Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 235

Chapter 235: 235

While we’re driving home, Kaley made use of her rifle to shoot down zombies while inside a moving vehicle. She learned what Lois was doing last time when Lois came with us but now she’s polishing up everything that she knows.






“Why did you shoot it?! I was about to-” I cut her off.

“Hey now! Don’t get agitated when you miss! Breathe and reset. Don’t dump all the bullets at once. You’d waste more bullets that way if you do that.” I explained when she started to shoot several times in succession. I holstered my gun after shooting the one she was aiming for when she missed a couple of times.

“That was a hard target actually. It was also swaying its head and we’re moving too at this speed.” Jared chimed.

“*sigh* I kept on grazing it but I was so confident I could hit it. The random way it moved made it hard to anticipate where it would move next.” Kaley pointed her rifle down.

“That’s why it’s called ‘random’ don’t it? It really was a difficult shot, you’ll get it next time.” I replied.

“Says the guy who did it in one shot, with a pistol too. Show off.” she replied but her mood is much better.

“Hah! Well there’s this beautiful girl I’m trying to impress. I hope she notices me-” then she kicked me.

She grew lively again and she kept on practicing the rest of the way home. Even if it’s a shame we wouldn’t be able to burn the bodies and check their belongings, I’d rather have them dead than moving around potentially creating more victims or turning to specials.

Kaley and I dropped by the camp first to check on the cult members. We found out that a few of our people already have their full check ups in the hospital when we saw one of our vehicles there about to leave with our people. Russel and Bing were walking silly.

“You two okay?” Kaley asked.

“Uhh…” Bing hesitated to answer.

“My butt hurts. Is the colo- col- the thing where they examine your butt necessary?!” Russel exclaimed and the rest of the people who heard the two started to laugh.

“Where’s Allan? I thought you three were always together?” Kaley asked.

“Well that guy has Jenny. Daisy doesn’t seem interested in me… yet… while this little kid here seemed to be satisfied in wacking off day in and day out!” Bing answered.

“Hey! I have someone!” Russel retorted.

“Who? Your right hand? Oh, right you’re left-handed, your left then? Huh? HAHAHAHAHA!!!” Bing started to choke.

“Would you like to bet then?!” Russel declared.

“Bet bitch!”

“Okay! We’ll…”

The two were left behind by the vehicle they were supposed to ride home and we also left them to their own devices.

We walked inside the place where the cult members are being held captive and the soldiers guarding them gave us a small salute though I waved them off. I noticed that there’s a small radio playing stuff from our radio station and I surmised that they were already briefed on the plan.

It needs a little bit of acting but all the soldiers or anyone has a radio is to pretend to switch channels to ‘accidentally’ arrive at the father’s broadcast. However, it was all a ruse to subtly have potential moles inside to reveal themselves that we’ll see in the future.

“Don’t be so formal guys. You don’t have to do that every time you see me. How are they doing?” I asked.

“Uhh, they’re still doing nothing but try to make noise. A few seemed to have lost hope and were just staring at the distance. You could also check the cameras you placed to see things we might’ve missed.” Another soldier named Jose said.

“I see, I’ll check them on their rooms up close though.” I replied and I entered the room where the six were located.

All of them tensed when they saw my face and a few started to get hysterical. The others were just showing fear when I started to check their temperature and their skin condition. I observed a few more things without speaking a word to them.

“Nothing has been happening to them, yet.” I thought to myself.

One of them I saw glaring at me viciously but I laughed it off. I could tell he’s smiling inwardly but what he doesn’t know is that I am doing the same.

“Weird being on the other side of what you’re doing eh?” I said then I went to the next room.

I looked at the window first then one of the soldiers said, “Sir, he’s been unconscious this whole time and has never woken since. We thought he was dead but he’s still alive, just asleep or something.”

“Really? I’ll have a closer look though.” I replied as I drew my knife and gun to be on the safe side.

Looking at him, you’d still notice that he’s still breathing normally. His temperature is surprisingly, still normal and… nothing seems to be happening, still the same as the other people in the next room. The weird thing right now is that he’s not waking up.

“Comatose then? I didn’t hit him that hard though.” I thought to myself.

I checked his body too for any abnormalities but there still seems to be nothing out of place.

“Hmm, this is weird now. Why is nothing changing? Well, the question is, how many did Tim eat before he became weird in the head or was he just like that all this time? He mentioned his sister but… *sigh* time will tell then. Need to wait a bit more for results or change the way I approach this thing to get a different outcome.” I thought to myself.

Seeing no promising results yet, I decided for us to leave this place for now. I noticed that their dumpsters are full and some are already overflowing so I made a suggestion.

“Later, I’ll send my dump truck over here so we could bury those in the landfill we made back home. Separate the biodegradables to the non-biodegradables or have people do that for you here. It’s another health concern if you let all of those things just stay like that.” I said as he nodded.

“Oh, time to take advantage of the situation.” I thought to myself.

“The other things here that could be recycled that you have no use for, send them too. There’s a scrapyard at our place and we could make use of metals such as these casings that are scattered here or anything similar by melting them in the furnace. We could turn them to metal sheets for reinforcing some structures for example but we make them as ingots for now.” I said then Kaley gave me a glance.

“Yes sir. I’ll talk to Sir Ferdinand about it. That will be a huge help.” the soldier replied then Kaley and I made our way back.

“Smooth.” she said when we’re far from earshot.

“Hmm. I try.” I replied cheekily.

We just walked our way back and we saw Raphael taking the measurements of the Komatsu we brought back. He saw us looking at him so he waved at us to come over.

“Holy shit dude, I think I want to join you when you go for that place. I kinda want to drive this thing after we’re done modifying the crap out of this!” he excitedly said.

“What are you gonna put on it?” Kaley asked.

“Good question. What are we gonna put in this f.u.c.ker?” Raphael added.

“Seriously dude? You’re a f.u.c.k.i.n.g engineer and you don’t know the guy? Well, nevermind what we’re doing to this f.u.c.ker is…” I then told them everything needed to be done.

The original one was fitted with improvised armor plating covering key parts of it. It was made with a mix of concrete and steel sheets that are thick enough to resist small arms and resistant to explosives. It was also fitted with cameras for visibility since the whole cabin was covered by the armor plating. Monitors inside were placed so the person inside could see what was happening. Fans and air conditioners were also inside to allow himself to be cool, temperature-wise. It was said he used a homemade crane to lower the improvised armor plate that he did with the intention of not being able to go out.

There’s a few more things like ports for guns, and other protections for the camera to remove dust and such but what we would be doing to what we have will be a step higher and it could allow safe exit for the person inside.

“The improvised armor plating we would be placing here should be thicker and made with higher quality materials.” I started.

“What, why?” Raphael asked.

“To protect you inside of course. You’re driving this, right? Like you said?” I replied.

“B-but, but why? You said the original could already withstand small arms and explosions. The zombies would be slamming this hunk of metal so it’s enough, right?” he asked.

“Yeah, but…” I started to remind him what the person that would be driving this Komatsu will be doing.

“Shit.” he replied.

“You already volunteered dude, no backsies.” I said as I saw his reaction.

“Y-you’re right. W-we should reinforce the f.u.c.k out of this shit. Wait, you said improvised, what are we making it with then?” he hurriedly said.

“I dunno, haven’t tried it yet. You’re the engineer here, why are you asking me?! Make something good or you’ll be full of bullet holes!” I joked with a convincing face.

“What?! NO! NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOOO~!” he started to lose strength in his legs.


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