Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 227

Chapter 227: 227

I ignored every little thing he shouted at me and the group below are all confused. I quickly made my way to my room and I immediately locked the door.



“I DON’T HEAR ANYTHING~! LA! LA! LA! LA~!” I shouted back.


“LET ME IN!” he shouted once more.


“LET ME INNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN~!!!” he started to get hysterical.

I planned to make him wait until tomorrow but I heard his shotgun.



“I know where she is.” I said with a calm tone but loud enough to hear for Oscar and the rest of the people by the door with him.

The noise coming from the door behind me started to get quiet almost immediately while I raced to transfer everything from the phone to my laptop. Good thing I already have everything in my table ready so the transfer was quick add to the fact that the files isn’t that large because most of them are only text files and with very few images.

Instead of deleting everything that is on the phone, I attempted to only delete one file from the list before transferring everything over. I burned in my head everything that is written as I scrolled to each one as quickly as I could. The door behind me was still eerily quiet and once I was done scanning it with my head, I tapped on the option to delete it.

[Confirm delete of file named Tatiana Smirnov?]

“Some things shouldn’t be pried upon too much you f.u.c.k.i.n.g idiot. You’re too f.u.c.k.i.n.g paranoid sometimes and now you knew more about her past that shouldn’t be told to just anyone.” I thought to myself.

I have a solemn expression first before it turned into a sigh of relief. I tapped the confirm button and once the loading bar was completed to full, I made my way towards the door and I unlocked it. I placed my hand on it tightly first since I thought it would swing open. However, I was greeted by a different scenario.

Oscar’s eyes were red and teary as he is standing upright but there’s still some tremble. I could see Kaley on the steps trying to keep everyone from crowding over to see what has happened. When Oscar looked at me, a tear fell to his cheeks and he started to bawl almost immediately.

There’s one thing about Oscar though, he looks really ugly crying.

“HAHHHHHHH~!!! *SNIFF* IS SHE STILL ALIVE~?! HUH?! TALK TO ME YOU MOTHERF.U.C.KER~!!! WAHHHHHHHHHH~!!! KJSHNFSJSBSK~!!!” he started crying as I pulled him inside my room.

I did my best to hold my laughter looking at him and the situation on the first floor has also calmed down thanks to Kaley. She soon came inside my room and then Zeus, Matthew, Olivia, and Marisha followed her.

“Hey, what happened here bud?” Matthew asked Oscar.

“Bud? When did this happen?” I thought to myself.

Oscar has no words except his unintelligible crying but he managed to point at me.

“What did you do Sky?” Olivia looked at while trying to make Zeus stop licking Oscar on the face.

“Nothing, really. Our little friend outside found where Jennifer is.” I replied.

“Who?” The ladies asked.

“Oh! Your daughter, right?” Matthew said.

“*high pitched* yeah.” Oscar replied.

“When did this two became like… like that? The f.u.c.k?” I thought to myself.

“Where is she then? Oscar’s daughter?” Marisha asked.

“Here.” I handed Oscar the phone so he could see for himself.

“I-I-I can’t understand this shit kid! Can’t you just f.u.c.k.i.n.g read it to me?!” he is a blubbering mess.

“*sigh* sure old man, I’ll make sure you understand every bit of it.” I replied as I stood up and took one of the chairs. I started to place it in one of my cabinets to get a black suitcase that is wider than normal.

“Sky…?” Kaley trailed as everyone was confused to what I was doing.

I placed the suitcase in front of Oscar and I flipped the latches to remove the front cover.

The moment the object in front of them was revealed…

Silence. Complete silence.

It’s a typewriter.

“Okay, old man. I’m gonna put this in words that you could understand! Wait a bit since it’s been a while since I’ve used this!” I declared as I started to place a couple of papers in the typewriter. I adjusted it accordingly and I started on typing very loudly.

*clack* *clack*


*clack* *clack* *clack* *clack*

*clack* *clack*



*slides the lever back in place*


*clack* *clack*

*clack* *clack* *clack*

I continued on typing and everyone was just staring at me blankly. I didn’t mind the stared and I continued on.


