’s happening to the corpse’s leg. Kaley and Tatiana were giving serious expressions and they borrowed my knife to scr.a.p.e off what flesh was still remaining on it. They were growing impatient and Nikolas’ team also approached us when we laid down the shields.

I was handed a bottle of water and I started to pour it over the cut I made on the corpse. The water started to wash off the goop albeit barely, it is still obstructing our view to the part we wanted to see. When I finished pouring the whole bottle on it, everyone has a difficult expression when we saw what was inside.

“Ah, no no no no no no no.” Mikhail was the first to speak.

“I remember you hate things like that big guy? You okay?” Tatiana mentioned.

“This is a joke, right?!” Vera said.

“Everyone’s clearly seeing it.” Nikolas readied his gun and looked around.

“Well, what is it boss?” Mark asked.

“I don’t know for sure, but remember the head I kept before? It’s happening with the regular ones too.” I replied.

What we saw is that the femur of this corpse is starting to form another one just beside it. It is starting from where the joints are but the size is clearly disproportionate. It’s like a human’s femur is shrunk down several scales and it is jutting out in a different direction even if it started in the same place where it was connected in the hip joint. I thought it was just it but there are also much smaller ones at the base starting to form the same thing.

“A form of bone tumor?” Kaley asked.

“Something like that but this is a little different. I don’t want to dismiss it just like that. We might find a few of those things.” I replied.

“Those things?” Nikolas asked.

“Ever played The Rainforest? Or have you watched Human Millipede? If that thing started to develop more and more, I think we’ll see a few of them having more appendages.” I replied.

Everyone was silent.

“This is serious…” Nikolas said.

“Yeah.” I replied.

“…seriously have no idea what you’re talking about!” he exclaimed.

“Oh. Well…” I started to describe what those things were.

They were annoyed to not get what my references were before but when they saw in their heads the abominations that some of them would turn in the future, they’re all carrying solemn expressions. I took several pictures of it and I made a video so I could show it to everyone when I get back as proof. I was about to leave it alone but I had an idea.

“We’re taking that back.” I said.

“Huh? I thought we’d clear as much of them as possible. This is dead already, right?” Mark asked.

“Yeah, but the president has scientists back in his city. They’d be able to learn more of this thing than us just basing it on observations when we check them. I bet I could get a few more things when we exchange this thing here. When they send us the cargo helicopter, a few things could be brought as well.” I said.

“Like what?” Mikhail asked.

“Anything. Supplies, more fuel, medicine, or most importantly, your whole team. I’d add a few more things though.” I replied.


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