Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 254

Chapter 254: 254

“Shit.” I thought to myself as I felt his arm coming from my right side.

Severe miscalculation on my part since I thought Kaley wouldn’t hesitate on the last moment. I know that Tatiana was about to say something but I still needed to defend myself from their attacks. I used attacks like the full-body counter to Mikhail just to knock him out in one blow to lessen injuries from a continuous barrage from both sides.

Alexei’s huge swollen arm instantly wrapped around my neck and I could already feel it tightening.

“GUYS! STOP! IT’S A MISUND-” Tatiana was about to finish her sentence but she was headbutted by Vera. Her head blew back and now I could see Vera doing the same kick that Tatiana always does as an opener towards my head. Blood spurted from Tatiana’s nose and it was all a blur.

“STOP IT!!!” Kaley finally snapped back to reality as I saw her blurred figure coming from my side but she went for Vera instead. I surmised that she thought I could easily break free from this rear n.a.k.e.d choke but it would be highly difficult. She received Vera’s kick with her right arm and it made a dull sound.

A few seconds have already passed and I was nearing my limit.

“WHY DID YOU ATTACK HIM?!” Alexei bellowed.

I had a few options and I needed to act quickly. Several options popped into my head. First, gouge both of his eyes out; Second, stomp on his foot since he’s barefoot and I’m wearing my steel-plated boots; Third, push his arm upwards and use the sweat from his body as lube so I could try to slip off. Several scenarios ran in my head but of all the options I could do, I chose something that my Bard would definitely do in this situation.

“GUYS! HE THOUGHT YOU WOULD ALL ATTACK HIM!!!” Tatiana bellowed but…

“Here goes nothing~” I thought to myself.

“P-please… c-choke me daddy… h-harder…” I muttered with the last of my few seconds remaining.

“W-what?” Alexei was thrown off so bad I could already feel his grip getting loose at an alarming rate.

Tatiana’s eyes widened, Kaley almost lost his balance, and Vera… she blushed while covering her mouth. The three ladies in a scuffle stopped fighting when they heard what I said.

“NATURAL 20 MADAFAKA~” I shouted with the top of my lungs as I stomped hard on the mat.


My foot hit his exposed toes and his grip on me was completely removed. A dull sound was produced from the impact though I didn’t feel bones getting shattered.

“AHH~!!!” he winced.

I quickly spun delivering a right elbow to his jaw.


Left middle kick to his torso.


Reverse spin to low sweep to both his legs.



He quickly fell to his sides but he was still conscious. I quickly followed up by doing the same Rear N.a.k.e.d Choke he did to me. I made sure that all his efforts to escape me will be f.u.c.k.i.n.g difficult since my legs are also locking both of his arms along with his torso with an Anaconda Body Lock. He lost consciousness in exactly eight seconds and I let go.

Rin was still firmly seated on the chair shocked from what had occurred and the three ladies were watching me get up. Kaley went for her medical pack and grabbed a few things to stop Tatiana’s nose from bleeding.

“Well this escalated quickly, correct?” Tatiana casually mentioned.

“You think?!” Kaley exclaimed.

“W-w-wait, why did he attack Nikolas then?” Vera finally got composed.

“Ask this lady right here!” Kaley answered.

“Ahahaha… it’s a long story, correct? Why don’t we let Sky tell everything? I’m still bleeding from my nose…” Tatiana said as she sat down next to Rin.

“We need to wake the two of them first since Alexei will wake up sooner than the two. Grab that small vial in my pack. Vera, right? Let them sniff it. If I’m the one who did it and they say my face, another thing might start again.” I started,

The three have now fully woken up and they’re all glaring at me.

“Let me explain why I attacked first. When Tatiana first came here…” I started to tell the four what happened.

Vera and Mikhail are now chuckling with Tatiana while Nikolas and Alexei still can’t believe what happened.

“I can’t believe this.” Nikolas commented as he rubbed his glabella.

“It’s somewhat starting to make sense but… ‘choke me daddy?!’ What kinda f.u.c.k.i.e.d up shit was that?!” Alexei started to get hysterical.

