Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 137

Chapter 137: 137

“Can you take a look at this? Bing asked me to tattoo him this and he said it meant ‘Bravery’ is it right?” she showed me a photo of Bing’s bicep that has a kanji symbol tattooed in.

“Let me see… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” I laughed maniacally when I saw the symbol.

“Oh no, is it wrong?” Daisy was worried.

“What does it say?! Tell us!” Anthony was excited.

“Well… HAHAHAHA!!! Damn, I can’t stop laughing it is bravery if you think about it.” I cackled one more time.

“What does it say?” Daisy asked.

“Banana… HAHAHAHAHA!!!” I managed to squeeze the right translation but I immediately busted out laughing again.

“PFFT!!!” The three laughed hysterically when they learned what it meant.

“Oh god no, please tell me you’re kidding!” Daisy exclaimed, trying to contain her laughter.

“That is bravery alright.” Anthony said.

“He’s a minion now.” Johnny said.

“Hah! You know that film?” I asked, surprised.

“I have grandchildren, what do you think plays over and over my house?” he replied with a smile.

“The shark song is always playing at my house too.” Anthony said.

We continued on talking for a while until the sun rises up and the blue sky is clearly seen. Some of the kids that are awake called us over for breakfast.

It’s just supposed to be a simple day.

“Where’s James?” I asked.

“Hm? Yeah, haven’t seen her with Susan yet. Even Ellen was not here yet.” My aunt said.

“Russel! Go to their room and tell them it’s time to eat. Aya is already eating, knock hard because Mrs. Susan is a little low on the hearing side.” Zeidrick said.

“Okay pops.” He replied.

“Pops? Heh.” I thought to myself.

I grabbed my plate and took three pieces of the dried fish that’s prepared. I took two spoonfuls of the chopped tomatoes and salted eggs mixed together. I sat next to Kaley while his dad would always grumble.

It’s just supposed to be a simple f.u.c.k.i.n.g day.



The plates being held by some of the people crashed on the floor and I immediately rushed to where the gunshot is.

“Sky!” Kaley shouted behind me.

I ran to the first house where they were staying in and I only saw Russel on the floor holding his gun. He’s trembling and his eyes are bloodshot, tears are flowing in his eyes.

He looked up in front of him and he shook his head. He grimaced and he lifts up his gun.

*BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *click*







Russel looked at me with pleading eyes and I looked inside.

“F.U.C.K!” I shouted in my head.

I saw a small figure completely standing still with bullet holes in his torso, arm, legs and chest where blood flows out. He’s just looking at the both of us and one of his pupils is staring up at me while the other at Russel.


Russel let go of his gun and he covered his head with both of his arms.

“He became one…” I thought to myself.

I gritted my teeth after looking at Russel one more time and I pulled my gun out.


Clean shot between the eyes and it fell down. I holstered my gun and then I crouched next to him.

“Hey.” I said.

“…” he’s not responding.

I picked up his pistol and tried to give it to him but he’s not moving an inch. I checked his body for any injury but there seems to be none.

“This was the first time he shot it at a real target, and someone he knows.” I thought to myself.

I’m hearing footsteps behind me and I looked back.

“What happened kid?!” Oscar shouted.

“Don’t know yet. We need to check the bodies first. Is Uncle Zeidrick here? Have someone call hi-” I said but he was already here.

“I’m here. What happened, you okay?” Zeidrick came before I finished my sentence.

He crouched to Russel while Oscar went inside the room of Susan, James and Ellen.

I stood up and went inside the room.

“You good with Russel unc?” I asked.

“Yeah, he seems fine. There’s no bites or anything.” He replied.

Johnny walked inside as well and he scanned the surroundings. He went inside and saw the two of us examining the bodies.

“Who turned?” he asked.

“Ellen.” I said.

Oscar was silent the whole time but he keeps on checking the bodies.

“Did she die in her sleep?” Johnny asked.

“How old is she kid?” Oscar finally asked.

“72.” I replied.

“Shit.” He replied.

He removed his hat and he gave a long sigh.

