Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 230

Chapter 230: 230

Everyone with us watching the video are wearing different expressions as they witnessed the few which exhibit more intelligence than the normal ones. Darelle replayed the same clip from another angle which came from a different drone since they brought two when they went outside for recon.

“Dude! We need to get rid of them like right now!” Russel exclaimed.

“Yeah! What could happen in a few more days if we let them do things like that!” Bing chimed.

“Whoa there! What do you plan to do? Just go there guns blazing?! You’ll die if they laid their eyes on you!” Mark interjected.

“But they’re getting stronger and a lot of people are dying!” Allan added.

“We’re still preparing the vehicles needed for Sky’s plan!” Raphael chimed.

“You guys are taking too long then! Hurry it up!” Bing said.

“It’s not that easy big dude!” he replied.

“What are you even doing to those vehicles?” Russel asked.

“We’re making a convoy so that a larger group of people can travel greater distances. Those vehicles would be also used for this dude’s plans to take over that place.” Raphael replied.

“Didn’t you guys see what happened over there?! Those vehicles got trampled by their numbers! The same would happen to us if we go in like that!” Brian then chimed as well.

“And some of you wanted to go in there. Tell me, what’s your plan then?” I finally said after listening to them express their concerns.

“We could use explosives again!” Russel said.

“Of course, that’s just one part of my plan. What else would you do?” I asked.

They started to give a few of their own ideas which I’ve already considered though a few of them sounded really impossible. Some of their ideas are actually part of what I cooked up.

“Okay, great points some of you, but, that wouldn’t be thorough and we’ll die the moment we go there with half a plan and almost zero preparedness. There would be more victims, I know. They’re growing more each day, I know. Even if those things are true, we don’t go there hoping in some way, somehow, a half-baked plan would work. That will go so bad the first few seconds if we didn’t think things through.” I replied.

“What’s the plan then kid?” I heard Oscar’s voice.

The people turned around and saw the three old dudes just coming out for our meeting.

“Good that you three are here so everyone in our group could hear it. I would relay this plan to the groups outside that we would be taking with us but for now I’ll tell you what I cooked up.” I said.

“Good thing they’re not piss-drunk as I thought.” I thought to myself.

I then started to relay several projects needed to be completed first and the look on everyone’s faces is priceless. The look of helplessness and solemness the moment they saw the video was slowly turning to hope and… excitement? Even Raphael and Anthony, who are our engineers grew excited since they thought the vehicles and a few others that they were building was the whole plan. The plan I cooked up before has no changes even from what we saw earlier but it doesn’t matter, those things would get decimated nonetheless if all the preparations are completed. It’s not always 100% guaranteed due to unforeseen circ.u.mstances but having those things ready could greatly improve our chances.

“So, questions?” I said after relaying the plan.

“…” everyone was silent but they’re looking at me differently. They always grew silent and looked at me differently after a very bad joke or an unexpected answer but this time they looked at me with high regard and deep respect.

“Oh yeah, dude. If you could get a few people that know how to weld and have a bit of knowledge in automotives from the other groups to do what we’re doing would be great. They also have several vehicles there and it would help us a lot if they could fashion it the way you told us to.” Raphael said.

“Sure, to the people we would be bringing for that plan from their place, it makes sense to make use of their own vehicles too. However, I’ll make sure that it’s up to standards like always and just enough of them so it wouldn’t be a clutter when we execute it. Anything else?” I replied as I looked at everyone.

“Uhh, hey. Kaley said earlier that you need me for something?” Earl asked.

“Yeah, right. I would like to record a few things. Do you have anything else to do after this? It’s just gonna be a few short things.” I replied.

“Oh! Sure, Juan could help us. He’s learning a lot from just watching me. I plan to go to the gym after this but you already said it would be short so, yeah, I’m good. Also, you don’t have to worry about asking for favors, man. You’ve done a lot for everyone here and we’re all willing to give back even a little bit like this. Wish we could help the others that would accidentally go to that place though.” he said.

“Okay then, that settles it. The only way we could help the others that would accidentally stumble upon that place is to broadcast it from our radio station as a warning. There’s a few roads they could take where those things could be avoided. It’s not zombie free per say but their chances on other roads would be higher.” I said.

