Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 213

Chapter 213: 213

The two vehicles we brought slowly made their way inside Woodlands after driving around the pile of burning bodies.

“Want to do this now kid? Or do you want to take a rest first and start later when we get some sleep?” Oscar asked.

“Hmm, better do it now before the soldiers there figure out that they’ve been left out with the supplies we would be getting here. We’d get everything here first but we’d make a separate portion for the people that would be living here.” I replied.

I’m about to tell the group where to go but Lois radioed in.


“Bro! This is Lois!”






“Careful inside since a few might still be hiding. We… we took… care of a few who started to vault the wall at the covered court and on the wall near your old house. It’s a few of them but I think we got everyone. Johnny told us to watch out for more so we’re camping here for the moment. The weapons they have floated away on the canal system too though but some of them got stuck on the banks and on some of the poles. I think we could get them after you’re done over there.”



“Okay, thanks dude. Ken, drive the drones around here a few times and tell me if there are any heads peeking out. A few places here have the lights on but some of them has no power even from the street lights.”



“Sure thing dude. Kris and my sister is helping me drive them.”


The gates were then locked and Oscar’s SUV was parked against it. He opened the sunroof of his SUV and the XM556 that Raphael has successfully mounted from the past week appeared in all its glory. Looking at it while Oscar is waving it around locked and loaded intimidates me.

“There’s no dodging that if that thing unloaded everything at you.” I thought to myself.

“Damn kid, your engineer buddy took his sweet time to build this beauty but look at it! I could ogle at this thing all day! I’ll guard here with Jared and Ashley while you take the rest of the trainees and do your thing. I’ll make sure none passes here.” Oscar said.

“Sure thing old man. Tatiana, bring half of Marvin’s group and start on sweeping the houses with us. Teach them how it’s done properly, if Brian starts to act up and disobey orders, crack his left testicle for me.” I said as I pulled out my Maxim 9.

“H-hey. Not the left one.” Brian put some distance between her and Tatiana.

“Heh. I’m bad at aiming maybe I’ll hit both. That still does the intended job, correct?” Tatiana chuckled.

The huge flashlights we brought were used to shine light towards the houses we would be going inside first for extra measure.

As soon as the beam of light hits the first house we would be entering, I heard a shout.

“Please~! Please~! Don’t shoot me! Don’t shoot me!” the voice said.

“Come out!” I shouted.

“Please! I’m innocent! The father was the one who told us to do those kinds of things!” the voice pleaded.

“The father? Yeah, right.” I thought to myself.

The group has their weapons at the ready but I waved them down.

“Okay! Come out slowly and we’ll talk! No sudden movements or I’ll toss a grenade in that house you’re in!” I shouted back.

It was silent for a moment but I could see his silhouette due to the flashlights and he’s slowly inching towards the door. The doorknob slowly turned and a lanky and short teenager with bloody clothes slowly went outside with his hands raised up. He shields his eyes from the beam and I could only see several missing teeth from his mouth since the way he is squinting his eyes made his mouth open up as well.

“You’re the only one there?” I asked.

“No weapons or anything. The f.u.c.k is he doing inside?” I thought to myself.

“Amen! Y-yeah! Ple-*bsshew*”

I quickly fired a shot between his eyes and his body fell to the ground. A small thud was produced when he hit the ground but when we’re about to check his body, a scream came from the same house and a woman came out in which I think is about the same age as the one I killed. She’s n.a.k.e.d from the waist down and there’re several scars on her thighs and arms.

“PLEASE! PLEASE~! HELP ME~! HE- HE!” the girl slowly limped towards me but I made a sigh when I notice something shining hidden in her palm.

I simply made a stance by facing down where the handle of the katana is also facing down and the scabbard is raised up. My right hand is firmly placed on the handle and my left is holding the scabbard tightly.

Then I drew it in one quick motion slashing diagonally from the bottom left towards the upper right.

