Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 149

Chapter 149: 149

I grabbed my radio and relayed to everyone.

Project Infinite Loop.

The plan was to head inside and close the gate immediately so we could slowly thin the numbers from the inside. The group became worried of the other people that we’re with but I told them that we would make noise first away from the gate so that we could lure everything in a line to go around the whole compound. The three vehicles that they’re at will park near the gate while the vehicle that we’re driving will do the luring process after we make a small perimeter for them to stay put. I left a radio just in case of some that might wander on their side or any emergency.

The sound will be from the horn and we make a loop around the compound until they are all dead. We would be driving in a safe pace so we could dispatch them with melee weapons since we’ll immediately run out of bullets if we use our guns. It will take a bit of time but time is all we have right now. Juan will be driving the Raptor while Kaley and Jared will be in the back as backup. Tatiana and I will be on the road at the ready as we’re the two to mainly kill them.

A space on the back of the truck is reserved for us two in case the zombies going after us gets clumped. The road is wide enough for other zombies to come from the side so we’ll ride the truck for a while until they’re in a line again and we continue to drive around the compound. It’s a continuous looping process until the job is done. Earnest even gave me my pistol back since he’s worried for accidents on our end and they will just be in the cars staying put. The other guys wanted to help but it’s very dangerous for people who haven’t gone out yet to perform this operation. Even Juan is just the designated driver.

“Have you tried this yet?” Juan asked.

“Nope. First time.” I replied.

“The f.u.c.k?! And you think this would work?!” he exclaimed.

“Trust us, yeah? I’ll trust your driving too.” I replied.

“Oh god, oh god. I’m nervous as f.u.c.k!” he shouted.

I drew my katana and stood at the ready. We’re still outside the compound and we went in after I killed the few in the immediate vicinity. I stretched and limbered up since this will be a long afternoon.

The vehicles went inside and Kaley acted as cover while Tatiana and I closed the gates. It took us less than a minute to close and lock it while the vehicles are already parked and the engine turned off.


One guy lost his hairline and another lost half his face. Black blood splattered on the side while Juan started to make noise. Kaley and Jared are on the roof of the Raptor while we jumped to the back.

“Be careful guys!” Earnest exclaimed.

I made a small salute and Juan started to mow down on a few while he kept on using the horn.

Several heads pointed to our direction from the noise it made and they started on walking and running towards us.

“Just keep that pace Juan. Go slower when we reach that corner and honk again.” I instructed.

Several dozen are now following us and they are a mix of people though they all belong to one category now. There are also several coming from the other houses trying to get to us though they would stumble to reach us. I looked at where the Raptor is heading and that is a good place to start at. Kaley is looking at the back while Jared at the front. When I tapped Tatiana, we both jumped down and started a massacre.

One slash from the temple to the other temple.

A chop to the head.

A thrust to an eye.

A block and a stab.

Three consecutive slashes to remove both hands and the head last.

Parry with the scabbard and then a diagonal slash from below. Blood would follow the direction the katana did and a body would hit the road. Its body would slightly impede the one in front of it since most of them can’t make an extended step to avoid the one in front of them.

I immediately killed six and Tatiana killed five. There’s a few coming from the side to join the small herd so we rode the Raptor again and Juan drove a bit faster after honking a few times to get their attention towards us.

On the tail side of the herd, I saw a single zombie making a beeline towards us pushing everyone apart but as soon as Kaley saw it…


It didn’t even get to the halfway mark and it got lost on the herd as it fell when a shot on it ‘s head appeared. A regular one with a construction hat even got killed since the bullet pushed through. The crowd of zombies is a huge obstacle for the sprinter to plow through since he went for the part where most of them are gathered. We jumped down again on a straight road and not on the corners since there would be a lot of blindspots.

The figure closest to me is in gradeschool and she’s even wearing the uniform. A part of her cheek is missing and dried blood is sticking to her uniform and there’s a few sputters in her neck and she’s still carrying a lunch box.


I didn’t even hesitate.

“You’re already dead and I don’t even know you.” I thought to myself.

It fell down and a middle-aged zombie got tripped by it but I flicked my hand holding the katana to slice a part of its head off before it completely fell down. It was followed by a figure wearing a security guard uniform and I killed it as well as it tried to approach me by a stab from his neck going up. I kicked one off the ground and sunk my blade to the one on Tatiana’s blindside.

Tatiana is taking more careful attacks since the machete that she’s holding is much shorter and she has nothing to parry the other attacks towards her like my scabbard. She would occasionally use her pistol on rare occasions and that is understandable.

We are slowly thinning them out but there are still several coming from the other houses that we are passing through. It replenishes the ones that we killed though we’re still far from the halfway mark to make a complete loop towards the whole compound. They are all in a line but a few that are too far would start to wander off. To avoid that, Kaley would tap on the roof so Juan would honk again.

The sound of the motor, blades going through bodies and the zombie’s growing is the only thing you’d hear aside from the occasional gunshot. I thought it would stay like that for a while but I heard a very welcome tune.


“Oh boy.” I thought to myself as I smiled.

“Now that is some good f.u.c.k.i.n.g music.” Juan said as he tapped the door a few times.

I got so pumped up and I took a look at Kaley when we were trying to reset the position.

“W-what are you staring at?” Kaley got embarrassed since I’m looking at her intently.

I moved closer to her face and I placed my hand on it.

She was taken aback but I handed her my scabbard.

I pulled my wakizashi off of her and I jumped down.

She immediately realized that I wasn’t gonna do anything to her and she pouted.

I smirked as I turned around. Katana on my right and the wakizashi to my left.

The music is ringing in my ears and my head is bopping to it unconsciously. I made a long exhale and I smiled.

If a zombie could shudder, it would.

I have the glint in my eye and I took the first step.






My slashes are getting faster and deadlier as I go on. I notice Tatiana on the side watching out for my blindspots so I continued on mowing through them. The bodies I piled up doubled in number since the scabbard I’m parrying with before is now a wakizashi that could also kill them even if the reach is much shorter. My head would occasionally itch but I pulled through since I’m in the zone once more.

Cross Slash.

Double Horizontal Slash.


I sliced a part of a head after stabbing it with my wakizashi and I made a diagonal slash that took a part of a guy’s head off that bisected a body of an old lady after. Kaley made sure to shoot it in the head and I maneuvered diagonally to avoid stepping over the bodies.

Project Infinite Loop is different now since I’m the one going around them instead. The more fitting term now is Project Meat Grinder since the Raptor is now stationary and I’m starting to move towards them instead of them moving towards us. Tatiana started on revolving around the Raptor since a few are starting to approach it since it’s not moving anymore. I thought they would stop me but they didn’t. The light in my eye brightened and I held the katana and wakizashi even tighter as I smiled.

“It’s been too long since I’ve done this.” I thought to myself.


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