Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 201

Chapter 201: 201

When everyone finally got their turn, we did the drills again for two more times. I would point out some of their inconsistencies when they’re performing the actions I instructed them to do. However, some of them would discover by themselves the mistakes that they are making and they require little to no assistance.

“Remember, consistency is key. I mean consistency by getting the same results from different actions. We’re here practicing with the best conditions possible. Outside, we can’t always say for sure that we would be in the perfect stance, grip, or anything related in how we could perform the best we can. We’d practice more in the future but I encourage you to dry-fire when we’re not doing runs outside. I want you all to get consistent shots or groupings whether we’re shooting from afar or near, fast or slow, and moving or on a static position.” I explained.

“You’re forgetting something very important kid.” Oscar chimed.

“I agree. You’re really forgetting something really important.” Kaley added.

“Hmm? Did I?” I tilted my head.

“You forgot to show off like you always do in lessons bro. C’mon! I know you’re itching to do it!” Jared said, excitedly.

“Oh. Hah! Okay! Now that you’ve mentioned it.” I replied as Jared held the timer for me.

Everyone started to gather around me as I took my stance and I took a deep breath.

“Let me show you all consistency. Hope I could pull it off.” I thought to myself.



“.50 seconds.” Jared said, smiling.

I smiled as well but he got confused as to why.



“.50… .50 seconds…” he trailed.

The people behind me are starting to murmur since my time is abysmal compared to our faster shooters. I’m just smiling inwardly and never said anything. I took a glance at Kaley and she seemed to be trying to figure out on what I am up to.

“Not gonna press it? I’m waiting.” I muttered.

“Oh, ah- wait.” Jared said after looking at the timer.



“…” he was silent.

“Time?” I asked innocently.

“You f.u.c.k.i.n.g psycho!” Jared exclaimed as he almost threw the timer at me.

“What? What did I do?!” I tried to act innocent.

“What’s that f.u.c.k.i.n.g time?” Oscar commented.

Jared was shaking his head then he threw the timer to Oscar.

It also said .50 seconds.

“You f.u.c.k.i.n.g kid, when did you get this-” I cut him off.

“Time?” I still asked innocently.


“Oh. Nice coincidence.” I replied innocently but my devilish smile revealed my thoughts.

I looked at everybody and they looked like I started talking about spotting bigfoot.

“Show off.” Kaley said, shaking her head in amus.e.m.e.nt.

“Heh. Need to set an example, don’t I?” I replied.

They seem to have forgotten that there are more drills next from what I did but I stopped to save a bit more bullets. I think the message was properly delivered.

“Rather let the bullets get used by them for practice than me. I think my blade is still sharp for the moment.” I thought to myself.

It took us a couple of hours for the lesson and we cleaned up by picking the casings on the ground and placing them in a bucket. I was carrying it back with a smile while Kaley and I slowly made our way back by simply walking.

“Why are you all smiles now?” Kaley nudged me.

“Because of this!” I replied while shaking the bucket full of casings.

“Oh! You’re gonna handload them now?” she asked.

“Yeah, we still have a bit of time. I’ll get Rin for us to work on a few. She’s getting faster on working and she almost got everything down. A few more times we do this, I’ll let her do it on her own in the future. Unc and Anthony could cast the lead ingots for me and I could make the projectiles myself. Guess I’ll teach her how to do those too.” I said.

We passed by the court where the barn is located and I saw the kids crowding over one of the cows that Derek is feeding. We just waved at them while Kenny tried to ride one. We walked past them as we two finally reached the compound. I called Rin over while Kaley decided to assist us.

We started on sorting the casings first from the bucket I brought over and from the other ones that are located in the workshop. It’s several hundred pieces and we mechanically worked on them. Rin has now the same pistol which is an FN Five Seven that Tatiana is using and it is placed neatly on her own holster. She could use it properly but it’s only up to the basic standards.

