Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 195

Chapter 195: 195

They were all looking at me like I said something really weird.

“What? You think our bullets are unlimited? We have a f.u.c.k ton but we still need to be stingy! Go on, let’s pick everything up!” I defended myself.

They were all shaking their heads as they started to pick a few from which are close to them and it took us a bit of time in doing so.

“You know, I think we spend more time before or after an encounter with them rather than the actual encounter itself.” Kaley said next to me.

“Well yeah, before we dive in, we make sure that everything is ready and after we dive in, we make sure we accounted for everything. Gunfights, swordfights and any other fights lasts less time than we think.” I replied.

I called Jared over so we could drive the drones over the gates toward the school and the apartment building. It started to hover over the small pile of dead bodies that our group killed near the gate by simply poking them.

The school was something that also teaches religious beliefs to their students and it is rather a small one compared to regular school sizes. They have very few students and it is only a single floor. We could already see a few roaming around the place. Aside from the small offices that are the guidance office and the faculty areas, this place does not seem to have a lot of supplies of huge value to be taken. It would just be beneficial for us to clear the ones inside for obvious reasons.

The apartment on the other hand houses different kinds of people and it has four floors in total and ten rooms each. Driving the drones over, several rooms have already broken into and some windows are smashed to pieces. The dead are roaming each floor however, a few rooms have their windows barricaded by wood planks but I doubt people are still alive inside.

“It’s unlikely but I doubt they would simply hole inside without even trying to kill the dead just walking outside their doors. Besides, they would be like cats if they could stay quiet for that long without the dead starting to bang against their door. Well, unlikely but still possible. We just have to be careful going inside.” I thought to myself.

Jared tried to make some of the dead went over the rails by attracting them with the noise of the drone. Some of them still has their motor skills available and a few actually tried to vault over but would then plunge to their deaths as they fall from the highest floor.

“Motor skills present but still stupid.” I thought to myself.

Kaley and I poked a few more heads near the gate since we attracted a few since they’re the easiest targets ever. The trucks went back home accompanied by some of our people and we’re waiting for the 8-wheeler to come back before we head inside. Marvin started to help us with his spear that is just a wooden rod with a sharpened end.

“Know how to use staffs or spears in real life?” I asked him.

“Not really, using this just feels really natural for me. Besides, I just don’t want them too close so I use a long weapon like this.” he replied.

“Hmm, just be careful with that though. It’s hard wood but it still prone to breaking. I really hope we get to have the spears that has the tang that reaches the whole length of the spear. Some spears only have a spear head that they attach to a pole but the ones I would like to have are the former ones.” I said.

“Not gonna let you use the Guan Dao though, that’s a weapon I don’t casually give out until you’ve proven yourself capable.” I thought to myself.

The truck finally came back and my uncle backed it into the right passage while a few people there stood guard. Oscar came with us while Jared still guarded the truck with my uncle.

We opened the gate and I drew my katana after reloading my pistols. I sunk the katana to each of the heads of the pile first before proceeding while the rest dragged them down on the side after. We walked on a gravel road as we first went for the school.

Since this place is quite small, most of the group are guarding outside to avoid bumping into each other inside. We cleared each room but it was made easy since the windows for each room is enough for stabbing them in the head. We’d aim for their eyes for easier entry and we don’t need to push it through their skulls to kill them. Just sinking an adequate portion of it inside their head is enough for them to truly die.

It seemed that some of the students when it hit was locked inside some of the rooms since there are padlocks on some of the doors. There are still several people outside the rooms wearing civilian clothing but the locked rooms just make you think that something f.u.c.k.i.e.d-up has occurred here.

“Did they lock them inside?” Kaley asked.

“I think so too.” Marvin replied.

I was silent.

We eventually cleared every room and what’s left is the guidance office. Our theory got proven immediately when we opened the doors and checked each desk.

We found a note inside that says:

“I’m really sorry to do this but I know the one up above will forgive me. He always do. Help will soon come. This is the end of the world as we know it. Help will come. Help will come.”

I checked the desk and I found out that the principal here did it based on the similar handwriting on some of the files inside.

“This f.u.c.ker. He didn’t even give them the chance to survive on their own. He basically sealed their fate when he did this.” I said.

The group with me has solemn expressions but the name of the principal seemed familiar.

I pulled out my Sat Phone and contacted the CO of the DDR camp here.

“Sir?” the voice said.

“If a person there is named Arturo C. Manalo kill him. He actually…” I told him what he did and what he looked like. He was silent for a moment and I could hear a few pages turning.

“We’ll check sir if he’s still here.” he replied.

The group never said anything and they seemed to share the same sentiment.

“There’s no chance in hell that I would let those kinds of people live.” I thought to myself.

We eventually cleared the whole school and aside from a few school supplies and their records, we actually found a couple boxes of food from their small canteen. It’s only snacks and juice boxes but it’s a good find. We also took other electrical devices from the place such as their computers, projectors, LED Screens, and etc. along with the mobile phones and a few handhelds that are located in a box where they confiscate them and on a few student’s bags.

The apartment was the same thing and we never even had to use our guns. The bodies we cleared are just thrown over the edge to be taken care of while Oscar tried to start scavenge the vehicles parked on their driveway. We found the keys from the bodies and the three sedans here is in good working condition. It could be either used as another vehicle for transport or for extra parts when the need arises.

The food that is left here is abysmal but there are a couple of good finds like first aid kits, sewing kits, and a telescope. We took all the clothes we could find along with several towels and blankets we could get our hands to. We also found an autographed sneaker on one of the shelves and they started on bartering with it and Brian won. We found no guns in the apartment, even from the small guardhouse that is located on the entrance but several handhelds that could be used as a weapon like machetes, bats, and sledgehammers are found in some of the rooms that are barricaded. Like I thought before the people there either left the place or just died inside.

“Alright, load everything in the truck!” I said as I sprayed the markings from before on the entrances.

“We’re going to Milan now, right?” Jared asked.

“Yeah…” I trailed when I looked upwards.

“Bro?” Jared asked.

“Hmm? Oh, I just had an idea. Follow me and grab the ladder.” I replied.

“Where are you guys going?” Kaley followed me.

“Up the roof of the warehouse. Come too.” I said.

I could see the small windows from the second floor of the warehouse and we made our way towards it. I pulled out the duct tape from my pack to quietly break the glass windows. I only broke a small portion of it to reach the handle on the other side so that I could open it more fully.

I could already see several shelves that has several boxes of different items on the 1st and the 2nd floor. There’re a few pallets on one corner also filled with supplies but those things roaming around is still present on the 1st floor. However, I can’t seem to find any figures on the 2nd floor. There is a small office at the rightmost corner and the sunlight could still shine through it. I even shone my flashlight on it to get a better view of things. We can’t seem to see anything from this angle so we drove the drones inside.



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