Code Collector

Chapter 185: Allen vs Sagitarrius

Chapter 185: Allen vs Sagitarrius

'Pet Code: Howl evolved.'

"Howl?!" Allen gasped as his pet dog walk towards him. He then turned to a quarter of the rabbits were gone, meaning Howl ate them all. "So, that's how you evolve, huh? You eat a lot of things."

Howl nodded, grinding its head to Allen. It was now almost taller than Allen even when it was still on all fours. Its appearance also drastically changed from a little puppy to a giant wolf that had an incredibly terrifying aura.

"A Lycan beast?" the woman the arrow gasped as she watched Howl walk in front of Allen. The dog roared, sending a sonic boom that was strong enough to blow the ice off of the trees.

She managed to defend herself by blocking the attack with a shield, but she was shaken to her core, afraid of the beast's capabilities. Howl alone looked like it could take her down, so she was now wary of it more than ever.

"What in the hell is that?" the man on the lake gasped. "Sagittarius, let's retreat for now. If there's a Lycan here, then we don't know what others are helping them."

"Don't stop me, Aquarius," Sagittarius growled. "The existence of the Primordial Snake Bearer is already a threat to us. We can't let him roam around."

"Do what you want to do," Aquarius said. The waves from the lake calmed down and top of the lake slowly returned to being frozen. Aquarius sank under the lake while still sitting on his throne, leaving Sagittarius alone.

"Cowrd!" the woman yelled. She pointed her bow above her and fired an arrow made of energy. The arrow became a giant orb as it reached the skies, sending balls of light down to the ground. "Let me show you how capable I am of killing the Snake before he gets stronger."

"Let's see about that," Allen smirked and leaped on Howl's back. "Come on, boy. Let's go."

Howl roared once before speeding towards Sagittarius. The woman only smirked and waved her hand in the air, the balls of light that fell from her attack earlier formed eggs that were now cracking.

"What are those?" Allen halted as he watched creature hatch from the eggs. These looked like they were a combination of animals. It had body and an arm of a praying mantis while its legs were made of horse's legs. The head and upper body looked like it came from a lion with a tail of a rat.

The beasts grew in size in a span of seconds. From small cat-sized beasts, they were now almost to the size of an Earth lion. There were also ten of them, so Allen made Howl take a step back. It would be too rash to attack so suddenly.

The arms of the beasts were made of metal and they were sharp. One slash from this would cause great pain or even death.

"How will we do this?" Allen asked. He turned to his friends run up to him. "Do you think we can handle this?"

"This looks rather easy," Jeremy said. He spun his spear and smirked. "We'll cover you. You go for the kill."

"A Great Gem," Sagittarius gasped when she saw the jade spear. "But the gems were extinct. "Where did you steal that?"

"It was given to me," Jeremy said. He then looked at Allen, seeing the boy have the same thought as him. 

"Im not going to kill her. We might still get more information from her," Allen said to which his friends agreed on. "If we did manage to get her alive, I want to free her right after. we're not the kind of people who holds people hostages."

"Okay," Jeremy agreed. "Let's go now. I'll cover you."

Gary summoned his sniper rifle and kneeled on the ground to aim. "I have the other five, Jeremy, please take care of the rest. Lethal Burst!"


His bullet went straight through the head of one of the beasts, shocking Sagittarius. "W-What?"

Gary showed his weapon. The sniper rifle was modified. "I figured I would have a go at the Crafting Table earlier. This time, I made this from two separate weapons."

The sniper rifle was mixed with the crystalized diamond sword. No one knew of this except for Gary himself. The sword was now the body of the rifle, mixing its powers with every attack of the gun.

"A-Another Gem?!" Sagittarius growled. "You puny Eartheners never fail to amuse me. You really are filled with surprises."

Sagittarius raised her bow. "Launch the attack! Don't let a single one of them live. Kill everyone. Kill them all!"

The beasts roared before running forward, screeching as they did. 

"They look like maggots," Jeremy chuckled. He spun his spear and leaped, slashing one beast in the middle and splitting its body into two. "One down, four more for me."


Jeremy flinched after he felt the impact of the gun near him. He groaned and saw Gary smiling at him, guilty of what he just did. "I'll get you later."

"Sorry!" Gary yelled, smiling as he fired another bullet.

While his friends kept the minions busy, Allen aimed for Sagittarius. He dropped his Fervent Glaive and replaced it with a weapon that his friends didn't know. He was the one who taught Gary to combine weapons and he figured out that he didn't necessarily need weapons to combine.

He can use Codes.

The boy used his newly mixed Golden Rust weapon. A rapier made from his Grand grade weapon, Black Rust, that he combined along with a few Grand grade skill Codes. This made the weapon evolve and it was now Allen's greatest weapon. This was why he was confident to send the Grand Diamond Code easily. 

<Golden Rust>

Grade: Divine

Damage: 600

Effect/s - (1) Thorned Rust - Active - The user can fire three thorned vines at the target. Each vine shall deal 4% of the total damage per second. When the vines are cut, they will explode and deal 10% damage each.

(2) Black Rust - Passive - When the user inflicts damage using Black Rust, they will instantly inflict the same amount of damage to the same target. This effect has a 20 second-cooldown.

(3) Passive - When the user has dealt 40% of the target's max HP, their damage to the target will increase by 40%. This scales equal with the damage dealt to the target.

(4) ???

(5) ???

The weapon had three unlocked effects. The second and third effects were inherited from its pre-evolved form, Black Rust, while the first one was new. The original weapon did not have any active skill, but this one have and it was powerful.

Black Rust's other passive effects rely on scaling. If he could scale his damage to much higher, he would deal insane amounts of damage. Allen was impressed by this and he wanted to use this as much as he could.

"That's a good weapon you got there," Sagittarius complimented. "Too bad you're going to die before you can use it."

"Thorned Rust!" Allen fired the vines at the woman. She only smirked and countered the vines by shooting three arrows at the same time. Her arrows were powerful and she could even overpower Allen if she wanted.

Allen shook his head and ran straight to the woman. If there was anything he learned about Rangers, it's that they don't have much power when it comes to close ranged combat. They may excel when their enemies are far from them, but if they got close to the enemies, it would be the end for them.

"Hiya!" Allen leaped off of Howl and slashed his sword forward. Sagittarius raised her front legs and kicked Allen on the stomach with one swift yet powerful motion. Allen's eyes widened after he felt himself get blown away and land on a tree. 

The boy coughed as he made contact with the hard tree, his eyes widening in disbelief. "What the hell?"

He landed on the ground with a thud. He felt like his bones broke and was just slowly getting repaired by his regeneration abilities. It was like he got kicked by a thousand horses and get blown away by a couple of miles.

"You think you can deal with me?" Sagittarius approaches Allen. "Your current state has little to no chance of beating someone like me."

"Why do you have to kill me?" Allen asked. "I didn't so anything to you nor your people."

"Your existence is a grave threat to us," Sagittarius said. "You shouldn't exist, but why are you here, alive and thriving?"

"Why shouldn't I exist?" Allen ask. "I just want to overthrow the stupid system of this world."

"That's exactly the reason why," Sagitarrius yelled. "You shouldn't change things. You should let it all be"

Two swords went straight past Sagitarrius's stomach. Allen's eyes widened after saw two familiar faces, the couple he saw before.

"Gemini?!" Sagitarrius growled. "I"

The centaur fell to the ground, blood spilled everywhere.


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