“But it worked, didn’t it? I thought I was a goner earlier.” I quickly replied.

“Wait, what do you mean?” Nikolas and Mikhail asked.

“Well… earlier when I was about to knock him out…” he told the story of what I did.

“HAHAHAHAHA~!!! YOU FELL FOR THAT?!” Mikhail roared in laughter.

“Preposterous. You should be prepared for everything.” Nikolas said.

“Says the guy who fell first~” Vera chimed.

“But that was a sneak attack!” Nikolas retorted.

“And that misdirection was not?” Tatiana added.

He was speechless.

“Tatiana, isn’t this all your fault then? Considering what you did before, I think it’s safe to say that, right?” Rin added.

“Also, why are you smirking earlier? I thought you were signalling Sky for something too…” Kaley trailed.

“She noticed too, huh?” I thought to myself.

“Nevermind that, at least I tried to contain it. These other three just started on rushing you so I wasn’t able to explain myself. It was everyone’s fault, correct?” Tatiana said.

“A-anyway, I jumped the gun too early so I apologize. The least I could do is cook you something that you want and I’ll do what little skill I have in that regard. You’re welcome to eat here as long as you wish. We also have spare rooms here if you’ve got nothing to lay your heads on yet.” I said then Tatiana snorted.

“Request what comes to mind guys, he could make anything, literally anything. He made Pirozkhis before and it’s better than what’s back home!” Tatiana got excited.




Nikolas gave a sigh while the three grew excited. Then he said, “I accept your apology but you still owe me a match. It’s embarrassing going down like that. Not like Alexei did but still embarrassing for the man leading this group.”

“Sure, I’ll oblige. However, we usually go to the gym at night after every work assignment is done in the morning. Oh yeah, you never answered yet, what do you want me to cook for you? It’s a few hours before lunch so I’d have plenty of time to prepare everything.” I said.

I saw him glance at Tatiana for a short while and he muttered, “I would like to have P-pirozhkis too.”

Kaley and I saw his actions and we both immediately knew what was going on. Kaley glanced at Tatiana and she just shrugged her shoulders in amus.e.m.e.nt.

“Well anyway, I’ll do what I can, Kaley? Want to help me again?” I asked.

“Sure, I’ll help. I’m still learning to cook a few things too.” she replied.

“I’ll help too!” Rin added.

“I’d taste test everything!” Tatiana declared.

“C-can I watch?” Mikhail interjected.

“Sure, big guy.” I replied.

“I’ll go back to the camp to check on a few things.” Nikolas said.

“I think I’ll sleep right here.” Alexei said.

Vera also said that she would take a rest and she dragged Alexei with them since the gym is not a good place to sleep on.

I went to the pantry first to prepare everything and I started to designate positions. I told my aunt we would be eating separately again and she adjusted accordingly. The smell of my kitchen is now mouth watering and surprisingly, Mikhail had a good pair of hands when he decided to help us. Tatiana got too greedy with taste testing so she was tied up instead of getting booted out. Time quickly passed and all the food was prepared perfectly.

“Oh~ This looks f.u.c.k.i.n.g amazing!” Mikhail had a proud look on his face.

“Call everyone else so we could eat together. Be fast or else Tatiana would finish everything here.” I said to him.

Alexei and Vera were the first to come by and I could faintly smell Vera’s scent on Alexei.

“Oh~” I thought to myself.

Nikolas followed after and we ate happily. They were shocked by the display and I started to find out a bit about them just by the way they move and their mannerisms. We all started sharing a few things from our lives and we got to the topic of Tatiana and Rin being together.

The look on Nikolas’ face when he found out that Rin is with Tatiana is priceless.

“Better not tell him of what else has happened or things would be more complicated than it is.” I thought to myself.

“Oh yeah, earlier, before I knocked you out, you said you have to discuss something, right?” I asked.

“Oh, that. I’m sorry but we need to take Tatiana off your hands.” he replied.


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