Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 154

Chapter 154: 154

“Why are you smiling? Found something?” Kaley asked.

“None.” I replied but my head is nodding.

I placed my index finger towards my lips to shush them then I started to pocket that PZP. Kaley and Earnest gave a look of realization and then I tasked them to collect all the tech here and a few albums from this place to hide the fact that I took the most valuable things here just in case they wonder why I only took the PZP.

Aside from that, I also took his silverware, containers, blankets, pillows, clothes, and other valuable items that could fit the space from the Raptor that Roi would also use.

“This motherf.u.c.ker, I can’t believe you would make it hard to find you. Good thing I insisted to enter your place. I could probably reach you in a few days once I studied what you’ve left.” I thought to myself.

Andy, one of the leaders there saw us already coming back and took a glance at what we took. He made an almost unnoticeable smirk though I was smiling inwardly. I discovered that Juan gave his revolver to Kris since Kris was alone in his car while we five are equipped for war in the Raptor. The gate opened for us and then we drove outside. They didn’t try anything funny and we were let outside without any incident.

“We’ll head home now. We found nothing; I just hope that he’s safe wherever he went. It was a gamble for those resources but I need to know, sorry.” I told the group as we started to head home. I made my voice be heard by the people guarding the gate just to be sure that they don’t get too curious. I’m not sure yet why Roi left that place but we’ll soon find out when we reach him in the future.

And when we’re a few blocks away; Kaley broke the silence to feed her growing curiosity.

“Sky! What did you find?! Tell me!” she exclaimed.

I handed her the PZP and she grew more confused. Instead of asking more, she started to fiddle with it and she gives a mix of understanding and confusion.

“What does this mean?” she finally asked.

“It’s code.” I replied.

“I know it’s code! What does it say?” she replied.

“I don’t know yet but he’s definitely alive.” I replied.

“Really?! How is the save files code though? Wait… I think I’m seeing a pattern.” she said.

“It’s all in the save files. The way ‘Take Ken VI’ is different from ‘Take Ken V’ is how the save files are arranged. The V Version saves everything in a single file while the VI Version has different saves for each character so that on the case of data corruption, the records for each character will be saved and only the corrupted one will be destroyed. He made a simple code for their initials, wins, loses, draws and combat percentages thought I don’t know what to look for yet. He’s probably giving me the address to where he went but I haven’t decoded everything yet. It would take a few minutes but the sun is about to set, I don’t want us heading home with a lot of people in the dark. It would be very hard to contain a situation if I can’t see everything.” I explained.

“Isn’t that too easy to decode then?” Tatiana chimed.

“Well, yes, but actually no. The easy thing is decoding it, the hard part is knowing what to decode. Who even owns a PZP now? I still have mine at home but most people would just use the switch or their own phones. He remembers what we used to play back then and banked on the fact that I would remember it and notice it. To a regular person who don’t know our past would just pass it off as a normal save file but the records clearly left me a message. We used to play this thing for hours on end and the battle for each character would easily reach a thousand. What’s left there are single digits and all of those are made in the same day, the time when I sent the first email to everybody. He clearly prepared something and that is reason enough.” I explained.

I tried to drive a bit faster and I drove mainly on the highway since it’s a straight shot towards home. We eventually reached the compound and we parked outside. The trucks are now empty of its contents and the dump truck is now at the 3rd road while the truck carrying the back hoe and the steamroller is parked at the open court.

The vehicles following us parked at the side of the compound for now and they got off their vehicles.

“Took you long guys, it’s almost the broadcast. They’ve cleared the 3rd road of the dead and they’ve hauled most of the garbage on the dump truck. The back hoe was used once though since it can’t go through the bridges. They’re in the pool area now taking a break waiting for the broadcast.” Allan said.

“Thanks. These are…” I replied as I introduced everyone that came with us.

“Oh! I’m Allan! This is Jenny my girlfriend and Aubrey our friend as well.” he replied and then he noticed that Juan was with us.

