Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 220

Chapter 220: 220

I never said anything to address the looks that they’re giving me but Kaley’s about to say something to them. I just held her hand below the table to stop her and I gave her a look and she held herself back. The containers of food that I gave them are almost wiped clean and they’re eyeing the remaining that are still in the paper bag that I brought.

“I think you all are just tired and can’t seem to remember much because of what happened earlier. So, just rest for now and you’ll receive your next rations after three days.” I said to them.

“U-umm, sir? H-h-how about t-the food you still have?” one of the people with stains of oil in his mouth said.

“Oh, this? This few remaining here are for your other people on the place you attacked. I’ll talk to them first and see if they know more than you here. I might throw in a beer or two if they do.” I lied.

The guy gulped but I could still see the hesitation on his face along with the others. I know too well that face they’re giving me for why they don’t want to answer my question about those three.

“Fear.” I thought to myself.

I was about to tell the soldiers stationed to guard them to take them back but a shrill shout came from the other room where the three was in.


The seven around me tensed and then another shout followed coming from a different and younger voice.


The seven started to shake and even one of them started to kneel down while praying nonstop. Her hands are clasped together and there’s a tone of begging in her voice. One of them broke down crying and he started to retch, seemingly remembering something very unpleasant. One guy wanted to start running outside to escape but the soldiers prevented him from doing so.

Kaley gave me a curious glance and the rest of us are now looking at the soldier’s reaction guarding that room where the shouting came from.

“Let’s go check it out. Sent them back to their holding room.” I told the soldiers.

A few more soldiers, civilians, and even Ferdinand came to the scene and the seven were immediately thrown to the other room. There’s already a few people crowding in the room where the sound came from and a few civilians already walked on the opposite direction and started to retch.

Kaley and I saw the scene happening and we were shocked at the sight.

A puddle of red has already formed on the floor but there’s also a huge spray on the wall. The bald guy we talked to earlier is trying to squeeze himself in a corner and his expression is of fear. The puddle is slowly getting larger from the second and the sound of gargling blood encompasses the area.

The older lady’s leg and arms are twitching each time the kid we were also talking to earlier sinks his teeth on her body. She’s trying to pull him away but her strength fails her each time her hands get swatted away. Her clothes are ripped off and you could see several places on her torso where if it wasn’t because of the blood endlessly flowing through it, you will notice that flesh has been torn off violently. Her throat is ripped apart and most of the blood gushing outside came from her neck that has a huge chunk eaten out of.

The kid was kneeling down but his mouth never left the older lady’s body. Her chest area was missing a huge chunk while her abdomen is torn and there’re a few flaps that stitching wouldn’t fix. He seems to not be satisfied and he started to slam the lady’s head on the floor until her head cracked open. He started to scoop with his hands the brain matter inside that are starting to leak out and he slowly slurped each chunk he bites off.

“The f.u.c.k?!”

“Wait, he didn’t turn?!”


“Oh my god!”





“Holy f.u.c.k!!!”

Slurping sounds followed and the bald guy started to weep and there’s a small pool of liquid forming beneath his body that has first stained his pants.

Everyone present outside was disturbed at the sight and the seven on the separate room seems to know what has happened even without seeing the scene by themselves.

“Has this happened before? They looked…” Kaley trailed as she also took a glance at the seven.

The kid finally stood up while holding a small chunk of flesh. He threw it over the bald guy and it hit him after it bounced once on the wall behind him. It bounced on his body and it fell near his feet. The kid started to look up and his head snapped to bald guy.

“I told you I was hungry.” the kid said without any emotion.

“You never listened.”

“Mom didn’t listen.”

“All of you never listened.”


“So hungry.”

“The food earlier looked really good.”

“I wish I could’ve tasted it.”

“He was giving it to us for free.”

“It smelled great too.”

“He has enough for everybody.”

“He’s really nice.”


“I’m full now.”


“That’s your share.” he pointed at the small chunk of flesh that he threw.

“God provides, right?”

“He really works in mysterious ways.”

“I didn’t know God provided mom.”

“She tasted funny though.”

“Like my little sister when we can’t go outside.”

“I was hungry that time too.”

“She was softer than mom though- BLERGH!!!”

He started to vomit a few chunks of what he ate earlier and the bald guy is just looking at him in disgust and fear.

“Hey~ this is mom! Look~!”


“She’s here and she’s also over there~ haha.”