Rin is teaching Kaley on how to remove the primers with the press while I’m placing the casings on the tumblers.

I could feel a bit of tension.

I’m not sure how or why I’m feeling it but I’m sure, that it’s coming from Rin. Kaley is a tad uncomfortable while Rin patiently teaches her how to operate the press but instead of getting in the middle of things, my instincts told me to back away, for now.

“I thought they already talked to her? Is she still mad and just hiding it? I know Kaley could feel the tension too judging from her expression but why is she not doing anything? Wait, or it could be something else entirely and I’m just starting to overthink things again? Why did I even agree for us to drink at that time? Worst idea ever. Hmm? The casings over there are slightly off-set, that could be the reason why Rin is emanating some sort of invisible aura. Well, she could’ve fixed that easily but she’s still looking menacing! What is it Sky?! What’s wrong with them?! *sigh* how I wish I could read everything from a 3rd person view… if only that was possible… Well, I’ll let them deal with that for now. I’m reloading the ammo as some sort of therapy anyway. It would ruin the experience if I try to think about that stuff.” I thought to myself.

My mind is getting rejuvenated each time I finish a bullet perfectly. I had a peaceful look in my face while I place them on their holders. I’m having the time of my life while I didn’t mind what the two were doing.

“Where do I need to place the ones needed to be cleaned?” I heard a voice.

“Hmm? Just place them over there, then- Hmm? When did you get here?” I saw Tatiana was the one carrying several handfuls of 5.7 casings.

“Me? I was here two hours ago. You didn’t notice me, correct?” she replied smiling while she headed for the tumbling area.

Tatiana also seemed to be in distress as I glanced at her earlier and her faint expression is like what Kaley is showing me even now.

“She’s still mad, I could feel it. I’m right the first time. Should I talk to her? What would I even say? Hmm, I think Kaley and Tatiana know what she’s feeling already and they should talk to her again. I’m not really good at this type of thing.” I thought to myself.

We eventually finished reloading our ammo and we lollygagged for a few minutes before the broadcast aired.

Ever since the electricity from this island group went out, one of the only other way the other people could still hear the broadcasts if they don’t have what we have is through their radios that are powered by batteries. Hearing the voice of the president is a beacon of hope for some people to not despair in our times.

However, when I was seeing the broadcast that aired just now, my expression changed.

Not only me, Ken and Kris immediately noticed and their heads snapped to my direction. I didn’t know if Tatiana looked at me when it we saw the feed since she’s behind me but what I did is I just looked at Kris and Ken with a serious look.

Jared also tapped me with his phone and showed me a message from Ana. It says:

[You’re seeing it, right?]

“Yeah, loud and clear.” I replied.

The people from the compound also knew the presence of ‘Ana71’ and some of them would sometimes try to talk to her to get her to join to our place. She would always reply with ‘Maybe.’ or ‘We’ll see.’ but it didn’t dim the hopes of some of my people that she’d actually join us especially Ken.

“What do you mean loud and clear?” Kaley asked when she saw my expression.

“Look very~ carefully at the broadcast. Notice anything?” I asked back.


“What? Why?”

“What’s wrong with it?”

“Quiet for a bit, I can’t hear it properly.”


“It’s still the same broadcast, right?”

“Are there new people?”

“I don’t know what to look for.”

The rest of our people started to inspect everything else they could and almost no one noticed what’s wrong.

“That’s well-made.” Tatiana said.

“You noticed too?” I asked.

“Yeah, even when his hands would overlap on his face,” Ken added.

“Who did the voice though?” Kris asked.

“Not sure.” Ken replied.

“Our problems suddenly increased by one. A huge f.u.c.k.i.n.g one.” I added.

“Correct. That is a huge problem. Most of my team are in there.” she said.

“Wait. What’s wrong? Someone tell me!” Oscar exclaimed as everyone else is looking at us four.

I took a very deep sigh and I said:

“That is a deepfake.” I replied with a serious expression.


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