Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 243

Chapter 243: 243

Anyone would clearly hear the clock ticking or a needle dropping on the floor by the silence that envelops the room. Despite that, I was still smiling brightly while there was a mix of reactions in front of me. Kaley has both her hands in front of her face, Tatiana’s left brow is twitching almost violently, while Rin is more focused on the stacks of books by my side.

Kaley was about to say something but Rin was the first to speak up.

“Woah! What is all this?! Are this all the rules and such?! There’s so many!” Rin started to flip through the first one but I handed her the Player’s Handbook first since the one she picked up was the DM’s Guide.

“They’re not ‘rules’ per say but more like ‘guidelines’ to play it. It could be anything we want to be since the point of playing this game is how to have fun. However, I keep things balanced but if it sounds really cool I add it to my games.” I explained.

“Oh~” Rin started to flip through the handbook and I took a glance at Kaley.

She now has several sets of dice in front of her and the ones I gave to her before were now replaced by the most beautiful ones that I have in my collection. They’re glistening brightly and she’s slightly pouting while she’s twirling the pencil on her hand. She saw me looking at her and she immediately crossed her arms.

I gave her a smile and it ticked her off even more. I thought she would lash out but she started to pick up the other copy of the Player’s Handbook in front of her. She started to read it quietly and she started to ask a few questions of her own.

“This is heaven if there was one~!” I thought to myself.

I was so ecstatic seeing her indulge me but I seemed to have forgotten someone.

Tatiana was now like a statue by Rin’s side though her eyebrows couldn’t stop twitching. However, Rin snapped her back to reality and she started to relay what she learned so far. They didn’t make outrageous characters and most of what they did are simple ones and not as fleshed out compared to the ones that have done it several times already.

All of them are humans and they decided to have them look like themselves. Kaley decided to be a Bard, Rin a Wizard, and Tatiana a Fighter. I created a DMPC for them that would always follow them around which is a Cleric. A fight almost erupted when we rolled for our stats.

“Kaley! That’s the 4th 18 points that you have! You’re cheating!” Rin exclaimed.

“I’m not!” Kaley replied.

“HAHAHAHAHA!!!” Tatiana loses it.

“Roll it again!” Rin shouted.

“Why would I?!” Kaley was shaking her head.

“Because it’s too high compared to mine!” Rin was getting passionate.

“Just because you have single digits for all your stats doesn’t mean that I need to adjust mine!” Kaley rebutted.

“Tatiana, can you roll for yours now?” I tried to get Tatiana’s attention.

“Oh, ok.” she replied

*rolls dice*

“6… 12… 14… no…18? Is that correct? I’ll remove the lowest number, correct?” Tatiana looked at me and I nodded.

“What?! You got 18 too?! Sky! Can I reroll mine?! Please~?” Rin begged.

“Hey! That’s unfair!” Kaley interjected.

“Wait a minute… Sky! Why are all of yours 18?! Are you cheating too?!” Rin was shocked again.

“All of you saw me roll it in front of you! How could I cheat?!” I replied.

“Wait, he’s lying!” Kaley shouted.

“Fine! I kinda cheated since I know a way to throw the dice to make the numbers come as I wanted it to…” I trailed.

“I knew it! Let’s use that dice tower thingy and start over!” Rin shouted.

“What?! But I didn’t cheat on mine!” Kaley was furious.


To avoid more fights, everyone agreed to use the point buy method where there is a set number of points already given and we could increase it according to what we wanted by using another set of points to remove the randomness.

A few hours later.

“We’re done? Is this DND?” Tatiana asked.

“What? No! You’ve only finished your characters, we’ve still got to use them to play the game!” I explained.

“What?! I thought… okay…” she trailed.

“C’mon now! Let’s start it already! I’m excited!” Rin exclaimed.

Like a very unlikely coincidence that would only happen to an MC of a novel, I miraculously have the exact minis of our characters already printed and painted ready for use. Even the mat and the other minis for the terrain and everything else we would be using is already prepared in advance.

“Wait, h-how did you?” they looked at me weirdly.

“Hmm? Better to have and not need than to need and not have.” I nodded like an old wise man.

“B-but t-those-” I cut Kaley off.

“Shhh~ Just let it happen~ Just let it happen~” I said and they’re starting to get creeped out.

I explained a few things before we started and we brought a few snacks and drinks for us since a game of DND could last a few hours. I cracked my knuckles and my neck as I looked at the three.

“You three accepted a bounty posted on the board of the guild you have been a member of for several years. The bounty requires the extermination of several monsters that have appeared inside a temple located in the east, a few days of travel from where you are currently. A map has been drawn and part of the deal is to accompany a cleric from a different branch towards the temple so he could assist you three in your journey. Upon completion, 500 gold would be rewarded and you would gain the favor of the Temple of Siskri. You are now on your way to the temple by way of a carriage. What do you do?” I started as I looked at them.

