Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 142

Chapter 142: 142

I just drove mostly in a zigzag pattern to avoid a few zombies on the road while Jared sniped a few with his gun if the turn would be too tight if we avoid them. Kaley tried to shoot a few from the back but her accuracy is sharply reduced since we are in a moving vehicle.

“Just anticipate. You’ll get it eventually. Try using my Tavor, it could help since it would be closer to your body aside from that AR.” I said from the front.

She took it as she laid the AR-15 on the side. She mostly got uncomfortable of the length first and how the magazine is at the back but aiming it from inside a vehicle proved that it is much easier.



She finally downs a few when I slightly slowed down and now she’s in turmoil.

“You like that now?” I asked.

She started to grumble as everyone laughs.

“This feels great but I still would like to stick with the AR-15.” she replied.

“Sure. Just tell me if you want to switch weapons.” I replied.

“Tatiana, why aren’t you using an AK or something?” Jared asked.

“Hmm? I just feel more comfortable with using shotguns, why?” she asked.

“Well, you’re Russian, right?” he asked innocently as I shook my head.

“Then why aren’t you using a GA MSSR that our country made then? You kept sticking to that M70.” I asked back.

“Oh, you’re right, you’re right. I apologize.” he said.

“I like AKs too though.” Tatiana replied.




“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” we all laughed hysterically.

We passed a few barangays on the way and we’re already on the outskirts of the Bulacan Area. We’re gonna pass by Bancal and Banga before we reach the hospital so I just kept an eye out for potential places to loot later.

We reached a place where there are the places I mentioned before. I took a left turn and I saw the other DDR Camp we’re talking about. It took us almost an hour to reach the place.

It was a huge place with two entrances next to each other and heavily guarded. The two entrances are covered by barricades and it forms a semi-circle around that makes it a single entrance. A couple of sandbags are laid on the floor with a mounted gun on top of it. I’m noticing a small glint from a scope is atop the fast food area and all of the soldiers there are looking at us when I stopped the vehicle in front.

A soldier wearing full combat gear stepped in front of the small stage he’s at and waved us over. I moved a bit forward and stopped in front of the guy.

I opened the door and stepped outside.

All of them are eyeing our gear and he spoke.

“This is the Meycauayan DDR Camp. You look different from the usual rabble here that comes and go, I’m guessing you’re looking for someone. Am I right?” the man in front of me said.

He’s in a standard flat-top cut, dark skin, close to 6-foot tall and he’s carrying an M16 but the muzzle is pointed down.

I made a proper salute first and said, “Sky Ishiyama, Us-Phil-Japan-Russia Special Unit. Who am I talking to? State your name and rank soldier.” I said nonchalantly but with a bit of a commanding tone.

His eyes widened for a bit but he returned my salute. He started to look at the people I’m with but he has a bit of a mixed expression.

“Well, the people I’m with don’t generally look like soldiers.” I thought to myself.

“Captain Rico Dela Rosa. Commanding Officer of this camp, we’ve heard of you from the Malanday Camp and it appears you’re looking for people. I’ll fetch the manifest for this place sir. If you could please wait a moment.” He replied and signaled to one of his soldiers.

“This is easier than I thought. What did Oscar tell the president?” I asked myself.

“Mr. Ishiyama…” Rico trailed.

“Hmm? What is it?” I asked.

“C-can I get a picture with you? I-if that is okay?” He fidgets.

“What?” I was now confused.

“Woah there! Cap! Include us as well! Mr. Ishiyama, I’m Private Benjamin, huge fan!” another soldier walked up to me.

“Now what is going on?” Jared walked to us and asked.

“You don’t know? The camps are required to always drive everyday to the 2 camps closest to them and trade reports.” Benjamin said.

“Oh, you have a protocol like that? Why don’t you guys just radio in?” Jared asked.

“What’s required is to have a clear road on the way to each camp so that the way to each camp is manageable to be driven through. We used to just stay here at first but a protocol was set in after a call from the President.” Benjamin replied.

“But why am I famous now?” I asked.

“Really? You don’t know? A guy here from almost a week ago came here with his GF and a few others and all he talked about was you.” He said.

“Juan?” I thought to myself.

“We first didn’t believe him but a few days ago, the Malanday Camp came to this place. They brought footage from a run from the same exact place the guy was talking about. They said it was from an old army dude from the US that belongs to a special unit.” He added.

“Was it the footage of me going to the Supermarket?” I asked.

“Yeah! Look!” he replied as he took out his phone.

“No need, I’ve al- oh boy.” I said at first… then I saw the footage.

*cinematic music*

*deep voiceover*

*The Dude – Sandystorm plays in the background*

The same video played but its edited to make it look more exciting. Jared’s jaw dropped and when Kaley and Tatiana went down the truck, they were shaking their heads in amus.e.m.e.nt. The video ended while the soldiers have excited faces while I was facepalming and the three losing their shit. They were holding their stomachs and in a fetal position trying to contain their laughter.

“This is definitely Ken and Oscar’s doing. I became an action star without me knowing. We have a lot to talk about when we get home.” I thought to myself.

“This gives me chills everytime I watch it! It’s the best source of entertainment since we just guard here all day.” Rico said.

“Entertainment huh? I guess I have a lot of those to trade in the future.” I thought to myself.

A few moments later, a group of normal civilians came in with a vehicle and has several supplies in the back. They’re carrying melee weapons and they have solemn expressions but one of them is showing anger. They parked the vehicle to the side and each of them carried a box from the back and they started on walking towards another checkpoint.

They looked at us while a soldier checked their bodies first. Their temperature was checked by a medical staff and when everything was clear, they were let in.

“They lost someone.” Rico said but without a hint of emotion.

“Are you letting the civilians get food on their own?” I asked directly.

“Yeah. We already started on rationing everybody but it is still not enough for some of them. Some people who came in didn’t even come back when we started on rationing them. I have to keep my soldiers fed or we wouldn’t have the strength to guard this place. I can only prioritize the food to us soldiers first and the doctors. Some patients that are far off we… resorted to other means. We can’t help everybody and we need to keep the supply up. If we tried, there will be chaos. We can only do what we can to maintain some sort of order.” he replied.

“At least he got a good head on his shoulders. Saving everybody at this point will make you crumble from the inside if you don’t have a steady food supply. It’s harsh but some people would really need to die for others to have a chance. This is just the reality of their situation here. We’re just a bit more forgiving back home.” I thought to myself.

Jared and Kaley have solemn expressions when they heard what Rico said. They would usually disagree with what is happening to everyone but this time they finally understood fully.

I just nodded and I said, “Can we take a look inside first to see if the people we’re looking for is here?”

“We have a file here; do you want to check it too?” he asked.

“I know they have a manifest like the one in our camp but we haven’t seen the situation inside yet. I want to see for myself the place inside.” I thought to myself.

“Yeah, that could help too but I can’t remember the real names of some of the people I want to see here. We just call each other by nicknames.” I lied just to get inside.

“Oh, that’s fine but can we first?” He raised his phone first and I agreed to his earlier request to take a picture.

We were led inside but Jared and Tatiana decided to guard outside with our vehicle.

“We won’t be long.” I said as we went inside.


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