In an instant, a small glint of the blade was the only thing she saw before my katana entered her right torso while exiting her left temple. I flicked the blade one time before I wiped it with a small cloth. The two bodies were on top of each other where the first one was bleeding through his head while the other was gushing blood and guts where her body was dismembered. A small blade without the handle tumbled a few times near the girl’s body after I sheathed my blade.

“There could be more here so eyes out. Be careful and remember that the only ones that are needed to live are already inside our compound for now. Anything still alive here or undead needs to die. No excuses and you know the risks of letting unknowns live.” I said as I looked at my group.

All of them are pointing their weapons towards the couple and it seemed they were all ready to react if anything happens though I was the first one to move before them. They only made a short final glance towards the couple that I made quick work of and we continued on searching the houses remaining.

Woodlands is one of the best places to acquire especially at this time. When we’re still in the planning stages, Oscar and I thought to place our base here but we’re not allowed to modify things inside it so we decided to go for the Cruz Family’s compound instead. This gated community is 14 hectares of prime real estate. Rows and rows of houses are available with several other amenities are inside it which includes a clubhouse, a basketball court, a tennis court, a number of swimming pools, and a children’s playground. Aside from that there are several open spaces, a centralized water system, and an underground drainage system. Their tall walls covered the whole area and there are several security cameras placed at convenient locations.

This was the best place to start in this location but the people here severely underutilized it. They made a few modifications on this place but it is not enough to my standards. However, now that we have reclaimed this piece of land, we could start on a few projects in this place along with a few that we have at home. We’d start on repairing most of the houses here first and fortifying its defenses while we assign the people who would be living here to start on digging the farms.

Each house we checked has most of their doors still intact but the windows at the sides were unprotected so it was still easily broken into even if the door was barricaded with a heavy object.

Not a single house was spared.

The houses here that was still housing people when the cult broke into was even more of a mess than the houses that were empty. The people who came here have a bit of ‘fun’ before they delivered it to the priest. Several furnitures are broken and most of them has blood splatter or sprays of blood that takes little imagination to what has occurred when they swarmed over here in a frenzy. The bedrooms much more since we saw blood stains on the sheets and it is fairly obvious as to what has happened here as well add to that several torn clothes we found on the side.

In one of the houses, we heard sounds of skin hitting skin and a few pleasurable grunts. I made a few signals to the group with me to keep silent. I slowly opened the door and my eyes widened at the sight.

A burly guy was f.u.c.k.i.n.g a headless corpse from behind while covered in its blood. His eyes were rolled over and he seems to be high as f.u.c.k because he was totally unaware of what had occurred outside. The missing head seemed to have rolled over near the door and seems to be looking at me directly in the eye. It was one of the young girls living at this place that is barely an a.d.u.l.t. She was one of those stuck-up bitches you’d normally see in movies that has no sympathy for anyone whatsoever so I don’t care whatever happened to her. The guy was still going at it not noticing I have already sneaked behind him.

My hands crept to his head and then…


I twisted his neck backwards where I could see his bloodshot eyes. His pelvic thrusting immediately halted then I threw him over the window where his head got crushed when he fell from the 3rd floor. The body he was desecrating has a mix of fluid flowing from its orifices but I also threw it below. I saw that Kaley was looking at the head of the young girl and she called me over.

“Hey, look.” she pointed at the head.

I looked at the head and thin black lines are visibly starting to invade the sclera, or the white part of the eyes. When the black lines reached the iris, the iris started to deform but it severely slowed when it has invaded a small portion of it.

“It stopped?” Kaley asked.

“Yeah. I thought this head would turn into them immediately or one of those sentries. I really wish we could figure out how this thing works. It seems to be a random thing without any patterns.” I replied.

Since nothing visible is happening, Kaley stabbed it from the side of its ear to make sure the head doesn’t turn into one of them.

“Let’s check the other houses too. We’d be finished here when it’s morning.” I said as I threw the head below as well.


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