*clack* *clack*

*clack* *clack* *clack*



“JUST F.U.C.K.I.N.G READ IT TO ME YOU LITTLE SHIT!!! WHAT I MEAN BY I CAN’T UNDERSTAND IS THAT THE TEXT ARE TOO SMALL YOU MOTHERF.U.C.KER!!!” Oscar bellowed then Kaley turned around trying to contain her laughter with Olivia. Matthew and Marisha on the other hand started to facepalm and Zeus was just happily watching everything unfold.

“Oh. But I already started… *clack*” I replied trying my best to maintain a blank face after pressing another key.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!” he started to lose his mind.

He almost kicked the typewriter over but then I managed to calm him down so I could read what was said in the file.

His facial expression of happiness never changed but Kaley and the rest started from joy to solemnness. At the end of the file was a couple of pictures of her wearing her service uniform while on board one of the warsh.i.p.s from the US though it was not said which one and where it is headed. One thing is for sure though, she’s still alive and the photos that were attached are the most recent ones taken just three day prior.

“Bud…” Matthew tapped Oscar’s shoulder.

“Thank you kid.” Oscar said earnestly while looking at me directly in the eye.

“Well, Ana was the one who found it, thank her. I just had fun.” I replied.

“Thanks to you too.” Oscar looked at the camera on the phone.

[It was a mutual benefit. Sorry that’s all I could find. Don’t you atleast have a number that you could use to contact her? You there have Satellite phones, right? I believe those still works.]

“I know that number. She won’t answer that call though but thanks anyway. This thing here is enough. As long as she’s still alive.” Oscar replied with a joyful expression.

The people around him including me are wearing solemn expressions but he still remained jubilant. He wiped his tears off and he stood up. However, I saw Kaley and Marisha giving me that signal that someone’s not saying the truth.

“Shit.” I thought to myself.

“Come with me kid.” he said as he started to walk outside the door.

I was tempted to make the typewriter clack again but I stopped myself and started to follow him. The people outside wanted to ask a few things from the small commotion but I waved them off for now. We reached his house and he went for the refrigerator first.

He threw me one of his beers and he opened his own while I’m still holding mine. He drank it all immediately then he grabbed another one and we headed to his armory. I have a faint smile on my face and then I opened my can of beer.

“Why are we here old man?” I asked but I already know the answer.

“You know why you little shit. I know this isn’t a great exchange for what you did but I want you to pick one from my stash here alright? Heh. You know the drill. Remember the time when you first saw my armory?” he said as he opened his second can.

“Yep. Clear as day. However, what we have here now is several times than what you have at your house back then. Are you sure I could take anything?” I replied as I made a devilish grin.

“Ack! I meant to say anything but my old 1911.” he said immediately.

“Hah! I know you won’t give that away. It’s not even in here but your room upstairs. It still works, right?” I said.

“Of course, it still works! It’s a freaking 1911! It’s been on two world wars kid! Not those plastic bricks you’re always using!” he exclaimed after drinking a mouthful.

“It’S BeEn oN tWo WoRlD WarS!” I replied while distorting my voice.

“Oh~ Don’t start that shit with me kid!” he shouted.

“Heh, I’m not since you’re just gonna lose miserably. However, I’m gonna start something different though…” I trailed.

“Hmm? What do you mean kid?” he asked.

“Jennifer, are you even really trying to call her? You’re not, aren’t you?” I replied with a serious look.

“What?! H-how did you even get that idea?!” he exclaimed but his reaction gives it away.

“Not important. If you’re really calling her then dial her number now. It’s easy to dial her if she’s not gonna answer, right?” I replied.

He never answered back but that silence was enough of an answer to my question. I thought my response would make him mad but it was different. A smile is still plastered on his face and up to this day, I still don’t understand their father-daughter relationship. His smile has a hint of bitterness now compared to earlier but his face really makes me wonder what’s going on with him. I really thought before that his daughter is not answering his calls but turns out that it is more complicated than that.

“F.u.c.k it. I’m gonna dial her myself.” I said then I pulled out my Sat Phone much to his shock.


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