“Kid, if someth-” I cut him off.

“You’re gonna live to be a 100 old man. Don’t give me that look.” I said.

“…” Johnny.

“Just saying.” Oscar said.

“I know. We talked about that before. Don’t kick the bucket yet. We’d live through this.” I replied.

“How can she turn if she’s not bitten?” Johnny asked.

“Remember the first presidential broadcast?” I said.

“Yeah? I think so. He mentioned to stay away from cem- oh.” He stopped.

“Whatever this thing is I think we all have it. It’s just lying dormant waiting for a trigger.” I said.

“The virus?!” he said.

“Yeah.” I said.

“Why don’t we all turn immediately then?” he said.

“Like I said, it’s dormant. I could be wrong though; this is just a theory. This might have already spread everywhere long before we discovered it.” I said.

“You mean we’re all just ticking time bombs?!” he exclaimed.

“No, if that’s the case everyone here should have turned already regardless of age. I think it just kicks in when someone dies of any cause or get infected the normal way.” Oscar said.

“How does the bites and scratches matter then? Even if you die normally, you still turn?” he asked.

“Hmmm, I think since the biter or the scratcher is already dead or infected, it already has the virus active inside it now. By biting and scratching, heck, even by other means it gets its bits or fluids to us, it wakes the virus inside of us, making it active and that makes us turn. The first one we encountered at the airport has blood gushing from his neck from a bite and he’s holding it with his hand. When he went out, he squeezed the guard’s hand so hard and it broke, making some of the bone jut out. The blood in his hands must’ve transferred some of the active ones to the guard when it happened.” I said.

“That sounds about right.” Oscar nodded pensively.

“What do we do now?” Johnny said.

“We’ll burn them as always. It sounds harsh but we’re not sure if we let them decompose in the soil naturally.” I said.

I walked outside the room and Tatiana is guarding the door not letting anyone in.

“Make them finish eating first if they could before we take the bodies outside. Johnny, diffuse the situation outside first and we’ll cover them for now.” I said.

Oscar pulled the blanket they were using in the bed and I helped by lining the three of the bodies together. We two were silently working the whole time since my uncle guided Russel outside after. We decided that we will burn each blanket and sheet that they’ve used that is stained with their blood or haven’t washed yet and we would clean this room thoroughly after. I highly doubt anyone would use this room immediately and I think morale will drop considerably because of what happened.

Russel’s pistol is still with me and he didn’t even bother to take it back.

“I’m gonna need to have a deep talk with Russel later. He’s very outgoing but he’s very emotional deep down. I shouldn’t even be saying it this time but it’s good he pulled the trigger. Most would just freeze up and get bitten. At least he has heart and he’s ready… I hope.” I thought to myself.

We closed the door of their room inside for now and Oscar’s expression is still the same from before as we’re standing outside the small hallway.

“This is another thing I need to worry about. Wait, can Mrs. Marisha have a talk with them instead? I think she might do a better job than me.” I thought to myself.

“We leave them here for now. Wanna head out kid?” Oscar said.

“Yeah, we should at least tell everyone what happened after we eat.” I said.

“Really? I think it’s best to tell them what happened is the same with the Luna family. This is a different thing and I don’t want old people to get weird looks here.” he said.

“No, we tell them the truth. I tried stretching out a lie before, when it was discovered, the feeling is much worse than telling them the truth outright. Besides, we can’t just gamble on the fact that this wouldn’t happen another time.” I replied.

“Hmm, that makes sense, I agree. Kid… don’t interrupt me now for I want to say something serious.” he faced me before we reached the door.

“I’ll repeat what we talked about before. If anything happens to me, I want you to be the one to do it. No questions asked. We make it quick and we move on. We don’t need to have a fancy ceremony or anything. I just want you to remember me and tell my daughter if you had the chance. You know where everything I own is and where some of the hidden ones are. I will trust you on that.” he said seriously.

“Of course. The same thing with me. You know what to do old man. But I want to add something.” I said.

“Hmm?” his eyebrows perked up.

“Kaley.” I replied.


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