He started to laugh maniacally and he started to dance around the room while singing praises to their god.

The bald guy kicked the chunk of meat at his foot and he saw us watching them from the windows. He rushed past the kid without hesitation and he started to slam his fists on the door. The cuffs clinked each time he does it and the soldiers were looking at me and Ferdinand. The older lady of the floor stopped twitching but we weren’t worried that it might come back because the kid already took care of it since what needs to be destroyed was already half-eaten by him.


I told them to let him out and Ferdinand ordered his soldiers to place the guy among the other people on the next room. He fell flat on his face when they threw him inside and he started to vomit but none came out.

The kid was still dancing around the place not minding what’s happening around him.

“Precious Jesus~”

“Precious Jesus~”

He started to sing while dancing and he’s smiling brightly. There’s a red streak across his mouth and it’s slowly dripping across his chin towards his neck and then to his shirt that is also soaked with the same substance. The people outside can’t seem to give the proper reaction to what he’s doing.

“Sir, what do we do about the kid?” the soldiers asked Ferdinand.

“KILL HIM~! F.U.C.K.I.N.G KILL HIM ALREADY~! I F.U.C.K.I.N.G TOLD MARY TO KILL HIM ALREADY! SHE SHOULD’VE LISTENED TO ME~!” the bald guy shouted from the other room. He and the others are still shaking in fear and it shows that from observing all of them that this thing has already happened before.

The soldiers and the other people who witnessed what the kid did shared the same sentiment. Ferdinand was about to order to put the kid down but I stopped him. I decided to make use of the moment to gain something we couldn’t get earlier. I was ready to play the long game but the opportunity presented itself. A few soldiers disagreed with me and they seem intent on listening only to Ferdinand’s orders.

“Wait, he’s just there dancing around. Let’s have another talk with the people here and if they don’t tell me what I wanted to hear, they’ll be bunking with the kid until they do, or until… you know.” I said loud enough for the eight inside to hear.

The kid heard my voice and he suddenly stopped singing. He quickly approached the windows and he put his hands on the bars across it and he smiled at me. The people near the window instinctively took a step back and the kid smiled while still covered blood.

“Hey~ Name’s Tim.” he smiled.

“Yo. Nice name.” I replied.

“Wow~! You’re a rapper! Do you still have more of the food you brought earlier? I just vomited and I’m hungry again. Do you? Huh?” his tone is really innocent but his face is a huge contrast.

“I do. Still have several to be honest. Eight, to be exact.” I then glanced at the people on the other side of the room and they shook.

“Eight! Wow! So many! Can I have one please?” he asked.

“Sure.” the eight tensed quickly and moved away from the doors but I took one container from my pack and handed it to him through the gaps.

“Thank you! May the Lord bless you as well!” he took it and he sat down in a corner. He ate it with his stained hands and he was happily humming a tune while eating.

“Sure thing. By the way, your other group. Can I know where some of them are located?” I tried to ask him.

“Oh! We’re always going places but we always meet at St. Andrew Kim Parish Church. It’s a really huge~ church. Mom took us there when it started. The Father would go there sometimes but he’s mostly not there. You should join us, you’re really nice.” he replied after eating a mouthful.

“Thank you. I’ll think about that.” I replied with a smile.

“It’s deeper in the Bulacan Area.” I thought to myself.

“Sure thing. Did you cook this? It’s really~ good!” he added.

“Yeah, thanks, I’ll visit you soon since I’m gonna do a few more things, okay?” I replied.

He just nodded happily and started to eat again. The soldiers around are confused and still repulsed by the kid but I simply struck when the iron was still hot.

“I’m not gonna say that was easy but I still need to confirm if what he said was true.” I thought to myself.

“Y-you’re really g-gonna let that glutton live?! Didn’t you see what he did?!” the bald guy shouted at me.

“Yeah, problem? He’s more cooperative than you all. You’d do well to tell me everything I wanted to know now or I’ll stamp a number on your foreheads to see who’ll be next.” I said to them.

“We already told you everything!” they shouted.

“You told me shit. All of you, what you told me I already know. Tell me something I don’t yet. The MVP will get food until this is all over and be absorbed in my group.” I lied on the last part.

“W-what do you want to know?! I already told you I’ll talk!” the bald guy interjected.

“Who’s the person you have contact with in Woodlands? Three seconds.” I replied with a smile.


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