Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 121

Chapter 121: 121

“What?! You’re going there now?!” she exclaimed.

“Yeah. We need to take care of those kinds of people at the earliest. It will be a problem if they grow later on.” I replied.

“I’m going with you.” she said.

“No. You stay here with Tatiana.” I said coldly.

“B-but why?!” her breathing is starting to get ragged from anger.

“You’re not ready.” I replied.

“I’ve already k-” she was about to say something I already know but I interrupted her.

“Killed one? You think that’s what it takes?! I-”

“Kid. Just take her.” I heard from behind.

I looked back and saw Oscar, Tatiana and Jared.

“We’re going too.” Tatiana and Jared said.

“Damn it.” I said to myself.

“Once you’ve done it, you’ve already crossed the line.” Oscar said.

“Line?” Kaley asked.

“The line that determines whether you’re still human or a monster like us.” I said.

“…” Kaley.

“I think Kaley’s stronger than you in that aspect kid. Had to talk with Jared earlier but she’s doing fine. Matthew was not speaking at all when we got here and just kept to their room while his wife talks to him.” Oscar said.

I made a long sigh and I looked at Kaley.

“Fine. This wouldn’t be like the last time though. We’re not going there guns blazing either. We’ll see the situation inside first.” I said.

“We’re not gonna take care of them? They are bad guys, correct?” Tatiana said.

“We will. But I don’t want us open firing at each other in that place. Well, we don’t even know their situation on guns. There’s more ways to take care of them.” I said.

“What would we do then?” Kaley asked.

“Scout first and make the move quietly. This is one of the reasons I don’t want to bring a lot of people. I alone am enough.” I said.

“Wait. We’re just gonna go there after what we’ve done?” Jared asked.

“Remember we took care of the bodies before? They’ll be wary of new people but I think they wouldn’t care as much.” I said.

“Why is that?” he asked.

“The kid that they killed. I’m thinking that they have no special relationship with that kid. They killed him like it’s nothing. They may be on a merit system where you’re viewed differently when you contribute something unlike what we have where we share everything.” I said.

“Merit system?” Kaley asked.

“Remember what they’re talking about at the academy? A promise was established that if guns were found, something we don’t know is given to the kid or something. But if not, he’ll be killed which they did. That’s what we’ll know when we get there, we ‘negotiate’. Which is something I’m great at.” I explained.

“What’s the plan kid? Other than heading there?” Oscar asked.

“For starters, wear dark clothing. We’ll scout them from the South Supermarket. It’s a few blocks away but we’ll change the scopes of our guns. We’ll also place the Salvo on your shotguns to reduce our noise to the minimum. We’ll confirm their numbers first before we go in. If they’re too many inside, change of plans. Though I doubt they’ll be a lot of them considering the way they dispose of people that easily. Let’s meet on the Raptor after we get ready. This is the first time we go out when it’s night. I hate doing this but this gives us the advantage over them.” I said.

The three left while Kaley and I were once alone in my room.

“…” Kaley.

“I’m sorry. I just don’t want you to do this kind of thing.” I said.

“I know. I just wish you could rely on me more.” she said while taking off her top.

“I don’t know how you could cope with it that well. It was a different case from my first kill… well, kills. I used to have nightmares since I could remember their faces when I sleep. I would go to the bathroom to wash my hands thoroughly even though there’s no more blood in them. I used to do that every night for months.” I said while I change my clothes as well.

“I’m not too sure either. My body just told me to pull the trigger. I remembered what you said to me when we’re at the fishing area. To do something despicable for something good. That’s what I was thinking back then.” she said.

“Hmm, it took me a while to get to what you’re at now. That time, I still feel guilty from killing those people.” I replied.

“Guilt huh? I never felt that when I did it. What about you earlier?” Kaley said.

“Once I got over from last time, this time I felt nothing. Doing that was justified. Even if we didn’t know if the kid that they killed was an actual good guy. The kid could be getting something horrible in exchange if they got guns. We’re not really sure but the people he’s with were not exactly the people I’d invite here. Just ready your acting face when we make contact.” I said.

“Like in the airport?” she said, smiling.

“Yeah. Like that time.” I replied.

We headed down after I placed something to my pack and the three are already there. The loadout is as follows.

Sky Ishiyama – Main: IWI Tavor, Secondary: 2 Glock 19s, Melee: Katana

Kaley Payan – Main: AR-15, Secondary: CZ P-09, Melee: Wakizashi

Oscar Goodman – Main: Remington 870, Secondary: Sig P320, Melee: Machete

Jared Pano – Main: Winchester M70, Secondary: Glock 19, Melee: Cavalry Sword/ Trench Knife

Tatiana Smirnov – Main: Benelli M4, Secondary: FN Five Seven, Melee: Fire Axe/ Combat Knife

I brought a few more items and everything is placed on my pack with the bottle.

“Left the revolver eh?” Jared said to Oscar.

“Well we’re going a bit silent, right?” he said.

“Why didn’t you bring the SPAS-12?” Jared asked.

“It would take too long to attach the suppressor for it. I just took this 870 since the choker for the Salvo is already inside so I could just place the suppressor here. However, it looks bigger.” he replied.

Most of the people are inside their houses except for the people watching the catwalk and a few in the pool area. Johnny, Allan and Arnel are watching the catwalk and they let us through without any questions but they have solemn expressions.

We went inside the Raptor and I drove in the highway. I would just drive to side to avoid a few that are roaming aimlessly in the highway though I’ll ram a few when I wouldn’t be able to avoid them. However, when we reached Malinta, I drove inside one of the backroads towards our destination.

“Why are we taking this road kid?” Oscar asked.

“I’m still burning in my mind other places to take stuff in. Besides we could spot other places here that could have other people. Some places here still have their lights on.” I replied.

After a few minutes of driving, we reached PLV from the other way near PLDT. We drove a bit forwards and took the next right. I turned the lights off and started to drive outside the highway. The People’s Park is across the street and it still has a few hundred of them there. I made a left turn and then another left to enter the South Supermarket. There’re a couple zombies in the vicinity and I could see the light coming out from Arca Yard from this place.

“They’re really there huh?” I said to myself.

I parked the Raptor at the door we went into before and I said, “Melee only yeah? We don’t want them to see muzzle flashes from this side. Same reason I turned the lights off. We can make due of the lights coming from this Supermarket since we didn’t turn the main switch off before.”

They drew their weapons and got ready. I went out and killed one immediately. We only killed a few and I immediately opened the door I came from before. I kept the keys from Juan whom I met when I went here to rescue Allan and it seems that no one has still gone to this place yet.

“Lock it again and barricade it with something. Let’s search this area first before we go up. This is only a single floor and the stairs there leads to the roof. No one seems to be here but we always need to check for any surprises.” I said.

I went for the small shop that sells food items first. The others split up and started on clearing the aisles. The place has no one inside thankfully and I started heading towards the rooftop. The rest followed me then I looked through my scope.

I adjusted the magnification until I could clearly see the place where the people we’ve encountered before are staying. The rest did the same and they have varying expressions. Oscar used his binoculars and started to scan around as well.


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