“A few earlier plans got pushed aside for the moment like the small pier my uncle should be building and was replaced by building the huge gates that would serve as boundaries for the land we would be reclaiming. I could only imagine what the president’s situation on managing a whole lot more people.” I thought to myself as we made a small trip towards our radio station.

I brought a few more people with me as I wrote a few scripts. Juan guided them to the booth and we started a small recording session.

“To anyone who is planning to traverse the highway where the People’s Park is located, do not, I repeat, do NOT attempt to traverse it since there is a huge swarm of them that is highly dangerous and they move as if they have some sort of command. Several people have already fallen victim and let this message serve as a warning.”

“This broadcast is sponsored by NordV- Your trusted…”

“Please take caution on a group that are going around kidnapping or murdering people as they go. They’re a part of a group that follows this crazy ‘father’ and they would do anything for him blindly…”

“Be careful of…”

We started on recording a few things in the booth and we also finished a few things that are specifically to make a reaction on a few people that might belong to the contacts of the cult if there are some among us. It’s made with different voices but the meaning to it is about the same.

“You think that could really work?” Earl asked.

“Well, we make the people we have at the camps and Woodlands ‘accidentally’ hear it. They revere this ‘father’ figure a bit too much, well, too much is an understatement to be honest. All of them are fanatics much more the inner circle they have. We dropped a few references I got from the people who spilled the beans and let’s see what happens.” I replied.

The short recording session ended and we all went to the gym afterwards. A few have already started but the space inside is still enough for everyone to finish their own routine. Some of the people go early in the morning after a jog so all of us are not using the facilities at the same time. Nothing is much worse than having to wait for your turn on a machine or an equipment so everyone has a different schedule.

Kaley and I took a shower together on the 2nd floor and we watched a film with just the two of us. We’re laying down on the bed but Houston we have a problem.

“I can’t sleep. My eyes are still open wide.” Kaley and I said at the same time.

“Well we slept in the morning so our body clock has gone haywire.” I remarked.

“Could we watch the sequel of that movie then?” Kaley said.

“Nope. Not gonna happen. Did you know I waited several years for that sequel to get on the theaters?! Wait at least a few days so you’ll know how I feel! Ten years Kaley! Ten f.u.c.k.i.n.g years!” I exclaimed.

“*giggles* Okay! Fine! What else do you want to do? We could you know…” she trailed.

“Well, there’s that. However, I want to do a little something first.” I replied as I stood up.

“Hmm? What are we doing?” she stood up as well, excited.

“Something you’re really good at.” I replied.

When she saw me open the wardrobe, she smiled brightly. We changed clothes and we made our way to the rooftop. The people that are still at my house saw us two and they were surprised.

“Hey~ What are you two up to?” Chris said.

“You two look good!” Charlotte exclaimed.

“Where are you guys going?” Rin asked.

“To the rooftop to dance. You could all join us if you like.” I replied.

“Oh! Let me grab my dress too!”

“Where did I place my suit…”

“I think I’m gonna sleep…” Tatiana said.

“No! You’re coming with us!” Rin pulled her back.

“But I don’t have a…” Tatiana trailed.

“Oh I know! I have a dress from Woodlands that I took! That could fit you too!” Kaley exclaimed.

Tatiana was helplessly dragged by the two while I prepared a few things on the rooftop. It’s only a few chairs, tables, and refreshments since the stars and the moon are brightly shining down on us. I also brought a few small speakers to play music. When the rest of them finally came upstairs, everything was prepared and the music was already playing.

It was a surprise to see Tatiana wearing a dress with high heels and she’s definitely uncomfortable wearing one. I saw a different side of her and the two are smiling non stop acting as if they completed a hard mission. I complimented them since they all look amazing and I started to dance with Kaley as I took her hands.

The rest partnered up with each other while I enjoyed my moment with Kaley. I surprised her each time I moved in tune with her but I was almost always getting into a daze each time I watch her dance which leaves me smiling like an idiot.

“Hey! Stop smiling like an idiot! Everyone’s watching you, you doofus!” Kaley exclaimed, laughing.

The last song was a very slow one in which we embraced each other close. We’re swaying real slow as the night progresses.

“This is really nice. Thank you.” Kaley said while her hands are wrapped on my neck while mine are on her h.i.p.s.

“Heh, you’re welcome. I’m glad you liked it.” I replied as the music continued. However, she went close to my ears and she whispered something that only the two of us could hear.


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