Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 116

Chapter 116: 116

I made one final double-check on the place to see if we’ve missed everything then I saw Jared trying to place the cavalry sword on his back.

“Don’t place it there.” I said.

“Hmm? Why?” he asked.

“Try drawing it from that angle then.” I replied.

The cavalry sword is a bit shorter than my katana but it’s still a full-length sword. It is protruding from his right back since it is hung diagonally. He then tried to draw it from his back.


He got past the halfway mark but when it is just about to reach the last quarter, he tilted his body on the opposite side to unsheathe it fully.

“Hahaha! You’re always gonna draw it like that then? I don’t place it in my h.i.p.s just for looks or anything. This is really where you should place your sword for drawing them. Placing them in your back could work for a knife or something shorter but placing them to a place where you could quickly draw them is key. Ever watched Courageheart?” I said.

“Yeah! That’s a good film!” he replied.

“Did you know that they would just angle it where you can’t see that huge-ass sword being drawn or being placed back? We could only draw a weapon from our back as long as our arm is longer than the weapon. How can he draw that sword if it’s obviously longer than even my katana? Besides, that would get tangled with your M70 if you slung them both at your back.” I explained.

He then nodded and then made a pensive expression and he finally tied it to his hip as well. He tried drawing it for a few times and he scratched his head while smiling at me.

“This is really like Post’s song.” he said.

“What is that now?” Matthew asked.

“Hehe, better now.” he replied.

“Pfft! I’m definitely stealing that. Holy shit that was good!” I replied while laughing.

“Bah! I don’t get it! F.u.c.k.i.n.g millennials.” he said while shaking his head.

“Ok boomer.” Jared retorted while smiling.

“Bah! I wouldn’t care now! Let’s get going!” he shouted as he grumbles.

The rest of us just shook our heads in amus.e.m.e.nt while we headed down. Suddenly, the radio buzzed.


“Kid. A few people just went inside that academy.”


I immediately stopped walking and halted everyone.


“How many?”


Everyone in the group tensed and we looked at everybody with solemn expressions. Matthew has a darker shade compared to everyone.


“Five or more kid. They’re armed civilians. Not sure if they have guns but I think we know their purpose here.”



“Did you guys go back near the fire station?”



“Yeah, they came from the other side. You know what to do kid.”





The call ended.

I exhaled and then I looked at everybody looking at me. I glanced at my side and then I had an idea.

“Head there.” I said.

“What are we doing here?! This is f.u.c.k.i.n.g dangerous!” Matthew exclaimed.

“Shh. Be quiet and let me handle it.” I said then I took Jared’s radio.


“Old man. Stay quiet yeah?”


I never heard a reply but I could definitely see our truck from the place where we are currently. I saw him going outside the truck and holding his head with both of his hands.

I shushed everybody and I took a couple items from my bag. I looked at Tatiana and she just nodded. I passed one of them to her and everyone tried to breathe slowly.

We are all crouching down and we all waited silently.

“F.u.c.k! I thought there would be a lot here!” a voice shouted.

“Be quiet you d.i.c.khead! There could be more here! The guys at the yard will be so pissed if came back with nothing.” another voice sounded.

“Quiet? Didn’t you see the mess on the 2nd floor? People have already been here and took everything. We were too late.” the other guy replied.

“Heh, pray that we at least find something. You know what would happen if we don’t.” another voice sounded.

“Hold on now! I just said that we ‘maybe’ could find something from this place! I never said we’ll ‘definitely’ find something!” he exclaimed.

“Just reminding you.” the voice replied.

The sounds we are hearing is slowly getting stronger and I can hear them almost reaching where we are.

They passed us and they continued on.

“Do we head down now?” Kaley whispered.

I shook my head and we continued to wait.

After a few minutes we heard running sounds and then we heard…

“Please! I’m sorry~!” the first voice shouted.


“.357” I said in my head.

“AHHH!!! My leg! My LEG! ARGH!!! F.U.C.K! F.U.C.K! F.U.C.K!” he shouted.


“.38? Two guns?” I said to myself.

“AHHHHHH~! Please~ Just kill me~!” he pleaded. He started to heave and I slowly heard the other’s footsteps approaching.

“You promised, remember? I said I’ll make you beg for your life if we find nothing! And now we’re here! You made me waste three bullets! THREE! Do you even know how much bullets are worth?! Hah! Have another one!” he exclaimed then fired another shot.


The other people they were with were laughing maniacally so I looked at Tatiana and we threw what was in our hands.

*clink* *clink*


“What the f.u.c.k?!” they shouted.

We were crouched under the windows and we’re hiding where a foothold is located. Two persons could fit if they’re close to each other but we’re crouching so we’re in a single file.

As soon as the flashbang detonated, I jumped inside and saw five people clutching either their ears or their eyes and a person holding a 686 revolver is the nearest to me.


No hesitation.

He didn’t even manage to defend himself.

One diagonal slash.

He was standing in one piece but when he fell, he’s already two.

I saw Tatiana coming from the other side sinking her knife on the person holding a baseball bat.


The blade was shining when it came in but when it came out it is red.

The other person holding a Model 19 revolver was about to fire a shot but…


The glass shattered from the window where Matthew is at and with the shards falling down, the person did as well.

*PSSHEW* *bolt slide*

The M70 fired and the person on the ground covering his ears shaking stopped.


The last person with a bloody crowbar fell on its knees first before breathing its last.

I looked behind and checked on the person that they shot. It was a teenager around 17 years old and he died while his eyes were still open. I sighed and sunk my katana to his head.

The rest slowly came from the windows and they looked at the dead bodies. Dong, Mark, Nicole and Jo are wearing solemn expressions while the people who did it has different expressions.

Matthew was looking down on the ground, Jared is breathing a little faster, Tatiana is cleaning the blade of her knife while Kaley is showing anger.

I approached her and nudged her shoulder. She looked at me and her expression softens.

“You okay?” I asked.

“I can’t believe these people would kill a kid over nothing.” she said.

I held her chin and placed her head where she would face me.

Our eyes locked and I said, “I’m not asking about that. Are you okay?”

She just nodded her head a few times and I patted her shoulder a few times.

“Let’s take care of these bodies first.” I said as I threw one over the window.



“W-wait, why?” Kaley asked.

“Remember their conversation? They have more people at the ‘yard’ I surmise it’s the place a few blocks after South Supermarket that is called ‘Arca Yard’ That place is well stocked and a few people probably stays there.” I explained as I threw another one.

“Why did you throw the bodies outside?” Jared asked.

“So that those things outside would cover our tracks. If the people out there started to find them, it would be better for us that they see these people with bitemarks to at least hide what we did.” I said.





“It’s done. Had to do it.”



“I understand. If you’re done there, come back now. Lois is starting to do trick shots. How about the others?”



“They’re fine. No casualties.”


“This thing is something we will do more in the future to those kinds of people. You guys clearly see what they did to that kid. Hope you guys understand that. Don’t even hesitate when the time comes and do what you must. We have people back home waiting for us.” I said as I looked at everyone.

We threw the remaining bodies and I placed the 686 and the Model 19 revolvers in my bag and we headed down.


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