Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 110

Chapter 110: 110

“I thought we would encounter people outside.” Jo said.

“It’s gonna be a matter of time if people start to run out of food like Jay’s group. It’s the highway here and probably the people looting will be in the backroads for now. When they start to learn their patterns, that will be the time we’ll see more people on this side. Add to that that most of them are inside the camps. Good thing we installed a metal wall in the front of the truck.” I said.

The truck is mowing past the undead since the trouble of bits of flesh going inside the inner workings of the truck is avoided. It’s shaped like a ‘V’ pointed towards the undead so most would be pushed to the side or be crushed underneath. What we’re avoiding is the bits going inside the engine at the front. It’s not all the way down because it might hit the speedbumps in the road but so far, none has come underneath it. What it can’t do is ramming other vehicles like what we did with the armored van since it’s just a truck with an attachment.

The drive was uneventful since we’re mowing everything in front and I just pointed to the graffiti that I saw before.

“Is that some sort of cult then?” Oscar asked.

“Maybe? It could be connected to the mob then?” Kaley asked.

“Definitely, they were the only ones outside causing trouble everywhere they went and I actually saw some of them spraying things on the wall at a hospital at the back roads.” I said.

“Damn. We’re already dealing with these zombies and we have another problem to deal with in the future.” Oscar remarked.

“Ken is flying his drone around our place and I told him to contact me if he noticed any anomaly. Besides, the mob would pass by the DDR camp first.” I said.

“Well, they have more trained soldiers than us, no offense kids.” Oscar remarked as the rest of the group smiled.

“We could prepare for them too. We could slowly start on Project Nuggets or Project Infinite Loop too.” I said.

“Oh! I like the sound of that! I forgot Project Infinite Loop but I definitely want to start Project Nuggets!” Oscar exclaimed while the rest of the group is confused.

“What are these projects and codes I’ve been hearing about lately?” Kaley asked.

“Just a code name for certain things that would take more words to say. We came up with a lot though this old man only remembers the things that he likes.” I said.

“Easy there kid, I don’t have that photosysthesis memory that you have!” he replied.

“Photographic, it’s called photographic. See? Only remembers what he wants. Why am I so special? I’m like a unicorn…” I sarcastically said as the group gave helpless smiles.

I kept track on some of the places that are available for scavenging in the future as we were talking while I asked Kaley and the rest to do the same in case I missed something. We are at Malinta and we made a left turn passing another Mercury Drug but it is already opened. I saw a few items in the shelves but I made a mental note to come there if we started on sweeping the place since some of the medicine there is still unrecognizable by an untrained individual.

“Oh, I remember the pharmacist at the counter who announced what I was buying, is she still alive? I only got her first name from the paper, maybe I could see her in the files from the DDR camp. It might brew trouble from Kaley but she’ll understand since nothing happened and it was just a funny but embarrassing memory.” I said to myself.

We passed by a couple gas stations and as we got closer to PLV, the zombies roaming around got a bump in their numbers.

“Damn. Is this what it’s like when you came to rescue Allan?” Jared said.

“Pretty much the same. No one’s been clearing the place and it is still exactly the way it was but the zombies are a bit bumped up. I think most of them is still in the People’s Park. We should at least thin a few of them out in case what’s making them stay there stop.” I replied.

“That’s right kid, the thing we really don’t want to encounter is a horde.” Oscar said.

“What’s worse is a horde of sprinters.” I said.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy there now. Imagining it give me the shivers.” he replied.

“Hah! But we have a lot of projects for those if they come knocking. I should inform Ken of more of those since he could help us with that.” I said.

“What are your plans then?” Kaley asked.

The two of us just give devilish smiles and the group grew more confused.

“Hah! You’ll see, you’ll see.” I replied.

We made another left turn at the fire station and I could already see the vehicles that I want to take. There’s the mobile clinics on the right and a few firetrucks on the left. Our eyes lit up from this treasure trove. We parked next to the mobile clinics and there are a few dozen zombies around and a few are starting to go towards us.

“Alright, Tatiana, Zardon, Mark, Jo and Dong. The rest, stay put on the truck for now. Let’s make a perimeter around the vehicles so they could check it. Let’s go by twos, Jo on me, Tatiana with Mark and Zardon with Dong. Melee first. Kaley, Jared and Lois ready your rifles and fire on a few that are in a clump so it would be easier for us below. Eyes out for the sprinters or other irregulars yeah?” I said.

“How about us kid?” Oscar asked as he pointed to himself and Matthew.

“Really? I told you countless times before to put a suppressor on your shotguns. We have ear muffs but the things here don’t. The rifles with suppressors give less noise but they still make a lot of noise on an ear without protection. Stay put for now, yeah?” I said as he grumbles.

I drew my katana and the rest I called to go down drew their weapons as well. I led the charge at the right side of the truck while Tatiana and Mark are on the left and Zardon and Dong are on the back. Jared, Lois and Kaley climbed the roof of the truck to get a proper vantage point. I immediately killed one with a downward swing when I jumped below and it was followed by slash from below going to the Northwest direction.

*slice* *shhck*

One was coming from my right and I swung it horizontally.


I looked forward and there are still several remaining on my side.


I heard the 10/22 firing and the one zombie with a huge belly fell down. One was running towards me but I juked and made an abrupt turn as I swing my katana from the back of its head. The katana went cleanly and left at where the eyes were located.

I’m hearing a few commands from Oscar pointing a few blindspots from the others and a couple of shots from Kaley. Jared was the one on the lookout for the sprinters so he always scans his head around the place we’re parked in.

I saw a female student wearing the same uniform as Charlotte before and I kicked it first then I took care of the one beside it wearing casual clothes. I held the katana with both hands and I swung it like a baseball bat horizontally.


The blade passed through that guy easily and it continued to the student since the I made the blade run 270 degrees with a horizontal slash.

On the corner of my eye I can now see my uncle holding the shield sideways to block a few coming towards them while Dong finishes the Job. He would occasionally smash their heads in with the baton but when the zombies he’s blocking grew to two at a time, Lois would fire a shot from above.

I was so in the zone and I kept on piling bodies like they were puppets that got their string cut off. I thought I was moving with Jo in a circular pattern around the truck and I noticed that Jo was not with me. I looked back and I saw him on the truck and when he saw me see him, he just put both of his thumbs up and he said, “Go ahead, I think you don’t need me there.”

“Oh, sorry. Want to kill this one?” I tripped a zombie on the ground and it just tried to get away from me but I cut all its limbs off.

“Here, I prepared it for you! Just stab it in the head.” I said innocently.

“…” everyone else.


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