Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 225

Chapter 225: 225

“I’m inclined to ask what you’re gonna do but the look that you’re giving me tells me that it wouldn’t be as bad as what you did earlier. I’m just gonna held back today just for a bit too I guess.” she said, chuckling.

“Heh, I’m not gonna do it now though, we’re going back to the DDR Camp just to get their updated file again and Woodlands to see what’s been going on with my own eyes. About the thing I’m gonna do, you’re gonna be a part of it and a few others. We’d need the help of Earl too.” I said as she grew curious.

“Earl? What for?” she asked.

“I thought you just said that you’re gonna held yourself back today for a bit? Don’t want a bit of mystery?” I said, laughing.

She grew a bit annoyed but she really did hold herself back from asking more questions. Kaley and I were conversing normally on the roof of the Public Market. There’re these antennas on the roof of the Public Market here that are held by a long metal pipe so I’m trying to take one down so I could place one of the relays I brought on it. I picked the thickest one to place it on and reinforced it with duct tape. It doesn’t look as aesthetically pleasing as the one I did on the hospital in the DDR Camp but it does the job of keeping it in place.

“If you want to something to stay in place, always use duct tape. If you want something to move, WD-40 is the answer. Well, there’s torches too. It won’t get stuck if it’s liquid.” I thought to myself.

Kaley is looking out for any zombies trying to roam around but we encountered none so far. It’s due to the fact that Jay’s group is doing a great job of clearing them from the streets and two of the roads where they would come from is sealed which are the road on the far left of the DDR Camp and the highway entrance of the DDR Camp. There’re only two remaining places where they would come from which is from the highway and the small road that leads to Chang’s place.

The entrance for the highway is the road which is next to the gasoline station where Russel worked at. The small road could easily be sealed since it is quite narrow and only allows two vehicles side by side to traverse but on the road that leads to the highway would be a bit harder since more materials would be used to completely set up a barrier in it since it is so wide. However, if we managed to set up the barriers on all of those entrances, we’ll have a huge territory of our own which is zombie-free.

“Aaand, we’re done!” I said after folding up a small portion of the duct tape so I could easily find the end later.

We then made our way to Woodlands to check on the situation over there and we found out that everyone is busy at work. The front gate is cleaned up though there’re still the small craters that were formed when the explosions occurred. A few of them were in top soil so it blew a portion of it along with the grass planted but it is easy enough to be fixed. We drove inside and we saw Damian collaborating with Gabriel, William and one of the representatives from the DDR Camp that would live here starting today which is named Maricel.

“Hey, you guys still busy? It’s almost sundown.” I asked.

“U-umm, yes, we’re still figuring out where some of them are gonna stay.” Gabriel said.

“Really? There’s a f.u.c.k ton of houses here, what’s the problem?” I asked.

“O-oh! There’s none actually. We just didn’t have the time earlier.” Gabriel said as he wiped his face.

I could see that their hands are all soiled and their clothes are dirty, even Damian. The atmosphere here is lively and everyone seems to have breathed in fresh air for the new start that they were given.

“So, you’re the person who made things possible? Thank you.” Maricel chimed as she made a small bow.

“Not all me though, it’s all up to everyone now if you want this place to work. I won’t be spoon-feeding everything for you guys here. Some of you would still need to go out to gather your own resources if the need arises. The food we would be giving you the first few weeks is just enough to feed each one of you a simple meal and it could last longer if you start to ration them. Take good care of the farms and when our animals back home start giving birth, we’d part with some of them for you guys to take care of here as well.” I replied.

“Y-yes sir, we understand.” she replied.

“Okay, oh right, Damian, could you come with us for a sec? We’re heading to the admin office to check on a few things.” I said.

He agreed and he rode on the vehicle that we’re in. It’s fairly close but I just wanted a private time with the owner of the whole place. I didn’t say much of how they should run this place since I believe Oscar have already made that talk with them.

“Damian, tell it to me straight without filter, how’s it going here? Any issues that you need help with?” I asked as we entered the admin building.

“Well, aside from two of my swords missing, the real ones, if I could speak honestly, it is still a bit shaky, but shaky good. I noticed that one of yours has them, the blonde one. I can’t seem to spot the other one.” he replied with a sigh.

“So that’s his house then. What does shaky good even mean?” I thought to myself.

“Oh, I took the other one.” I replied quickly.

“What?! You already have a katana, why would you need another one?! You took the most useful ones!” he got agitated.

“First of all, thank you. That’s a nice longsword and bastard sword. It’s just on display, better make use of them at least! Besides, you still have one that I haven’t examined yet. Can I take a look?” I said as I looked at his cane.

It looks a bit inconspicuous looking at it normally but the way it clinks every time he walks with it made me think that something is hidden inside. It’s a straight black cane without the hook-like handle a few of them usually have. Its handle has a pommel-like horse design that appears to be made from steel and there’s space enough for a hand before what I surmise is where the blade starts.

“I kinda knew it was you who took the other one. Here, but please give it back to me. It’s the only thing I have left.” he said with a sigh as he handed it over.

It has some weight to it and I started to slowly unsheathe it.

It made that nice sound every time you pulled a blade out and the very thin blade slowly appeared before us. The blade itself is as thin as a finger and it is most definitely suited for thrusting instead of cutting. It is well maintained and the only thing missing from it is a proper handguard since it looks like a very large needle. The weight is mostly distributed to the handle, add to that the huge pommel that it has. You could call it a rapier and the only thing different is the blade is hard but not as flexible as the usual ones.

I sheathed it and I handed it back to him.

“That’s the real deal too. Know how to use them though?” I asked.

“Hmph! You could always try me, I’m old but I still have some fight!” he exclaimed.

“That’s good then but you’d be with a disadvantage without a handguard. I could easily lop off your fingers without it.” I replied with a smile.

“Hmph! It is made for the purpose of hiding it in plain sight. I wish I could have that added to it but it would be too obvious now, would it?” he replied.

“Well, it does look slick, how much?” I said immediately.

He instantly choked then Kaley and I started to laugh heartily.

“HAHAHAHA!!! I’m joking! Anyway, I’m just here to look at some of the files here. I will be taking the hard drives from the computers here but I need to look at the files in the cabinets too. I need it for something else.” I said.

“Hmmm, I see. Don’t make jokes like that or my heart wouldn’t be able to take it! I think most of them are around here somewhere… oh, all of them are stored on these things…” he started to point out the places I need to look at first but I still checked everything doc.u.ment that I see lying around.

I was looking at the files for the tenants, homeowners, blueprints, contracts and everything else on here. I lastly removed several drives from the computers here and placed them on my pack. However, I didn’t make a mention of what I think might’ve caused the cult to find out about their place. I decided to tell him that when I got all of the things I need prepared and ready for when I commence my other idea.

“Okay, let’s go. Thanks for helping us.” I said to Damian.

“Huh? You’re not gonna take the doc.u.ments? I could help you pack them on your truck if you want?” he said confused.

“Hmm? Oh, I already memorized it.” I replied.


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