Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 218

Chapter 218: 218

I started to slowly feel the coldness from the air conditioner and the softness of my pillow. Even if I’m still thinking about what Rin said earlier, the tiredness I’m feeling from what happened is starting to lull me to sleep. Kaley started to snuggle with me while still asleep seemingly wanting to enter the blanket that I am in. I flapped the blanket once so that it could cover us both and then I saw her open her eyes slightly due to the sound it made.

She must be feeling really tired too because she said nothing and just placed her arm and leg over me while leaning to me sideways. Her head is placed in my chest so I just placed my left arm over her and then I closed my eyes.

I was about to sleep but I heard her mutter something.

“The katana is still better… my wakizashi too… and the tanto…” she whispered as she snuggled even closer then a smile was formed on my lips.

“We must’ve woken her up for a bit from that debate earlier.” I thought to myself.

I kissed her on her forehead after I made a small chuckle and then we slept for a while.

I woke up to the fragrant smell of food invading my nose and when I opened my eyes, Kaley is still hugging me from the side. What caught my attention is that Marisha is with Zeus and she’s carrying a tray of food for us two.

“Oh! I was just about to wake you two. It’s past noon and everyone have already eaten lunch. Your aunt sent food to the people on the other side as well. Could you please wake Kaley up? I’m gonna place this tray here…” Marisha said as she laid down the tray of food near our bed. Zeus was just happily following behind her and seems to be acting as her bodyguard.

I tapped Kaley a few times on her shoulder and her eyes slowly opened. She gave me a peck on the lips first then she started to rub her eyes. She stretched her body for a moment and then she also smelled the food from the tray that her mother brought.

“Good Afternoon. I brought you two some food. You skipped breakfast, right?” Marisha said.

“Hmm? Oh, hi mom… *yawn* thank you… hnng~” Kaley was still sleepy.

We were served a huge piece of Okonomiyaki which is a savory pancake made with different vegetables with sauce on top but there’s a flattened and breaded piece of fried chicken underneath it to be eaten with rice. There’s also a pitcher of iced tea and water on the tray and the utensils needed.

I started on feeding Kaley since she seems to still want to go back to sleeping. Marisha watched me in amus.e.m.e.nt trying to feed her daughter while Zeus is posed to attack the crumbs that would accidentally fall on the carpet below.

We finally finished eating then Marisha spoke.

“How are you two?” she simply asked.

“Well…” we started a simple conversation.

We told her about what happened yesterday and today while she told us what happened on this side. She carried a solemn expression throughout and even if she already knew that her daughter is a capable fighter and with me at all times, her motherly side still worries for Kaley.

We learned that the people we brought here from Woodlands were also jolted awake from the explosions and was awake ever since. The laborers and the few other people are doing okay while a few are much better knowing that the torment they’re receiving everyday would finally stop. The memories they have with their old friends who died from what happened will only be remembered when they were still treating each other well. What’s been given to them today was a new start and they were all eager to start anew and Damian, Mr. Gabriel, and Willian will be their leaders on their place now. However, they’re required to report to us on whatever has happened and would still be monitored closely with the other people coming from the DDR Camp.

Marisha also talked with Lois and a few others who in the first time in their lives have taken a life. It’s something serious especially when it was the first time you did it but all of them seems to be doing well and they understood for why they did it and for who. It’s fairly obvious now and everyone’s mindset here has already adjusted according to the world we’re living in right now. It would be hard if you don’t have the resolve to do what you’re supposed to do in order to survive.

We’ve conversed for a few minutes and we cleaned up afterwards. I thought Marisha was simply checking in on us but she has something for us that we didn’t expect.

“Oh yeah… one more thing…” Marisha trailed.

“Hmm?” Kaley remarked.

“Rin, that sweet lady, and Tatiana, that strong lady… you four have done ‘something’ together here, right? The two, somehow feels different, care to tell me if I’m right?” Marisha said.

“Ah crap, here’s comes that psychic power again…” I thought to myself.

Kaley was about to run away but I was ready and caught her wrist.

“Nope. You’re staying here with me.” I said.

“M-m-m-mom… I-It’s j-just a o-one-time thing…” Kaley started to sweat bullets.

“It’s not my business to ask about such things but make sure that a few boundaries are in place. I’m not sure yet but sometimes, things would get complicated. I think you two know what I’m talking about. I don’t know everything that’s going on but I feel things. A human’s psyche and heart are delicate, all I’m asking is for you two to remember that, okay? I know you two are already set and I for sure know that Kaley was the one who orchestrated it. I don’t want to dictate what you do under covers but be careful, because like I said earlier, it gets complicated sometimes, okay?” Marisha said as she stood up and left. Zeus followed behind her as she closed the door.

“…” Kaley and I was just looking at each other.

I’m thinking about the way Rin looked at us two earlier and the way some of Tatiana’s sentences sounded even if she’s always like that. I think Kaley’s also thinking the same thing the way she’s looking at me.

“Let’s just talk about that when we four are all present. We need to know what they think as well, right?” I said.

She nodded and we started to take a short shower first before wearing our gear. The next thing we did is we rode my Hayabusa towards the DDR Camp to meet with Oscar to check on the people that were captured earlier. Oscar was talking with the CO of this place when we arrived and I noticed on the far street that a fence was being made by my uncle and a few people while being guarded by the soldiers and the rest of my group. A small fire with a few bodies is burning on the side of the road which I think are fresh ones.

“Hey kid. You two slept well? Johnny and Tatiana are at Woodlands now and I’ve just finished ‘talking’ to the sons of bitches here.” Oscar said.

“You already did? What happened then? Are they the only ones left or are there more of them?” I asked.

“Most of them are unresponsive and wouldn’t want to talk so I made a little demonstration if their faith holds true. I killed one of them right in front of their faces with my shotgun at point blank and almost all of them talked. Here’s the problem though, there’s more where they came from. The only good thing we have is that they’re one of the larger groups among them. A few of them operate like the ones from the supermarket which are the small ones but the ‘father’ they’re talking about is a real guy. We might face them sooner or later we never know. Most of their members came from either the camps that has left it or was simply picked up on the street or other places. You could have a run with them since there’re some difference on their answers while a few are unbelievable.” Oscar said.

“I thought the dead ones are our only problem, turns out there’re more. They mentioned that their father could cure this thing and the chosen ones are the supreme beings, is that even true?” Ferdinand, the CO of this place added.

“Yeah, that’s bullshit though, for sure. People sure are easy to manipulate if they don’t have the answer themselves. Like UFOs, everything will be categorized as ‘unidentified’ if you’re stupid enough.” Oscar said.

“Figures that there’re more of them. I didn’t see my AR-15, unc’s shotgun, and Chang’s practice Guandao from the bodies. Another group must’ve raided that place instead of the ones earlier. That reminds me, is a guy here named Cyrill still here? He came here before, right?” I said.

“Cyrill? What’s his last name? What does he look like?” he asked then I gave him his description.

“Oh! That guy who’s beaten up last time. Yeah, he was here for a while but he went outside after a few days and never came back. I didn’t know you know him though, sorry. You think he joined the cult?” he said.

“Impossible. He would never join them after what happened. Just call either one of us if he comes back.” I replied.

“What do we do now?” Oscar asked.

“The people you’ve ‘talked’ to, where are they?” I said.


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