Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 113

Chapter 113: 113

I flipped the switch of the Tavor to automatic and aimed at the area where their heads are located.







The bullets fly off and the ones at the immediate distance fell and slid down a few feet near our feet and some of the rounds manage to go through their heads as I saw a small spray and it luckily hit a few behind. I would hold the trigger for a few moments and let go to not mag dump and to release a few bursts at a time. When the seven fell down, there are several dozen coming out from the same place but I could still hear the sounds of a few sprinters coming.

“Sky! Do we go down? There’s a few more coming!” Kaley exclaimed.

“No, we’re good here. We’re basically camping, it’s almost illegal.” I replied.

“What? What do yo-” she tried to say something but another one came running.


Matthew took care of it and I aimed up while I flipped the switch back to semi-auto. Suddenly, one came after a turn and it carried two zombies on its arms and rushed towards us. Its head is covered by the two’s bodies and it started to gain speed though it’s slower since it’s carrying the weight of three persons while running at full speed.

“Boss?” Mark said as he reloads a slug with a worried expression.

I pushed everyone aside and let it run past us. It tried to slow down but it can’t. When the back of its head is in front of me, I fired a shot towards it and it fell down the rails with the two zombies it’s carrying. The two’s head got crushed when they fell on the ground and then I continued on shooting the ones coming. I quickly switched magazines and aimed at the sprinters having a hard time on the muck of bodies littered on the floor. Their feet would get stuck in the bodies piled on and they can’t get a running start.

It made the encounter much easier compared to dealing with them head-on outside.

“Well, we can’t always pile bodies to make them lose footing. That would be too easy but we found another weakness of them.” I said to myself.

We took care of the few remaining and the bodies fell limp but there is more where they came from. Snarls and dragged footsteps are what you would notice immediately and some of them are moving much more erratic since their bodies are missing a few parts and some have foreign objects stuck on them. The lights slowly flicker from the lamps above and it added to the eeriness of the situation. Blood is sticking on their bodies and it’s very dry and some looks like oil poured over their bodies because of its viscosity.

All of them are wearing their service uniform but it doesn’t matter now. Matthew pumped his shotgun and unloaded a round once again.



One immediately fell so we followed his lead.







Gunshots rang around that hallway and bodies started to pile one after the other adding to the ones already taken care of. When there were a few zombies left, I lowered my gun and I drew my katana once more. Surprisingly, Kaley moved forward as well and took care of one coming towards us. I made quick work of the three in front and the space is just enough for me to make a full swing of the katana.





We just nodded at each other while her dad has a disgruntled expression. Mark was slowly backing away from him since maybe the heat that he was emanating is starting to prickle Mark’s skin. I laughed at the thought in my head and we started to carefully check the rooms one by one. However, each time we pass a body I would sink the blade in their heads just to be sure.

“They’re already dead, right?” Mark asked.

“Yeah, but always double tap. In this number of them piled one after the other we can’t be too sure. One minute your walking fine another moment one is already grabbing your leg chewing a huge chunk of it.” I said as they joined me.

“Can’t you just give a simple explanation? Those things you add gave me goosebumps.” Kaley said as she’s stabbing a few with her wakizashi.


“Heh, well it made you all careful. I think that did the job.” I replied with a faint smile.

We slowly made our way to that corner and what welcomed us is an open area that I think they use as a gym or a sparring area judging from the mats placed underneath the floors and a few equipment on the side of the wall.

“Did they all hole up in here?” Matthew asked.

“Maybe. But they could be all having a lesson here when it all started. They’re all still wearing their uniforms and judging from the blood here that is already dark, it must have happened a few days ago or more.” I replied.

The only thing left to check in this small gym is the showers but we only see a few n.a.k.e.d zombies roaming around. I drew my katana to quickly take care of them and I looked at their bodies.

“What are you looking at?” Kaley asked.

“Look at this one. She was bitten on the neck but the veins that are turning dark are only a few there but almost everything is gathering at her foot. Weird, huh?” I replied.

“But she’s not a sprinter, right? She’s just a regular zombie.” she replied.

“Yeah, you’re right. But we never saw a person getting bit and turning to a sprinter right off the bat. Well, we never really saw people getting bitten anyway but I remember Juan mentioning before that after a vehicle crashed near the People’s Park that a few already rushed towards a few people almost immediately.” I said.

“But the ones that freshly turned could move faster than the ones turned after a few days, right? Like the one in the airport. This could be a different case.” Kaley said.

“Hmmm, I really want to have a scientist on our camp so we could study them. I low-key want to bring the head with us but we should experiment with it in a controlled space not like this one. I want to know a few things like why we have the sprinters and the sentries here and why are there different kinds on other countries. What makes the time on how one turns varies between person to person and such.” I replied.

“How about the teachers in the DDR camps?” Mark chimed.

“No not like that. Real scientists who knows how this thing works. People who actually worked in a lab to study this thing. I’d like to learn a few things from them. Anyway, let’s just take what we could from this place and move to the other rooms.” I said.

There’s a small cabinet here aside from a few training equipment in the corner. We found a couple rolls of fresh bandages, splints, and a few pairs of open finger gloves, knee pads and elbow pads. There’s a few equipment for weightlifting included but I already have those at my place.

We went back and I almost missed one of the zombies wearing a utility belt that has a few items on his person. I found a 1911 and an extra magazine, a handcuff, a wooden baton and a radio. There’s a few more bodies carrying the same loadout so I took my time checking each one.

“You’re really gonna take those?” Matthew asked.

“Is that even a question?” I replied.

“I dunno, taking things from dead people makes me feel bad.” he replied.

“Heh, you’re like Jared when I took the steel-toed boots that Mark is wearing right now. Think of it as a bonus from making their soul or something get peace. We used a couple rounds of ammo so it’s great we get to refill some of it though this is a different caliber from what we used.” I said as I place all of it in my bag,

We started to walk on the other side of the hallway and I picked up the casings and the empty shells that we used and placed them in my bag as well.

“We still got a lot of ammo, right? Why are you picking those up?” Kaley asked.

“Heh, I’m rich but I’m still thrifty. I’m not born with a silver spoon in my mouth you know.” I replied as I continued to do so.

“Oh, let me help you then.” she replied as she picks a few and stores it in her pack.

Matthew and Mark helped as well as we took a few minutes to gather what we used. We headed to the other side of the hallway and then the radio buzzed once more.


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