“Juan? Holy shit bro! Jenny! It’s Juan!” Allan exclaimed.

“Oh shit! It’s really you!” Jenny was ecstatic as well.

“Hey guys! Glad to see that you’re all doing fine.” he replied.

“How many are you guys?” Earl asked.

“Heh, a LOT. Let’s head inside, you’ll meet everybody there.” I replied as I motioned for us to go to the pool area.

Raphael was happy beyond words seeing old friends and the friendly bickering started between all of us old friends. He asked about Roi and I told him the story and what I found.

“Any ideas where he might have gone?” I asked him.

“Hmm, he could definitely be anywhere. That’s for sure, it’s always ‘location, location, location’ with that guy.” Raphael replied.

They started on trading stories as I walked up to Oscar.

“Hey kid. I made a small trip again to the DDR Camp. I announced that we will be taking a few people off their hands and they agreed. There is a good mix of people and some of them are cadets in the military here that hasn’t finished their training yet. Some of the other people there seems to know you and the camps have refugees that have knowledge in the medical field. They are also being let go if we’re willing to take them and some are actually wanting to come here immediately but I told them I’ll wait for you first.'” Oscar said.

“Really? They’re willing to let them go?” I asked.

“Yeah. They already have the best ones at the hospital though a few are being brought outside the place by the helicopters that would occasionally fly in. What we don’t know is where they are taking them.” Oscar replied.

“Hmm, but we’ll have to make sure that they’re real medical experts. I don’t want one pretending to be one. That would cause a lot of problems if we get a quack. I guess we’ll have to interview them first before we take them. Yeah, one more thing…” I trailed and I called Ken over as well.

“What is it dude?” Ken asked.

“You f.u.c.kers actually made a video of me and spread it to the camps! What the f.u.c.k?!” I exclaimed.

“…” Ken.

“…” Oscar.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!!!” The both of them.

I was shaking my head in annoyance but Ken said, “But was it good though?”

“That’s not the point!” I exclaimed.

“C’mon kid! We decided to make that so people would have someone to look up to and for some entertainment! Doing that not only established our connection with the camps, it also gave you a bit of street cred!” Oscar defended their actions.

“You know I don’t like the spotlight old man!” I exclaimed.

“Really now? Who’s always showing off his skills?” Kaley interjected.

“F.u.c.k.” I thought to myself.

“She got you good kid.” Oscar said.

“…” I was speechless for a few moments.

“Anyway, the broadcast is about to start. Let’s head to my house first to watch it.” I said after giving up.

The broadcast is very different today. Aside from the updates that they did in every broadcast, what we witnessed is several executions.

There are several people getting executed after telling their crimes against the country. The president would sometimes do the honors and kill the one on the stand before throwing them in the pile where some of the bodies are.

“See this here? This motherf.u.c.ker tried to escape this city with a few people with our supplies and weapons heading to who knows where! Any sons of bitches that would get caught will suffer the same fate! The world is in chaos now and you want to f.u.c.k.i.n.g add to it?! I don’t have any use of you if you try to screw with me! I need everyone helping me solve this thing and not add to the problems I’m currently facing! F.u.c.k.i.n.g sons of bitches!” the president exclaimed while executing a decorated soldier that has gone AWOL but caught.

“Rather have a few loyal ones than a group where you always have to keep another eye open.” I thought to myself.

After the broadcast was over, Tatiana approached me.

“Want me to teach a class now? It’s dangerous to shoot guns in the dark now but I have a few things that I could show them without shooting guns. A few tips here and there for a good foundation in the future.” she said.

“I was planning to take a break for the classes now since we did a lot today but if you can still teach a class then go ahead. It doesn’t have to be about guns but it’s up to you. I’ll start on cooking the meal I promised you guys.” I said.

“Dude, what about my equipment that you said you’ll replace?” Kris also approached me.


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