“Umm, we could do anything, right?” Rin asked and I nodded.

“Oh! What does the Cleric look like?” Kaley asked.

“Let’s just say that he looks like me but a few years older. He’s clad in armor and he has a mace and he has a shield that seems to have markings of the deity that he is serving. His back is turned against you three since he’s driving the cart that you’re currently on.” I replied.

“Cool! How about our surroundings! What does it look like?” Rin asked.

“You’re currently traversing a path in a rainforest and it seems that you’re pretty close to your destination.” I replied.

“Hmm, about how long?” Tatiana asked but I handed her a drawn map.

“You even prepared this far?! Hah! Now I’m slowly getting into it! Where are we? Here, correct?” she replied and checked the map.

Rin borrowed the map from Tatiana and she said, “On the speed of our horses, a few minutes.”

“Can I talk to the Cleric? Is his name Sky too?” Kaley asked.

“Close, it’s Sky the II, you pronounce it differently. What do you say?” I replied and she almost attacked me in real life.

“S-Sky the II… ” then I cut her off.

“Just as you were about to catch his attention, the carriage stopped. *deep voice* A bit of silence goes a long way. We’d need to walk the rest of the way since I don’t want to risk the chances of them discovering us first.” I said.

“That deep voice is so cool, and hot.” she replied.

Several hours have already passed and we didn’t notice that it is really late from the fun that we’re having. They started to do a different voice for their characters and I tried my best to be like Mercer himself.

“I’ll attack the ugly goblin with my spear!” Tatiana enthusiastically shouted.

“Roll for attack.” I replied.

“This D20 is what I’ll need to use, correct?” she asked and I nodded.

*Rolls D20*

“14? Did I hit it?” she asked.

“Tatiana! Don’t forget to add those too!” Kaley excitedly said.

“Oh, right! 17~?” she looked at me.

“Did it hit?” Rin asked.

“It hits. Roll for damage.” I smiled when she celebrated.

It’s a very simple game and I can’t believe how much they’re enjoying it. Another fight almost broke out when dividing the loot but nothing a good old coin toss wouldn’t solve.

“What did you get?”

“Natural 1…”

“HAHAHAHAHA!!! That’s called the ‘Wheaton Curse’ Rin.”

“Who is that?”

“I’ll press the switch!”

“Nothing happens…”

“*high pitched voice* I’m innocent!”

“I think he’s lying!”

“Use an insight check, not your psychic powers! Sheesh!”


“That’s metagaming!”


“Your character believes what the cult member said…”


“I’ll check this chair again!”

“For the 100th time! It’s just a chair!”

“NATURAL 20~!!!”

“I’ll throw a rock before entering the passage…”

“I’ll sing a tune to calm her down…”

“12 piercing?”

“How do you want to do this?”

The simple temple monster extermination became a full-on dungeon dive since I had to improvise a lot of things. They’ve leveled up a few times and I was surprised by some of their choices. They finally killed the end boss which is located at the deepest part of the dungeon. It was already past midnight and all the snacks we brought have been eaten already along with the drinks we have. They’ve divided the loot among themselves and as I was about to end the game, Kaley stopped me.

“We could do a bit more. Don’t stop yet.” Kaley said.

“Hey! Easy now! It’s already 2 AM if none of you noticed!” I replied.

“What?! Oh, it really is!” Rin exclaimed.

“Well, we’ve killed the last boss, correct? This was fun as hell!” Tatiana said.

“Yep. We could do this some other time if you wanted to but I want to thank you for-” then I was cut off.

“I started to undress.” Kaley said in character.

“Oh shit.” I thought to myself.

“Ohh~ Why didn’t we think of this earlier? My cha- I do too.” Tatiana said, smiling.

“Me too!” Rin exclaimed.

I was speechless. They’re looking at me, waiting for my reaction and what I was about to say next.

“I thought the DM narrates the things that are happening? Hmm?” Kaley’s eyebrow is raised and she’s biting her lip.

“Okay, you asked for it. Amidst the blood and gore beneath your feet-” Rin cuts me off.

“Prestidigitation. It would clean everything, right?” Rin smiled.

“Oh shit! F.u.c.k! Yes, yes it would.” I exclaimed.

“HAHAHAHAHA!!! Good one!” Tatiana exclaimed.

“I cast suggestion on Sky.” Kaley said.

“What do you say?” I asked, smiling.

“I think you already know…” she trailed.

“Roll for initiative?” Tatiana chimed and we started.

Kaley sat in front of me and she wrapped her hands around my head. She placed my hands on her back and then she started to kiss me while the two behind were watching. She presses her body against me each breath she takes and her scent is intoxicating.

“This is gonna be a long~ early morning~” I thought to myself.


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