Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 161

Chapter 161: 161

“I’m Marvin. They are…” The guy who first spoke said as he introduced them one by one.

The muscular guy is Brian, the tall one is Carlo, the bald one is Martin, the first female who spoke was Ashley and the last female who spoke Marjorie. The rest that are left are Max, Pete, Angelina, Cyrus, Ranier, and Sheryl.

“Okay, I know the twelve of you are having the worst of times here so just treat me as your savior. I have a place where I’ll take you to follow what I say. This old man here will train you vigorously for the coming days and expect it to be hell. But there’s a catch, if you can beat me now you can stay there and do whatever the f.u.c.k you want. Wanna have a go?” I said, smiling.

“Oh boy.” Oscar said but he’s smiling.

“Anything huh? I’ll have a go.” The tall guy said as he steps forward.

“First to yield?” I said.

“Sure, superstar.” He replied as he took his stance.

I drew my pistol nonchalantly and fired a shot near his feet.


“WHAT THE F.U.C.K?! WHY ARE YOU USING A GUN?!” he shouted.

I fired another shot. It’s much closer than before.


I’m slowly raising the muzzle of my pistol while the few next to him disappeared from his side.

“I YIELD! I YIELD!” he shouted.

“Okay, next one?” I said innocently as I picked up the casings.

“…” everyone else.

“Rule number whatever, don’t bring your fists to a gun fight.” I said innocently again.

“I thought we’d be using our hands!” he exclaimed.

“Oh. You should have said so.” I replied innocently again.

“Oscar…” Kaley trailed.

“Nope. There’s no stopping that kid now. See those eyes? They’re gleaming again. It’s like a kid first time visiting an amus.e.m.e.nt park. Let’s just stay still and watch him.” Oscar said.

“Okay then, just hands.” I replied as I took off my gear and handed them to Kaley.

“Here.” I said.

“Hold back a bit.” Kaley said.

The tall guy names Carlo heard what Kaley said and his expression hardened like Chris when I give him an advantage. His sneer plastered across his face before is gone and he’s now giving me a serious one but his breathing is different. His chest now is moving up and down much faster than normal.

“He’s mad now.” I thought to myself.

He once again clenched his fists though much harder and slowly approached me. I could feel him wanting to lunge but he’s containing his anger somewhat. When I was in his range, he threw a quick jab but I struck it with a straight with power.


Our fists collided and he winced the sound it produced made the others watching grimace for a bit. I saw him clenching his right fist hard and he threw a straight as he soldiers through the pain from our fists colliding with full force.


It hit air as I moved to his right side. His right arm is still stretched so I threw a right hook in his abdomen as I closed in.


“Grck!” he winced again but he tried to elbow me as he pulls his right arm back. It’s about to hit my temple but I followed its movement and jumped around while I catch his arm performing an armbar in mid-air.

We both fell to the ground due to my weight pulling him down as he tries to resist getting his arm stretched fully.

“Three seconds and I’ll snap it if you don’t yield.” I coldly said as I slowly bend it.

His expression changed from my remark. He first thought I was bluffing but then I started to apply more pressure and I could feel his bones about to give out. I muttered, “Suit yourself and stay here with a broken arm.” and he immediately tapped my arm several times.

“In this day to avoid persecution, I’ll need verbal confirmation.” I said nonchalantly.

“F.U.C.K! I YIELD! LET GO OF ME!” he shouted as I let go immediately.

He’s lying in the ground panting while he clutches both of his arms. Oscar approached him and checked him.

“Is it broken?” he asked as Oscar was checking him.

“Nah, you’re still good. No permanent damage but it will be sore. Pro tip, don’t fight the kid when his eyes are gleaming like that.” Oscar said to Carlo.

He just nodded as he sat upright. The soldiers watching us has started on recording though a few missed the opportunity since the fight was too quick. A few of them has their phones out now while a few of the evacuees here started to crowd the small entrance to see us more clearly.

“Okay, anyone want to try as well? That barely counts as a spar.” I smiled at the rest but I’m looking at the guy that is well-built which is named Brian.

“Why is this guy part of this squad they’re giving out? They’re actually giving him away?” I thought to myself.

He just walked forward with a serious expression.

“You’re strong.” He said.

“You look strong as well, strength isn’t everything though. Do you know a few tricks or you’ve just been fighting chumps all this time? I bet you haven’t had a real fight yet.” I tried to provoke him but he smirked. The rest of the group is having weird expressions.

“Now I’m interested.” I thought to myself.

Different from the first guy, he lunged at me with a right hook. I tilted my head backwards but he suddenly pushed his elbow forwards to try to nick my nose.


I faced his elbow with my forehead and the look he’s giving me tells me that he’s hurting when he pulled his right arm back.

“Seen that move a million times with street brawlers. A dirty player eh? That’s why they’re giving him away, I think. Well, if that is how you want to play, don’t blame me when I use it against you. Wait, doing that will make him think dirty tricks trumps everything. I’ll show him something that hurts. People always remember that.” I thought to myself.

He’s looking a bit wary now but I feel that his earlier sneak attack didn’t work, so, he’s looking for another opening. That’s the weakness of sneak attacks though, when the first one fails, it all crumbles if you’re not experienced to follow up.

“Guard.” I said coldly.


I opened my left hand and tried to impede his vision with it. When his eyes looked at my left hand… right palm to the throat.

“Gotcha.” I thought to myself.

“Grck!” he choked.


My left palm continued for a huge painful slap on the right side of his face.

*woosh* *thud*

Right kick to his left knee.

His body folded in an angle then I jumped with my left knee that is in a form of a kick.

“Let me did what Kaley tried.” I thought to myself.

He tried to guard with his right hand but that knee was a feint. It was just a jumping motion for my right kick. My left knee lowered as my left hand flew upward and my right hand flew downward so my right kick could fly to his temple at an angle. The hand motion is just for twisting my body to apply more force.


I landed at the same time as he falls to the ground sideways unconscious.

“Damn.” one of the soldiers watching muttered.

Oscar immediately approached Brian for any signs of injury.

“Kid, do you want soldiers to be at our camp or vegetables?! Damn, good thing I always bring my stuff.” Oscar said as he carried that guy to the side as he tried to check him. After a moment he’s shaking his head in amus.e.m.e.nt as he looks at Brian. Oscar let him sniff something and he finally woke up.

“What h-happened?” he asked.

“You got knocked the f.u.c.k out is what happened. Good thing you have a thick head, there’s no sign of a concussion. I could use your skull to act as a nutcracker.” Oscar said.

“I won’t damage our soldiers permanently but we need to check for quality. Two down, ten to go.” I thought to myself.

“Anyone else?” I asked the group that are left.

The guy I was talking to earlier named Marvin walked up but he said, “I’d like to try but only for the purpose of testing you. I would only like to see how much I’d fare to a professional.”

“He’s clearly much more different than the rest. In what way though? He’s in the file but there’s something off on the way he moves.”

“Are you really a soldier? You don’t move like one.” I asked.

“Hmm? I am.” he was confused.

“Well this guy I think is their leader or something. Let’s not make it quick this time and figure him out.” I said to myself.

He takes a stance and I’m the one who moved closer.

“Let’s probe.” I thought to myself as I inched closer and closer.


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