Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 210

Chapter 210: 210

The moment I finished speaking, the whole place became silent.

“WHAT?! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR F.U.C.K.I.N.G MIND?!” Sheila shouted.


I jumped over the gate and then I drew my pistol. I pointed it in front of her but it’s a few inches to the right just enough to graze her ear. She was too late to react when I pulled the trigger.


A bloody and crooked figure plopped to the pavement tens of meters away from us behind them.

I holstered my Maxim 9 and I looked at her dead in the eye. The atmosphere became suddenly cold then she fell on her knees and a small pool of liquid formed beneath her that reeks of ammonia.

“S-Sheila!” Mr. Gabriel finally snapped back to reality and he tried to take care of her ex-wife since he pulled out a first aid kit. Damian on the other hand was staring in shock since he thought I was gonna kill one of her people.

“P-please f-forgive her! She didn’t mean to shout at you! Sheila, hurry up and a-apologize to this young man right here! W-w-we apologize!” Mr. Gabriel is trembling all over while Sheila is still in shock.

“Damian, my proposal, what do you think? The right answer seems pretty obvious to me.” I disregarded the couple and looked back at Damian.

“T-that’s… that’s impossible! How greedy could you get?!” he snapped.

“Like you’re one to talk…” I thought to myself.

“Greedy? Yes, yes I am. I want everything I could get my hands on. Your place is one of the things I want to acquire personally first so I could proceed with my plans. Your just lucky I’m not a murdering psychopath or else I would’ve killed all of you so I could start on reclaiming your place for myself.” I said while looking at him straight in the eye.

He started on pointing his cane at me and he shouted, “Your lucky I’m this old! If I was your age I could take you on by myself! As if a young kid like you have thought out plans right from the start! I’ve seen plenty of confident brats like you that can always talk but doesn’t have the balls to get things done! That place you wanted to get is my blood and sweat! I worked all my life just to get that piece of land! You don’t know shit about working hard! Tell me! What is this oh so great plan of yours? Huh?! What are the places you so wanted to get your hands on?! TELL ME!!!”

“Luzon. I want this island group for starters. I’ll start on this barangay first, then this city, and slowly move up to the close ones. I want all the land I could lay my eyes on be safe from those things. Next is Visayas and Mindanao. After getting this country back on track I’ll then head to Japan next, and the others too, and lastly the world. That’s how ‘greedy’ I am. It could take several years to do that but I know I could do it. Well, words are just words. If a certain balding old dude doesn’t stop pointing his cane at me, I’ll f.u.c.k.i.n.g smack it on his head and just be a murdering psychopath so things would be a little easier! Being a murderer is easy, being a politically correct guy is a pain in the ass.” I replied.

His jaw dropped from my words and even the people from the platform and my old house was shocked from what I said.

“I think I went a little too far for taking over the world speech but it did sound really cool…” I thought to myself.

“Heh.” Oscar chuckled from the platform.

“Y-you’re really planning to get the whole of Luzon?!” Damian exclaimed.

“Yep.” I quickly replied.

He was speechless.

“Y-you’re impossible!” he shouted but his tone seemed different from before.

“What? I can’t be impossible. I exist. It should be ‘you’re improbable’, right?” I corrected him.

He was speechless again but he was in deep thought while staring at me. I looked back at Sheila and Mr. Gabriel and she has already stood up though the pants that she’s wearing is still soaked.

“Need a new pair?” I asked nicely.

“P-please I-if you have a s-spare…” Mr. Gabriel replied.

“No. I want Sheila to answer.” I replied.

Sheila glared at me and she’s biting her lip really hard due to her anger. However, she still replied although reluctantly, “I need a pair. Give me one. Now.”

I sighed and said, “Old people these days, no respect for the young ones… can’t even hear the word ‘please’.”

Her breathing started to get faster but she bit her tongue while still glaring at me, “P-please.”

“Please what?” I replied.

“Could you p-please let me borrow a spare pair of pants.” she said while slightly trembling.

“That’s good enough. Guys! Could you please give this squirter- I mean Sheila here a spare pair of pants? She’s already shaking here a bit!” I shouted behind me.

Oscar loses it and he started to laugh uncontrollably. Sheila on the other hand is furious but she has no choice on the matter. Me looking at her with a grin makes her angrier each passing second. She finally got her change of clothes and she changed inside their SUV. Damian took the moment to speak to me again.

“Alright, I would like to see what your plans are and you could have control over my land but the people at my place will take a bit more convincing since they have also paid for their houses and you already know the situation at my place. It’s a really complicated dynamic.” he said after a deep sigh.

“I know. That caste system bullshit that’s occurring at your place needs to be stopped or else the people you all deem that are lower than you will eventually snap and fight back when they realize that there is no such thing and you’re all equal. It’s only a matter of time, I promise you. Add to that what you told me that has happened at your front gate. Can I see it first?” I replied.

“So, you’re going to help us?” he asked.

“We’ll see first if I could still lend a hand. You have to help me help you too, you know?” I replied.

“We’ll still dispose of the psychos who did that if we ever meet them and it’s just a bonus that we could also get Woodlands as an extra reward. It’s just lucky that they revealed themselves sooner. I could capture one or two of them and make them spill everything they know.” I thought to myself.

They rode their vehicle while we rode the Raptor with my usual crew. I made a short glance on Oscar’s covered SUV first that is parked at the same spot since the beginning before we head to their place. The Raptor which we’re using now is different since a few quirks are added to it. It now has the bullbars replaced with the same thing that is in front of our 8-wheeler and its tires are changed to the tubeless tires aside from the pneumatic ones it had before. A few more things are also installed on the Raptor which are still hidden but we’re also itching to use when the time comes.

Oscar took command of the compound first while we left the place. My uncle gathered some people at the end of the road first to start building a small pier and bringing the boats there as well.

We finally reached the place and the display outside their front gate is really something else.

It’s not just heads that are on display as they said. Well, most of them are heads but the correct term for some of it would be effigies. There’s a small mountain of different heads in one corner and there’re several wooden pikes on the ground that has three or four heads in each pike though there’re also a few dismembered arms and legs on the mix. Some of the heads are still alive since it is placed on the topmost part and the pike doesn’t seem to have pierced its brain yet. The flooring’s original color is stained by the mess of blood that has either splattered or dripped from the ones hung above and the smell they’re emanating is horrible.

The largest one on the middle I could say is a f.u.c.k.i.e.d-up piece of artwork though.

Several chopped up arms are stuck to each other by spikes to form hands that looks like it was a huge hand clasped together praying. It was a huge statue made of flesh and each ‘finger’ is probably made up of a couple dozens of hands just to get the dimensions correctly proportioned. Near the ‘pinky’ of the huge effigy are several heads that looks like the parts of a rosary. Their foreheads and cheeks are carved with different messages.


“Join us so your sins would be forgiven”


“We are chosen”



“Embrace the Father”

“Refuse or you will be smitten”

Their teeth are still clacking since they’re still alive and still moving their jaws.

“The ones who did this is definitely one with the group we saw get decimated on the People’s Park.” I said.

“Why would they make something like this? This could be on r/cursedimages or something!” Jared chimed.

I looked at Damian and said, “Order EVERYONE from your group to take care of this. Stab the heads first and make them pile everything in a corner to be burned, no excuses. You have a lot of work to do.”

“Now, let’s see who’ll follow and who wouldn’t.” I thought to myself.


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