Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 171

Chapter 171: 171

After that sentence, everyone seemed to have solemn expressions.

“Strength could be in any form and it’s the advantages that we use in life to get ahead from someone we may or may not know consciously or subconsciously. It sucks but it’s the truth.” I said.

It was quiet for a while until Oscar barked orders for the trainees to move into action. Tatiana did the same and I finally started on my daily workout.

I can hear Oscar’s orders even from the sound coming out from the speakers when I turned it on.


“Oh boy. I remember him liking that animation very much and now he’s starting to mix them up in his training for them.” I thought to myself.

I was jogging on the treadmill while I notice that Tatiana approached Oscar. She said something to her and he sneered in confidence. A few moments later the trainees are wearing protective gear and they are all sparring with each other. In their case, only the ladies sparred with each other while the guys on Oscar’s group continued on with the training. However, Oscar got interested in watching the fights so he let the guys be on the planking position. Each second passing and I could almost feel the pain that they’re feeling on their cores. The other guys have started on shaking their arms while a few droplets of sweat would fall in the mat. Oscar has a timer on his hand and he would make them rest after a minute of doing it for a short time.

Since they were just sparring, the hits are not at full power and it was more to show the group on Tatiana’s side what it feels like being in combat with a soldier that has done training. I was just watching from the side and Tatiana’s group is obviously at the losing side until Kaley stood up.

“Well she’s the only one who had actual combat experience from the group Tatiana is training. Let’s see what she’ll do.” I thought to myself.

Kaley tied her hair up while Ashley stood up. Kaley is much taller than Ashley by at least half a head and that is an advantage for most fights.

“Wanna do it for real?” Kaley asked.

“Sure, I would prefer that too.” Ashley replied.

The two were checking each other first then Kaley made the first move. She motioned for a high kick but it later morphed to a low kick after twisting her knee.


It hit Ashley’s leg while her hands are still up. Kaley followed by a jab aimed at her chin but Ashley guarded against it.

“I could still see her shoulder move a bit that could allow the person in front to perceive a jab.” I thought to myself.

Ashley was on the defensive the whole time Kaley was throwing jabs towards her. She would either make the jab go through a head slip or she would parry with her open palms.

“She’s waiting. I hope Kaley could watch out for baits like last time.” I thought to myself.

At the last moment, Kaley threw a straight at her and Ashley responded with her own. Ashley was fast on her counter but she didn’t notice that Kaley is in a much lower position than her now.

A punch was thrown but it hit air.

I could clearly saw Kaley’s movements from where I’m at but the move she performed is hard to be seen if you’re up close and personal. It’s called a ‘Ura Do Mawashi Kaiten Geri’ or a ‘Falling Back Heel Kick’. This kick is dangerous when it connects since the whole weight of the attacker is put behind it. Good thing everyone that participated wore headgear. But still…


The kick resounded and Ashley fell to the mat. If she wasn’t wearing head protection, she would be knocked out cold by now. Add to that she’s trained her body since she’s in the army before and that could provide a bit of resilience.

Nevertheless, she can’t stand up for a while and Oscar took a look at her. Kaley looked at me briefly and I motioned for a clap with no sound. I continued on my workout while I went on down to do my other tasks.

I took a quick shower on the 2nd floor and when I finished, Zeus is waiting for me while wagging his tail.

“Hey Zeus, sorry I’ve been to busy to play with you. Let’s head to my room now while I play a movie for you.” I said.

“Woof!” he replied and he followed behind me.

He was glued to the TV while I started to work on Roi’s message once more.

“Okay, time to figure out this f.u.c.k.i.n.g password.” I thought to myself as I cracked my knuckles and neck.

I brought out all the papers once more and I started to decipher on what’s left that has no meaning yet. Without the key, it would take a lot of time to figure it out if you’ll just go randomly. However, we have found a way in how he makes it. I doubt that he would do different things for every little code here and if all of it matches with different ways of figuring it out. It would be too godly.

“Okay, old tech, old keypads and what we only got from this is his Sat Phone Number. Remembering from what he said, he’s looking for the ‘password’ somewhere around this jumbled piece of mess. Well, one way to make it harder is to do this, him being paranoid adds to that. He maybe thought someone else could get their hands on this PZP and find him.” I thought to myself.

Sounds of the pen being pushed down, rustling of papers, taps on the keyboard and the TV playing a movie is all you could hear in my room. Zeus would sometimes bark when he likes the scene that is happening but I let him do it even if it almost disturbs me.

“Been a while since he watched that.” I thought to myself.

Kaley even went down and finished their training and she took a towel from the cabinet to take a shower and she went back after a while and she’s now watching the movie with Zeus.

Every time she tries to speak, Zeus would growl and snarl almost telling her to stop talking.

“Zeus, that’s rude. You’ve seen that film a thousand and seventy-three times already. You already know what’s gonna happen.” I looked back and Zeus whined.

“I’m sorry Zeus.” I heard Kaley whispering to him and she approached me on the table.

“What’s the progress? Getting close?” she whispered softly.

“Yeah, what I know now is…” I told her what I found before and she’s looking at the numbers below.

“So… this could either be letters or number that could mean a password of some sort that only the two of you know?” she asked.

“Only ‘he’ knows. He could’ve left at least a key to start on. I’ve been going on random directions to find some semblance to a word or something close.” I corrected her.

“Hmm, you’re both nerds, could it be a simple phrase from what you’re both into back then?” she asked.

“Like what? Open Sesame? Sudo open? Multipass? If I tried everything, it would take a few days since he hangs up the call when I say the wrong password. I don’t know why he’s messing with me since he knows I’ll think about it when I sleep. Good thing you went to the rescue and we did ‘something’ to get my mind off it. I wouldn’t stop doing this if I hadn’t solved it yet.” I replied.

“Well… I’ll sleep in a few minutes. If you haven’t solved it by then, grab some coffee since you would be staying all night.” she trailed after chuckling.

“Shit.” I said out loud.

She laughed once more as she put on more comfortable clothes. She’s now under the blankets hugging Zeus as they watched the film together.

I made my mind rev up a bit and now I’m making blocks for each thing that might have it. I went back to the last thing I’ve solved and looked for more patterns. It’s the same ‘IOR’ in the beginning but if you reverse it, it wouldn’t make much sense…

“Reverse it…” I thought to myself.

“Wait, if the password is a phrase, I shouldn’t be looking for numbers like the last time. If I look at it the other way, I may need to get to this other block and it would say this instead.” I wrote down on a piece of paper the new thing that might work and it says this:

44339991104440260443377733028069990666966022886655337770844280444022666884 4481


25557777666110444026077772333 3304433777330266303666066 666809666777 7779991


699904333044477770944484406330266309330222666885553055544488833044337773303336667770203 33222 23 331


2288 8110444055533 333806999066886223377704446608443307999971


88663 33777 777782663084428044404428330555277743304777666887 77771


777332555 5559990844666884 4411044404466673309996668808666 6665502555 555066633308443304263377771


4666 6663055588222550666 66099966688026630999666887770755526677771


3388833777999844 44466404433777330444777704666 66630266308442655777703336667770844 4446655444664066633306331



“Now time to f.u.c.k.i.n.g solve this shit. A lot is at stake.” I thought to myself.


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